Interview Series: Demo Diamond

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You know, giving podcast. I'm all we bringing to you. And every time we

Blak Makk:

Yo. Yo. Yo. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the no gimmicks podcast here on the DFBN. I am your host, mister Kelvin Kaley, otherwise known as Brad Lucky King, made as Kelvin Kaley.

Blak Makk:

And we are back with our interview series. I love doing these. I love it even more when we get the updates that we get. So when we first interview people and they're climbing the ranks and then they come back on the show and they they've become the conqueror. They've climbed the mountain.

Blak Makk:

They're standing proud on top of the mountain. Today is one of those shows, ladies and gentlemen. We interviewed Demo Diamond months ago when he was promoting his his, match at MPX Destiny. Big event they had at the epic down here in Grand Prairie, Texas. Wonderful event.

Blak Makk:

He walked out of that event a champion, and I was supposed to interview him after that. However, I wasn't able to, but no worries because he is back on the show. Not only is he a champion, he is the company champion. He is the MPX champion, and he's here to talk to us. This is a celebration, ladies and gentlemen.

Blak Makk:

Let's bring him in. Please welcome mister champion. Address him as champion. Give him his flowers. Demo diamond.

Blak Makk:


Demo Diamond:

up, man? Yo.

Blak Makk:

What is up, my guy?

Demo Diamond:

What's up? What's up? What's up?

Blak Makk:

1st and foremost, thank you for your time. 2nd, congratulations.

Demo Diamond:

Appreciate it. Appreciate it. Appreciate it. You know, see, I said that we were gonna do the interview when I became Addicts champion. You know?

Demo Diamond:

You did. We we were going we're gonna run it back. But we have to run it back, and now I'm MPX champion. It it's even better now.

Blak Makk:

I'm the main cheer. Yes. I'm the

Demo Diamond:

main champion.

Blak Makk:

Yes. I felt like I missed out, but now it's like all's well because what meant to be was you coming back as the man. You are indeed the man. They say to be the man, you gotta beat the man, you beat the man. How does that feel, man?

Demo Diamond:

It feels it feels great. I mean, like like we talked you you've watched me since I started at MBX pretty much. Yep. Yep. And to go from, you know, another tag guy with Dylan, love hate relationship right there.

Blak Makk:

Mostly hate. Yeah.

Demo Diamond:

Mostly hate. But, from to go from that to the main man, the the guy that is the face of the company, the figurehead, you know, on this podcast tour because I chose to. You know what I'm saying? But I love it.

Blak Makk:

I love it.

Demo Diamond:

It it's amazing. It's a it's a joy. It's a it's I don't know. It's it's one of those feelings where you feel accomplished, but I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet, obviously.

Blak Makk:

Oh, that's that's interesting you say that because that was gonna be my first question. Do you feel like now that you're on top of the mountain Yeah. Do you feel like do you feel vindicated by the journey, or do you feel like you have more to go? But it seems like

Demo Diamond:

I got more to go for sure. For sure. For sure. Okay. Do

Blak Makk:

you do you already feel the target on your back

Demo Diamond:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

Being champion.

Demo Diamond:

I felt it I felt it after we posted the post. I mean, for example, Adam Green decided to but he he wanted a shot for my MPX championship, but he was just gonna hop the line. Like, he he teamed with Michael Jackson or, Santana Jackson. My bad. My bad.

Blak Makk:

I saw that. I saw that.

Demo Diamond:

Jackson. So if he wants to go play make believe and dress up, that that's his prerogative. I'm fighting for championships, you know, and co main events. You know what I mean?

Blak Makk:

That that's an that's interesting you bring that up too because how does how does that feel now? You were the guy chasing the title. Now that you have the title, what does that feel like knowing everybody is now gunning for you? Because you were the you were the guy and let me let me just say this. Let me just say this.

Blak Makk:

MPX MPX, the guy, he he earned this. K? He earned this. The man busted his butt. I've seen him I've seen him in positions busting his butt.

Blak Makk:

He's got it. But what does this feel like now that you you see everybody and you're like,

Demo Diamond:

do you

Blak Makk:

really do you really earn this? Do you did you earn this? What does that feel like?

Demo Diamond:

I mean, to me, right, my my whole journey in MPX has been, honestly climbing the ranks. Like, I got title shot. Like, not a lot of people realize this. Like, gauntlet for the gold. The first the first MPX championship shot I got was gauntlet for the gold, and Tommy Becker pinned me for that.

