Ep 73 "Who Killed Star Wars?"

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Blak Makk:

Yo. What is up, everybody? Welcome back to the no gimmicks podcast here on the DFPN. Boy, we got a show for you tonight. So strap in because it's gonna be one of them.

Blak Makk:

Before we get into the show, though, what I do wanna do, the guy that does our themes, Monteezy, he actually dropped an album today called Lisa's son. It is a very, very good album. It's on all streaming platforms. The AEW World Heavyweight Champion Swerve Strickland is on the album, and he actually had a very good verse on the album. So, go check it out.

Blak Makk:

It is a great record. It's called Lisa Son. Again, it's on Allstreamer platforms. I'm gonna try to get him on the show soon to come talk about that record and what all he put into it. It's it's a really dope concept.

Blak Makk:

So please make sure you go go follow him and, go check out that album. But salute to you, Monteezy. Thank you for thank you for the theme song as well. And he was on busted open talking about his theme song. So that's good shit.

Frank Dee:

Good shit, man. Man.

Blak Makk:

Good shit. But, shout out to the sponsors, Khan Custom Creations. Follow her at IG@_cons_customcreations. If you're listening to the sounds of our voices tonight, patreon.com will get you on the live show as little as $3. Patreon.com/thatfilmingpodcast.

Blak Makk:

We actually have a free tier as well. You won't get the show live, but you'll get it right after we're done. So make sure you follow follow us on Patreon for that. And definitely dot bandcamp.com, man. Keep dropping music.

Blak Makk:

But let's get into the show. We we got we got some business to attend to. So it's no secret it's no secret that the acolyte has dropped. First two episodes garnered some some some it wasn't bad. It wasn't good.

Blak Makk:

This episode, episode 3, this was the this was the controversy. This is where the controversy comes in. Now Frank d and I talked. He has some things he needs to get off his chest. So, Frank d, I'm gonna give you the floor.

Frank Dee:

Okay. So where do I start with this train wreck of a show? Now mind you, I came on here constantly over and over and over again. It says, I am not watching this bullshit. I said this.

Frank Dee:

And then finally, I was, you know, talking to some people. I've been I've been watching a lot of videos lately. You know, WW Pro, Value Renegade, Midnight's Edge, DA, Derek Anderson's YouTube channel, Ryan Canel Outposts, Sarwar Syria among others. And I'm just, you know, hearing, you know, everybody's opinions about it. And, the the the guys over at film threat basically said that they were gonna be dropping episode 3, because they've already seen all 4 so far.

Frank Dee:

They've seen all 4 episodes. So he's the one who dropped off the information about episode 3 saying that this was gonna turn off anybody who was a pre Disney Star Wars fan. This is gonna be ended for you or whatever. Now here's the thing with me. I came into Star Wars under the Disney era because I started this journey in 2016.

Frank Dee:

Disney bought Lucasfilm in 2012. Okay? So in saying this, I've pretty much seen everything that they have as far as all the movies go, as far as all the TV shows they put on Disney Plus, everything. So when I I was holding out on the acry, and I finally watched it last night. I watched the 3 episodes.

Blak Makk:

Mhmm. And

Frank Dee:

I have to say the pacing is all over the place with this show. The I I I don't know. I just I don't really have any kind of connection to any of the characters whatsoever. Then, I mean, I don't see anything on here that's just, like, holding my attention is I'm literally fast forwarding through the show, trying to see if there's anything that's important that's about to happen because I I just can't sit through it. The writing is terrible.

Frank Dee:

I don't understand exactly where the $180,000,000 went for this show. This show had way more money in the production than the Kenobi show. Obi Wan Kenobi only had a budget of $90,000,000. $90,000,000 on the Obi Wan Kenobi show, and this is Obi Wan and Darth fucking Vader. $90,000,000.

Frank Dee:

But yet this here gets a 180,000,000, probably more than that if you wanna be honest about it. Probably more than that, okay, that they have put into this show. And I I watched it last night, watched the first two episodes, didn't really do anything to me. It's supposed to be, like, a murder mystery type of show, but yet I already know everything that's gonna happen. It's It's very predictable.

Frank Dee:

Okay? It's like if if people out there used to watch a show, I watched the reruns of it. I enjoyed the hell out of it, but there was a show called Columbo. Okay? And on Columbo, when the show will start off, you already know who the killer is.

Frank Dee:

It's up to lieutenant Columbo to figure out, you know, who the murderer is, but you already know as a viewer. You know what it is. Kinda like with this situation. We kinda already know. Okay?