Demo Diamond:

So, like, Tommy beat me for that. Then I had another shot, which was, I think, Aaron Eagle. And then Aaron Eagle beat me, and it was just like, it's a it's a bunch of losses, a bunch of losses, a bunch of losses. They're all vindicated to this this position. And, honestly, stepping in the ring with Palmer, stepping in the ring with Tommy Becker, Eagle, Kari, like, all these people.

Demo Diamond:

You know?

Blak Makk:

You've had to go against some some some people to get here, man.

Demo Diamond:

And not a lot of people do that. Not a lot of people have to go through that. People, you know, usually jump hoops, and they just like, oh, you know, you get a shot. But I earned everything. I earned

Blak Makk:

it. I see it.

Demo Diamond:

And I'm gonna make everybody else earn everything. Good. Good. You know what I'm saying?

Blak Makk:

Like, I

Demo Diamond:

I don't have to work understand that. I had to work and work and work and work for this. Everybody else gotta work now. Let let let's see. Let's say everybody grind like I grind.

Demo Diamond:

That's all I gotta do.

Blak Makk:

What do what do you say to those people who may not think that you you got this fairly?

Demo Diamond:

Listen. Listen. It's a for 1, it was a no holds barred match, which means no disqualifications, which means Right. There's no such thing as cheating. Correct?

Blak Makk:


Demo Diamond:

If Tommy Becker wanted to, he could've slapped a a chair around my ankle and and locked me in the ankle lock. But did he? No. Not at all. Alright.

Demo Diamond:

So all is fair in love and war. Right? We Yeah. I was 2 steps ahead of Tommy. To to come out the king, you bet not miss.

Demo Diamond:

That's a that's a quote that I always love. Right? And I came out the king, and I didn't miss it all.

Blak Makk:

Wow. Wow. So you picked the right opportunity because the purge is the purge is one of those events. It there there really are no rules in the purge.

Demo Diamond:

Exactly. How does the team manages?

Blak Makk:

That's smart, Demo. That's smart.

Demo Diamond:

Hey. You know, when you're cooking up and you have somebody like minded, like, with you, like Jamie. You know? Somebody that's been through this, somebody that's seen champions, that's bred champions. Like, Tommy Becker wouldn't be where he was without Jamie.

Demo Diamond:

You know what I mean?

Blak Makk:

This is true.

Demo Diamond:

But Tommy decided he wanted to stop listening to Jamie. You know? He wanted to he wanted to do things his self. You know? And he wanted to he felt like he was better than Jamie.

Demo Diamond:

He felt like he was better than everybody else. So you gotta get knocked down the couple pegs. Now you gotta restart. Now you gotta get the journey that I had. It's all I need.

Blak Makk:

Putting them in the back of

Demo Diamond:

the line? Exactly.

Blak Makk:

I need to be there Saturday. So I know there's gonna be a celebration on Saturday. Yeah. I know that. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

You know?

Demo Diamond:

Hosted by Jamie Oliver.

Blak Makk:

He's hosting it.

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. He's hosting it.

Blak Makk:

Do do you do you address what happened, or do you just take your victory lap? What do you

Demo Diamond:

mean? There's nothing to address.

Blak Makk:

I mean There's nothing to address. Want an explanation.

Demo Diamond:

I mean, if Jamie and me and Jamie, we we'll talk about it. And if we wanna we wanna discuss, you know, what happened in the purge, we'll discuss. But, there's nothing to discuss. I won the championship fair and square. Okay.

Blak Makk:

I I mean, me personally

Demo Diamond:

I'm just saying, like

Blak Makk:

I'm just I I I wanna make sure that I'm giving the people that don't like this a fair shot

Demo Diamond:


Blak Makk:

To to address anything they need to address. Me, personally, you owe no one anything.

Demo Diamond:

Exactly. It's a fair and square. No holds barred. No rules. No help.

Demo Diamond:

No none of that.

Blak Makk:

You want it fair and square? Exactly. To you. I want it fair

Demo Diamond:

and square and the rules. Alright?

Blak Makk:

Yeah. No no issues here. No issues here.

Demo Diamond:

I'm just just a second.

Blak Makk:

No no issues here. Now going forward, let are you going to be a fighting champion? Because everybody says this, I'm gonna be a fighting champion.