Frank Dee:

But I also do believe and I'll I'll give them credit for one thing. Maybe everything that we are seeing is not really what it is. So I'm I'm leaving it open there. Okay? But as far as these 3, episodes go, trash writing, the only character that I actually like on a show is Sol because he kinda gives me the vibes.

Frank Dee:

But that's it. I I I what's the what's the the green woman's name? Vanessa? Is that what her her name is? From the from the Jedi Council?

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Okay. I don't like her fucking acting. She cannot act for shit. The makeup is terrible on her.

Frank Dee:

The the costumes look like trash. I'm just being honest. I I I've seen they look like the okay. I got my Jedi costume, the one I got you as well, one I got for my wife. I got those from Amazon.

Frank Dee:

Mhmm. And that's what the that's what they look like. They're like the costumes I get from Amazon. The only costume that I have that I put money into has been my all my Vader shit. That's, you know, high quality stuff.

Frank Dee:

But those Jedi costumes, they're not a dozen, bro. That's what it looks like. But if you if you spent a $108,000,000 in shit, okay, visually, some areas, it looks good. Other areas, it looks confined, claustrophobic almost like Kenobi. Okay?

Frank Dee:

Now when master Soul is fighting May, the assassin, and Yord is watching from above, he can really see them. He's above them. Why the fuck is he using binoculars? But he's right on top of them. He can see.

Frank Dee:

I I don't get it. That's just, like, one of those stupid things. They can't pull their lightsabers out. Why the hell does he have his lightsabers going going through a cave where you can clearly see in the cave? And why the fuck are the lightsabers so big?

Frank Dee:

Does anyone know anyone who noticed that? The lightsaber hilts are humongous. I don't know, my guy. I I just I I don't know here. I mean, I'm not trying to trash it.

Frank Dee:

I mean, everything you know, and all the shit, the woke shit, you know, the okay. Episode 3 was supposed to be the controversy 1. It's gonna break Star Wars, man. It's like, we're gonna be done with this shit. Right?

Frank Dee:

Okay. I don't know about all of that, but there was some questionable things in here, but I didn't see all the woke bullshit that everybody was talking about was gonna be in the show. I didn't see that. What I saw was bad writing, bad pacing, bad storytelling, bad acting is what I saw. Okay?

Frank Dee:

Now if there are a a lesbian coven of witches, whatever. That that that has no bearing on me. I I don't give a fuck about your sexual preference. Auto I don't care about that. All I care about is the story.

Frank Dee:

And as someone put it out earlier, the and they said and they said, in the story, they said, well, the the, the guys doesn't like women like us. Okay? Now I interpret that as two ways. I interpret it as they don't like witches is what they don't like. Mhmm.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

the other one I got from the real meeting I got from the code I got from it was they don't like lesbians is what I got from that. Because the showrunner Leslie Hedlund, who is, you know, a lesbian, has basically said that she's gonna put her queer identity into the show. That's what she said. So I think that there are hidden messages here that is going on that people, you know, may it may be going over people's heads. It's not going over my head, but it's not a big deal.

Frank Dee:

The only people or I should say, not even people. The only the only, entities in Star Wars that have ever been discriminated against have been the droids. People don't like the droids. That's it. They haven't gone out and said, oh, we don't like this person or that person because their sex, race, creed.

Frank Dee:

None of that shit's ever come to Star Wars, bro. It's always been about we don't like droids. If you remember did you remember in the New Hope and so far when they came in and and the guy says, we don't serve their kind here. When Luke Skywalker was in the c three p o and r two d two, it says, you know, go outside wherever. That's they don't like droids.

Frank Dee:

So all this other bullshit, there has never been any discrimination in Star Wars. It's never happened. And I think that's where a lot of the heat is coming from. I think what is it right now, Rotten Tomatoes? It's like a a 90% score, which is the the paid Disney shields.

Frank Dee:

They're gonna put the show over, like, $1,000,000 just like if you and I were working for AEW and we were getting freebies and they say put the show over. Hell, yeah. I'll jump how high. You're you're paying me. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

I'll do that. That's that's pretty much what the fuck is going on here with the Shields. Yeah. So, I mean, because you have that, but then they said, okay. Well, their people will because the audience score is so low on Ryan Tomatoes.

Frank Dee:

Oh, people are review bombing it or whatever. No. People are not review bombing it. People are leaving reviews. It's just like if if you wanna say people are review bombing it, well, your critics review bombed.