Demo Diamond:


Blak Makk:

Do you plan on do you plan on being a fighting champion? Because I have some advice.

Demo Diamond:

What what's the definition? What's your definition of a fighting champion? Let me let let me get let

Blak Makk:

me get you. Standard definition of a fighting champion is that you show up as often as you can

Demo Diamond:


Blak Makk:

Put the belt on the line against a worthy opponent. See Now my definition of worthy Mhmm. Is a little bit different from everyone else's.

Demo Diamond:

Okay. Who who would you think?

Blak Makk:

Who would you think?

Demo Diamond:

What's the more of the opponents?

Blak Makk:

I need big money. Bring me bring me box office. Who who you

Demo Diamond:

think is some box box office attractions for me?

Blak Makk:

You know what? You know what? I would I would like to see I would like to see somebody like a Fuego del Sol. I need you to prove to yourself and the people Mhmm. That you could beat Fuego del Sol because I believe you can.

Demo Diamond:

Didn't I already technically beat Fuego?

Blak Makk:

I mean Yeah.

Demo Diamond:

But I had I had to get I had to get I had to get the Alex championship, and he was in the match. It says l next to both of their names.

Blak Makk:

This is true. I'm gonna count this as a technicality.

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. Exactly. Exactly.

Blak Makk:

Yes. See? Yes. But if Fuego Fuego seems to

Demo Diamond:

wants a if Fuego wants a 101, Fuego knows where to find you. There it is. There it is. There it is. Is.

Blak Makk:

But but what I'm saying is, Fuego Fuego is is somebody. He he's a name.

Demo Diamond:


Blak Makk:

Get you a name under your belt. I mean That's me.

Demo Diamond:

Right. Drag

Blak Makk:

them drag them and then then come to the line and hold the belt up high and be like, who's next?

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. Look. Look. I'm open to every opportunity. If somebody wants to step up and then we believe they're worthy, they may earn a shot.

Demo Diamond:

I'm definitely down. If you wanna bring in, like, a Chris Bay, I'm who am I to stop you? If you if you want Bring him in. If you want me to wrestle somebody, you know, somebody that's born and bred the the MPX has built up, if you want me to wrestle with Adam Green, prove to me that Adam Green can go with me. That's all that's all I gotta say.

Blak Makk:

Okay. That that's fair. That's totally fair. You know what I'm saying? That's totally fair.

Blak Makk:

I agree with that.

Demo Diamond:

That's my definition of a fighting champ. I'm a fight for what's mine, obviously. I'm a I'm a defend my title. I'm not I'm not gonna run away from a title defense. Alright?

Blak Makk:

I love it. I love it.

Demo Diamond:

But you gotta you gotta show me you want this title defense. You gotta show me you you earned it how I earned it.

Blak Makk:

This is That that's that's fair. That's fair. That's that's fair. So let's let's go let's go on a personal note. Okay.

Blak Makk:

You win this. You bring you bring this title back to your family.

Demo Diamond:

Mhmm. What is what is that what is that joy feel like? To bring not only my my second championship in the in this year back to my family was amazing. Like, my mom was happy. My girlfriend and the mother of my child was ecstatic and happy.

Blak Makk:

Congratulations, by the way.

Demo Diamond:

Friends and family, nothing but congratulations. Even peers and all of that. You know what I mean? And to me, that felt amazing because, like, it's something I work for. It's something I earned.

Demo Diamond:

And to be face to to be the face of somebody's company Right. It means it means a lot.

Blak Makk:

Right. And speak on that for a minute too to know that the company put their trust on you to be that to be that guy.

Demo Diamond:

I mean, 1, we we all know my ability to go, but it's also what I do outside of the ring. Like, I'm not not one of those people that, like, I show up day in and day out. So training, whether it's set up like, for example, when we gotta set up for, like, Destiny and stuff like that or The Purge, because those are those are travel events. We actually have to set up for those. I'm there until we until until it's time to go.

Demo Diamond:

Like, I'm always I'm always there. I'm always trying to do what I can to promote and all this extra stuff. And who wouldn't want a a guy that's promoting and everything and wanting to bring more eyes to the product? You know, there's a lot of guys that kinda just share a post, and that's it. You know what I mean?

Blak Makk:


Demo Diamond:

And I'm trying to do more. That's why I hopped on the podcast tour. That's why I'm trying to get more eyes to the product. Man. For MPX and for myself, you know, you can't wrestle in front of nobody.

Demo Diamond:

We already seen how that went when COVID happened. You know what I mean? So that's that's that's how I see

Blak Makk:

it. I love it because it wasn't long, like, a day after you won the championship. You were like, let's go on a let's go on a a podcast tour. I love it. You brought me out of hiding with that too.

Blak Makk:

So I I jumped on. I was like, yes. Hell yeah. Because I've I had been wanting you on the show Yeah. For a while.

Blak Makk:

And knowing that when you had the attics championship, I didn't because I saw you win the attics championship, and I I I wanted you back on the show, but, eventually, you won the PX title. So that it was perfect.

Demo Diamond:

It it it it's a perfect, you know, runaround. Like, for example, I did the the epic podcast with JJ this past Tuesday. It just dropped today. But and the last time I was with JJ was also on the Purge tour when we were I mean, not the Purge tour, the Destiny tour when we were doing that. And I was going in, you know, as, you know, Challenger.

Demo Diamond:

And like we said, I'm I'm undefeated at the epic. You know what I mean? So

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Yeah. Walked in 2 title matches, walked up.

Demo Diamond:

You know what I'm saying? On our biggest stage.

Blak Makk:

You and your Undertaker stuff.

Demo Diamond:

Right now?

Blak Makk:

It's a big event. Lucas he was shot. Yep. There

Demo Diamond:

it is.

Blak Makk:

So let's talk about let's talk about another big event. Okay. New Texas is running a, showcase. Yeah. And, the the former MPX champion was scheduled for that show.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Is the new MPX champion gonna be on that show?

Demo Diamond:

From what I know from what I know, no. I'm not gonna be on that show. But I will say, go watch the show regardless. I

Blak Makk:

plan on being there.

Demo Diamond:

It's a it's a lot of showcases of a lot of people, a lot of talent in Texas. It's honestly, seeing Texas brought together for one one show in general was just amazing. Right. Now now how do I feel about this situation? I don't feel that Tommy Becker should be in the match anymore.

Demo Diamond:

I feel like if you lost, you lost. You know? And every every promotion, except I think Borachio, has their champion in a match. Right. The the the the Texas container series has Nick versus O'Day.

Demo Diamond:

There's high end versus, Stefan Wolf. There's, you know, there's title match after title match after title match. What are we doing here? You know what I'm saying? My apologies.

Demo Diamond:

Representation matters. Tatum lost his Attucks title. Tommy Becker lost his MPX championship. So what are we doing? We we What are we doing here?

Demo Diamond:

You know what I mean?

Blak Makk:

I I I fully I totally agree with this.

Demo Diamond:

But it's gonna be amazing show regardless. If we're the guys who are on the card or not, and these people like Exodus, Stefan, Hayan. There's Brick, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah. There's

Blak Makk:

a this this is a stat card.

Demo Diamond:

It's a it's an absolute stat card. There's, Inspire versus, New Texas. There's and Kari's on the team and Dustin and Right. Max. Like, there's there's there's there's a lot of talent.

Demo Diamond:

So Yeah. I I'm not mad, but I am mad. I'm mad at the circumstance, if that makes sense.

Blak Makk:

No. I get it.

Demo Diamond:

At the show, but the circumstance Yeah.

Blak Makk:

I get it. Yeah. I I if it were me, I'd be like, hey. This guy isn't the champion anymore. So, let your boy get on in there.

Blak Makk:

Sorry. Sorry. Let your boy get on in there because, I hold gold. But, yeah, that would be me. But, but, yeah, it's a it's a it's a dope event.

Blak Makk:

Speaking of speaking of I asked Kari this when he was MPX champion. Do you plan on do you plan on staying in the area defending it, or do you would you like to travel and defend it?

Demo Diamond:

Like to travel anywhere to defend the MPX championship. That's a, you know, that's a management decision, but I I want anywhere to get eyes on the product is what I'm I'm I'm really wanting to do. I want you know, we talked about needle movers and all the extra stuff, like, and pro wrestling. People talk about that. That that's what I wanna be.

Demo Diamond:

I wanna go defend this title and say, let's say, I'll just shoot out a random company. Let's say, like, 360 pro down there or something like that. I wanna go be able to defend my title. Or if it's, like you know, if we can work together on something to get me to defend my title, I'm down. You know what I'm saying?