Frank Dee:

Because you put it over and said, this is the greatest thing since sliced fucking brand when it's not. It's trash. It has nothing to do with anyone's sexuality politics or any of that bullshit. It's just trash. Crap.

Frank Dee:

I'm willing to

Blak Makk:

give you that one. I'm willing to give you that because I had I had I had my thoughts on on the first two. The first two, I like. The third one, I didn't. But this is all preference.

Blak Makk:

Right? Preference for me is I don't need a whole episode worth of backstory. Give me about give me about a good solid 10 minutes, and I'm good with that. The whole episode being the backstory was kinda off for me. And like we said before the show, I came into this with, with a bias almost.

Blak Makk:

Not really a bias, but with information that this was not gonna be a good episode. And I kinda I don't like that I did that because I feel like I ride myself from my true thought. Because I went to this episode expecting some of the things you said, like the the witches, the lesbian stuff. Like, I was kinda expecting stuff like that just listening to reviews of people that have seen the episodes before I did. You know?

Blak Makk:

And I went to this I went to the episode knowing that this was the episode that was gonna be the most controversial, and I was looking for stuff. Now in in the midst of me doing that, I wasn't really focused on too hard on the story itself. Although it was still hard to follow the story, I don't think I would have followed it if I went into it with an open mind to the point where I got everything that was going on. Right? So I I ended up talking to a couple people because, you were one of them, and, shout out to Gibby.

Blak Makk:

He was, Gibbons. He was the other one. So I I talked to both of you guys because you guys are the most knowledgeable beside you and you 2 and Jedi are the most knowledgeable people I know on the Star Wars front. So I was asking questions because I really was trying to understand this episode. Like, okay.

Blak Makk:

There's a there's a tribe or there's a there's a cult full of witches. Right? What are they doing? How are they how are they because to me, it's like they interpreted the force a different way, which is not bad. Right?

Blak Makk:

And I kinda equated that to religions of the world. People look at their god, and I think god is just god. People just interpret them a different way. And I I kind of equate that sort of force. And just trying to understand, okay.

Blak Makk:

This is how they interpret it. This is what they think about it. Not really not really mad at that. And then looking at the lesbian aspect of it, I wasn't really I wasn't really mad, although it wasn't too in my face. Like, I could tell.

Blak Makk:

You could tell that when they were calling the mothers and everything. It was like, okay. Cool. Like, that's not really a humongous deal, but you know you know when she says, like, they don't they don't they won't like people like us or some whatever. However she said it.

Blak Makk:

The people like us thing. I interpreted that not as the lesbian aspect, but how you first saw it as, like, the witches. And I was like, okay. But, again, even with the knowledge that I had, it just made it it made it kinda hard for me to follow the story itself. And even with there is bad writing.

Blak Makk:

In this episode, there's there's terrible writing in this episode because how am I going to know that something happened unless I'm unless I'm really looking for it in which I'm looking for other shit, so I'm not looking at the actual episode itself and noticing the mistakes. Like, okay. He what was his name? Torman? He actually he actually, mighta did something.

Blak Makk:

Like, I wasn't noticing shit like, yeah. I wasn't noticing shit like that.

Frank Dee:

So at the end of, at the end of this episode 3 you're referring to, I think a lot of people kinda overlooked it. But if you remember when OSHA is on the, on the the, the bed there or whatever it was, she was laying on. Well, when she had when she when she had that mask when I said, oh, shit. She has sleep apnea. This is the first thing that came to my mind when she had that mask on.

Frank Dee:

But then, you see in the back, you can see, Torben, Padawan Torben. He has, he has an injury to his face. The same injury you saw him have when May went to, you know, kill him.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

So something happened off screen here that they're not showing.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

But was this the moment that changes everything and all that? No. It's

Blak Makk:

not because

Frank Dee:

because it's like you said. People can interpret it any way they want to. Because what happens here is their interpretation for their witch COVID of the way they believe the force works. So you have them believing that the force is a threat. Then you have the Jedi, Obi Wan, Yoda believing the forces, everything, your your energy field that binds us It's, you know, and all of the things.

Frank Dee:

Now that's how they foresee it. That's why the the NSA says some wield this, you know, this force. That's what they call it. You know? But to us, it's a threat.

Frank Dee:

So it's I I people are like, oh, they're rewriting history. No. It's it's I didn't take it like that. I I took it as that's their interpretation. So was it Star Wars?