Demo Diamond:

It could be a revolver show. You know what I'm saying? Hey. Hey. You know what I'm saying?

Demo Diamond:

Like, I

Blak Makk:

I does come around. They do come around, and typically, the the it the champion's been on that show.

Demo Diamond:

No. Hey. That's what I'm saying. You know?

Blak Makk:

They are coming back soon. Right?

Demo Diamond:

I assume so. Don't quote on me. Don't quote me on this. I don't

Blak Makk:

I know they are, and there's a lot of people coming. I know GCW's coming. Revolver should be coming back around.

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. So yeah. I I think Revolver is definitely coming back around. If I'm not mistaken, it's right around that time or in towards, like, the fall time is when they first came last year Right. For the year They

Blak Makk:

were here in February last?

Demo Diamond:

They were here in October for Tales of the Ring. Okay. You're not Really?

Blak Makk:

It's been that long? I was at that show.

Demo Diamond:

So it was Tales of the Ring, and then it was, I can't think of the other one. I think Oh, What A Show. I know we have What A Show Yeah.

Blak Makk:

What A Show. The Ring. Lee What a What a Show was the last one I went to.

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. That's one break space.

Demo Diamond:

NBA champion. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, man, I would love to see you on those shows. I would love to see you move abroad because champions moving around is always good. It's it's always good for business, and I I think you moving around would be an excellent thing.

Blak Makk:

So Hey. Look. I'm I'm looking

Demo Diamond:

to defend my championship wherever I go. Alright? If we can line it up, let's line it up. You know what I mean?

Blak Makk:

You heard the man.

Demo Diamond:

Business is business.

Blak Makk:

Let's make this happen. Let's make it happen. Alright, man. Any last thoughts you got?

Demo Diamond:

Okay. So, 1, I know we talk about MPX a lot and everything like that. You know? Yep. Obviously.

Demo Diamond:

But if you can't watch, you should you should definitely tune in on Twitch and join my celebration because, oh, that's gonna be amazing. So it's hosted by Jamie Ollie. It's gonna be amazing. Alright? This Saturday.

Blak Makk:


Demo Diamond:

But, also, I wanna say, if you haven't been able to catch me on MPX, I'm also I just did a gauntlet at, like, a HOT actually recently.

Blak Makk:

Shout out to them. I I haven't really I haven't really dove into that into that yet, but I hear a lot about them. Oh. So much that I'm I'm really curious.

Demo Diamond:

They're out of way, though. Right? Yeah. You should definitely check it out. It's only, like, an hour and 30 minutes from, like, the

Blak Makk:

other day. I should I should make myself go there.

Demo Diamond:

But last show, it was, we had a gauntlet for the, number 20 spot in the mega brawl, which is the covenant number 20 spot. And it was me, Kaini, Stevie, Moe, out of AAPW, Lou out of AAPW, Prince Alexander, Izzy James, Exodus. I wanna say there was a last oh, and Dylan Cavens. My bad. I I knew I forgot for a reason.

Demo Diamond:

But, you know, your boy ran the gauntlet. You know? It was 5

Blak Makk:

That's what's up.

Demo Diamond:

Took out Moe, took out Lou, took out Dylan, took out Kaiimi, and took out Stevie. You know, Izzy James decided he he's gone. He's gonna wait until about 5 people to get me out. So it's it's alright. You know?

Demo Diamond:

It is what it is, and I have to sky high him after that after the fact because I had to prove a point.

Blak Makk:

Hey. Points need to be proven, my

Demo Diamond:

guy. Exactly. You know what I'm saying?

Blak Makk:

No no complaints here.

Demo Diamond:

But no. Yeah. I'm trying to get out everywhere. I'm in Waco. I'm in Houston.

Demo Diamond:

I've been in Georgia. So I'm just trying to, you know, hit different states to hit hit everywhere I can to to make this wrestling thing a dream. You know what I'm saying?

Blak Makk:

I I dig it, man. When you when you move around, just let me know. Shoot me the flyer out. I'll make sure I I I do my part in promoting it.

Demo Diamond:

Good. I appreciate it. I appreciate it.

Blak Makk:

Yeah, man. Most definitely. Most definitely. Anything else, man? Let the people let the people know where they can find you and where they can see you defending this championship.