Frank Dee:

No. That world ended a long time ago. It's just the the last of us that are hanging on to it. But if you're like me and a lot of other people out there, you consider this not even this is not even Star Wars. This is Disney Star Wars.

Frank Dee:

Anything that happened after the acquisition of of Lucasfilm to Disney, I don't consider it Star Wars. Star Wars is the first 6 films in the EU. That's Star Wars. Anything George did is Star Wars. Anything that came after him is this.

Frank Dee:

And and people need to understand, Dave Filonius is not the savior that you think he is. Now I used to come up on this podcast, and I used to put him over or whatever. You did. He is not he's not the savior that everybody thinks he is. Alright?

Frank Dee:

And you remember, I used to call him Filoni. Y'all used to call him Filoni. So I said, why are you calling that? Now I understand. Because he had to have signed off on this bullshit.

Frank Dee:

That's why. So I'm no longer in the the Filoni camp. I know some people out there are holding on hope that he's, you know, the savior and all that, and he's, you know, the chosen one. He's fucking not. The real chose let me tell you who the real chosen one is for Lucasfilm.

Frank Dee:

If they ever did something and got the guy to do it, the real chose one for for Lucasfilm to run this and have, basically, the second coming of Star Wars is Jon Favreau. That's who the second coming would be. Not Felonius and for damn sure not capital fucking Kennedy.

Blak Makk:

But, yeah, it's like it's like me trying to understand it. And and from what I know, this show isn't even canon. So that me as, like, a person getting into it more and more, that this shit doesn't really mean it don't really mean a lot to me. Like, okay. You had all these, but I I that's me.

Blak Makk:

I'm willing to I'm willing to let a lot of go. Right? So I'm I'm of the fact I'm of the belief, not the fact. I'm of the belief that this is a fucking flashback scene. I don't need to be too mad at what's going on because all the motherfucks die.

Blak Makk:

The the point of the matter is whatever happens in this episode, the motherfuckers on the other side of this shit are dead. Or maybe 1 or 2 are still alive. But that that's I'm willing to I'm willing to cut off feelings because I know it's a flashback and because I'm just trying to understand the story.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And so that's a problem when you when you go into this territory of of prequels because it it's just it doesn't fit. And you see it? This is this is just this is how great George Lucas was at at telling his stories. George told the first story, episode 4.

Frank Dee:

You know? They renamed the New Hope. Right. He told his story, 4, 5, 6. Right?

Frank Dee:

And then he finished it with the prequels, and he he connected all of this together. You can't how how do you connect this shit? You can't connect it because none of the it's just like Rogue 1. I love Rogue 1. But you can't connect Rogue 1 to a new hope necessarily because there is no mention of any of these characters in Rogue 1.

Frank Dee:

Only thing you know is how they got the death star plans. That's all you know about Rogue 1.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

It's it's how they did that. Just like in in rogue in in episode 4, a new hope, notice that there's there's something missing from the movie, but that was introduced during the Disney era of Star Wars, the inquisitors. There's no mention of any inquisitors in in in the, you know, episode 4, 5, or 6. There are no inquisitors because they're all dead. So, you know, that's just it should see sayings here.

Frank Dee:

Like, you just that's why it's like you you gotta create, you know, new shit. It's like it was a fresh take with the Mandalorian because, you know, it it it didn't have any direct it it wasn't really connected to anything else. You know? They're connecting it they connected it in in in season 2 with Luke Skywalker. That's how they brought him into the universe.

Frank Dee:

But how they did it, They're not they're not going back to, okay. We're gonna go back to Vader and all these different characters. It it's just, okay. We're gonna go lose skywalker because he's alive in this time frame. You know what I'm saying?

Frank Dee:

But you it's like when you do prequel shit, you you gotta watch that because if you don't do it right, you it's gonna come out bad. And that's kinda what's happening here. It's gonna come out bad because none of these characters exist in in in the the, you know, fan of menace or anything. When he says, says, you know, we haven't seen the Sith in the millennium. Well, dude, Yoda is alive during this time.

Frank Dee:

Is Yoda not aware of this shit that's going on here?

Blak Makk:

It's a good question. It's a

Frank Dee:

good question. I mean, are they keeping it? Because it seems to me I mean, I'm I'm watching this show, and I'm like, okay. Are these Jedi? Are they police?

Frank Dee:

Are they child protective services? What are they? Because when Oshia's on the ship and and she has her her droid and she's gonna put her put the droid, I'm assuming, on the base, and he goes and reaches for his lightsaber. It's almost like if you if a if a officer is making contact with a subject, okay, and, you know, cops say, oh, you know, take your hands off the park for me. Dude don't wanna do it.

Frank Dee:

You got your hand on your on your service weapon. You know what I mean? That's kinda what I got from that. So I don't know, man. It's just one of those things.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. And that's what I'm saying. Like, me personally, like, just diving deeper into into the into the universe, Like, a lot of this stuff, I I'm willing as a I would consider myself a casual fan. Right? In the in the quest for me trying to gain more knowledge, me knowing that this show isn't canon, I'm like, okay.

Blak Makk:

Whatever. Y'all y'all interpret this shit a different way? Great. That's that's fine. Alright.

Blak Makk:

What's the story? Because to me because to me, they had a good story, but this episode, they it trailed off. And that's why I'm like,

Frank Dee:

You you know what I I get from it honestly? And this is just this is just what it is. Okay? When they came out with all the identity political messaging. Okay?

Frank Dee:

When they're talking about how finally someone who looks like Mica being Star Wars, which is bullshit because we already had Mace Windu episode 3, played by Samuel L. Jackson. We had Lando Calrissian and Fire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Solo, a Star Wars story with the you know? So Donald Glover, we've had people like this. We we've had people of color.

Frank Dee:

We've had you know? It just made no sense. So no one cares about sexuality or any of that shit. What it comes down to is is when you start with this social justice warrior crusade for a galaxy far, far away, which has never ever come up, and you're doing all this girl power shit, what is it's a boy brand. You're gonna get backlash from the audience, and it's just and and let's make this very clear.

Frank Dee:

It's not the the male est and the phobes that they keep saying out there that don't like this show. There are a lot of women who don't like this show. There are a lot of their my, their their their minority that they're trying to reach in the LGBTQ community that don't like this show. So who is who did they make this show for? If you're if you're trying to say, okay.

Frank Dee:

We're trying to make a show that's, you know, more diverse and honest bullshit. Well, okay. I'm a man of color. You're a man of color. I know several men of color that don't like this fucking show.

Frank Dee:

So who are you making a show for? And I think a lot of it also as well is you have a $180,000,000 budget for this show. You got a lot of hype to live up to when you do that. It's like when it equates to wrestling. Okay.

Frank Dee:

Roman Reigns was WWE Universal Champion for 3 years. Right? What's the payoff there? The payoff was Cody finishing the story at WrestleMania.

Blak Makk:

That was bullshit.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. You know what I mean? So you got you you you put this hype train out there trying to say that this is the greatest thing that ever happened. And just all the controversy surrounding Leslie Heidland and, her wife being in show wishes that, that Vanessa Vinesha, the green thing. Because she's supposed to be alien, I'm assuming, on the Jedi Council.

Frank Dee:

Okay? Nepotism. That's what I call her. That's where the conference comes from. Had they not opened their mouths with their political messaging and the messaging that just goes across Disney as a whole right now, I don't think the backlash would have been as severe as this.

Frank Dee:

I think people probably would have been looking at it with probably more of an open mind, but ever since the the messaging came out and it can destroy the whole death star and all this bullshit, people just said, fuck it. Checked out. The last remaining Star Wars fans that they were, that they were out there in the universe, They just checked us and said we're not watching shit.

Blak Makk:

I'm willing to concede that. But let me let me let me offer But you

Frank Dee:

ain't gotta concede it. You don't have to concede it, though, because I'm telling you that's what it is. When you have a met when you have a score on Rotten Tomatoes of something that's, like, 30%, I think it is, or less than that, that's how your audience isn't there. When you have Star Wars toys Star Wars toys at Ollie's that just sit on the shelf, that have basically been discounted, that tells you where the brand is at. Disney paid $4,200,000,000 to acquire Lucasfilm for the mere fact of we need a boys' brand, And we we could get that here with Lucasfilm, with Star Wars, and we will have Marvel, and we could have this.

Frank Dee:

And somewhere along the lines, Kathleen Kennedy comes in and says, we're gonna make this a boy a a girl's rabbit. The force is gonna be female. You cannot do that. It's like it's like when WWF bought WCW, and they say, oh, well, we have the w w now. So all of those w w fans are gonna come over, and they're gonna watch the w f.

Frank Dee:

It didn't fucking happen. Same shit.

Blak Makk:

Okay. So let let's talk about that forces female thing because I've actually did some research on that. I think that's a mistake. I think that in itself is a misinterpretation because Nike was running a campaign on the force as female. Where the force is female come from, bro?