Demo Diamond:

Alright. Well, you can follow me at the truth demo on Instagram. Twitter, if I'm not mistaken, is demo p w demo diamond p w. And you my YouTube channel is demo diamond. And I tend to upload all my matches as much as possible.

Demo Diamond:

I do have a busy schedule because, you know, I'm getting ready for a baby. But, other than that I will be busy. Yeah. I will be busy. You can see me defend the championship at MPX, and they're we run every Saturday, best weekly show in Texas actually, in the world.

Blak Makk:

And I will say this is he's not lying. MPX is Best weekly. Wrestling show. Yeah.

Demo Diamond:

And, Yeah. And you can see me in Houston, at the Texas Contender series. I've been on there a couple times, planning on going back on the 20 whatever that Thursday is. I think it's, like, a 27 or 28th. 28th.

Demo Diamond:

Is it? Yeah. Okay. 27th. I'm going back to get Houston on the 27th.

Demo Diamond:

I will be in DFW All Pro facing Maddy Eyeight soon.

Blak Makk:

That's a first time match, ain't it?

Demo Diamond:

Yes. It'd be me and Maddie Eye and Keller for the very first time. This Saturday, you know, got my championship celebration. Yeah. I got dates all the way out until, like, August.

Demo Diamond:

I got, a bunch. I think, soon, whenever it gets announced, I'm supposed to make a Borachio Pro debut.

Blak Makk:


Demo Diamond:

At some at some point at some point, you will see me on there. You know what I'm saying? Shout out to my man, Bradley. You know? Sure.

Demo Diamond:

But, yeah, I'm just I'm just trying to get out. You know what I'm trying to get out. Trying to

Blak Makk:

get out, man. I love it. I I love that you that you're you're moving around, and you're you're spreading your talent, man. I love it. Yeah.

Demo Diamond:

Man. You know? Gotta make myself must see. Right?

Blak Makk:

Must see. Always. And it it's funny, man, because when we first when I first interviewed you Yeah. It was like you were you're I'm seeing you explode.

Demo Diamond:

You know what I

Blak Makk:

mean? And it's it's so I I'm proud of it.

Demo Diamond:

You know

Blak Makk:

what I mean? Because it I'm a fan, obviously, but to actually see it happen from an a year ago till now is like it's crazy.

Demo Diamond:

No. It's crazy.

Blak Makk:

I love it, man.

Demo Diamond:

Me and my me and my girlfriend was just talking about it. She was like, man, from when we first started dating until now, it's crazy to see how much, you know, you you've progressed. And she's like, I'm I'm very proud of you. Like, I'm just man. I just put the work in, man.

Demo Diamond:

You got to. Like, that's that's what this business is about. That's what any business is about. It's it's about putting the work in. If you put the work in and the time in, you know, who's to say you you won't get the opportunities.

Blak Makk:

Absolutely, man. Absolutely. But, yes, it's been a pleasure watching you work and progress and grow, and I know there's more coming.

Demo Diamond:

So Oh, yeah. Definitely.

Blak Makk:

I I'm just I'm just I'm locked in, and I'm I'm just gonna watch and be a fan, man.

Demo Diamond:

Keep your eyes glued. I promise. It's it's bigger and better things. I'm telling you.

Blak Makk:

Heck yeah, man. I'm I'm I'm a watch and I'll be cheering you on every step of the way, my guy. Every step of the way.

Demo Diamond:

Love. Love.

Blak Makk:

Alright, man. But I appreciate the time today. No problem. Thank you. Thank you for coming on.

Blak Makk:

Thank you for, talking to the people. And, let me let me know whenever you got some time. I know you're you're about to be a brand new dad. So, buddy, you will be it's gonna be bottles.

Demo Diamond:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a have to find a way to stay in the gym too. Yep.

Demo Diamond:


Blak Makk:

So but when you when you get some time, man, let me know. I love to have you back on anytime anytime, bro. Anytime you need something to promote, you know, the the door is always open.

Demo Diamond:

I got you soon. I I'm telling you. I got you. I got you. I got you.

Blak Makk:

Right on. Right on, my guy. Alright. Well, that's gonna do it for us here at no gimmicks. Thank you guys for tuning in.

Blak Makk:

Come back next time. Until then, be safe. Enjoy everything. Peace.

Interview Series: Demo Diamond
Broadcast by