Blak Makk:

Nike. Candy. Yeah. Nike. Yes.

Blak Makk:

That that whole thing that whole thing is a is a misinterpretation.

Frank Dee:

No. It's not. You have the force awakens. That was the force's female. That's where they were going.

Frank Dee:

That was her idea was to turn the brand into a female brand. That's why they had Rey as the main character and to destroy the rest of the characters. That's what the whole campaign was. That's the force of.

Blak Makk:

Okay. Okay. So

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

Alright. So I'm telling you, look at that again. Look at that whole situation again, and look at the timing. It was a it was capitalized on. Look at that

Frank Dee:

go look at that whole situation. That last.

Blak Makk:

That that whole campaign lasted for, like, a year. It was a year prior

Frank Dee:

to it. We had 3 movies with Ray Palpatine.

Blak Makk:

Okay. I'm telling you. Go back and look at that at that time period.

Frank Dee:

And and look I don't have to look at the time period. I'm I'm looking I'm listening to people that's in Lucasfilm that said that this what she said.

Blak Makk:

I She's

Frank Dee:

they she said that they're going to come. She said, we're gonna take this and turn it into a girl's brand, and the males that are already there are just gonna watch it anyway. That's what she said.

Blak Makk:

Alright. All I'm saying

Frank Dee:

is I'm not I'm not discrediting what you're telling me. I'm telling you that I've heard the stories from people in Lucasfilm, that that's what she said. They're gonna take the brand because they already have Marvel, so they're gonna take the brand, and we're gonna just switch it around and the man will still come. That's what she said. That force is female.

Frank Dee:

That was a push. What are we gonna do that? The whole we got the whole new character, Rey, and we're gonna push her, and she's gonna be the new Luke Skywalker. That's what it was.

Blak Makk:

Okay. Say she does that.

Frank Dee:

She did it. Alright. So let's go fucking movies.

Blak Makk:

Alright. Those movies are still they're still not great. They're that's that's the fact. Right? But before before this show and before Obi Wan, how many black women were in Star Wars?

Blak Makk:

Daisy Ridley is black? I said before that and before before Obi Wan. Daisy Ridley ain't black, is she?

Frank Dee:

No. She's not black. She's that's Rey. Property.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. That's what I said. She's not black. But how many black

Frank Dee:

women What does black what does black women have to do with anything?

Blak Makk:

Because representation is important. And there are there are black women that are in the Star Wars. I know a lot of them.

Frank Dee:

Okay. So I'm I'm what's your point here? That's what do you correlate this to? What

Blak Makk:

I'm what I'm saying is what I'm saying is I'm offering I'm offering a different view. Right? Yes. She shouldn't have ran her mouth for this show, but the fact that there is representation is is important on the flip side of that coin.

Frank Dee:

We had Riva and Obi Wan Kenobi.

Blak Makk:

That's what I said. Before Riva and before her, how many black women had you seen in Star Wars? And even Riva didn't get

Frank Dee:

Wasn't there a black wasn't there a black a black female in the return of sky or that what is it that what was the last movie? Rise of Skywalker? There's a black female in there in in there? Who? She was at the end with Orlando?

Blak Makk:

I don't know. Maybe.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. She's what she was hanging around thin.

Blak Makk:

Okay. But as a lead character?

Frank Dee:

I I don't remember any because it was it's a fucking male brand. That's what I'm saying. But that's

Blak Makk:

what I'm saying. A lot of this a lot of this is people like to call it woke. That's great. That's fine. But it is representation.

Blak Makk:

You do have fans out there, and if you can reach them, try to. I mean, that's try to reach them. If it don't work, it don't work. If the writing's terrible, the writing's terrible. You address that shit.

Blak Makk:

But calling it an agenda is one thing, but representation does matter.

Frank Dee:

However, you want they said.

Blak Makk:

That's what I'm saying. However you want to however you wanna see that, the representation does

Frank Dee:

not how I'm seeing it. That's what the woman said. That's what Leslie had been said. I'm not just up here talking out of my ass. I'm not arguing I'm not arguing that.

Frank Dee:

She said this shit.

Blak Makk:

I'm not arguing that. But on the flip side of that, the representation is important. The the the communication, shitty. The representation is important, though. What what

Frank Dee:

what representation? The female representation. Okay. But what what female characters are they trying to be? Who are you representing?

Blak Makk:

That that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. If however you interpret that, there's a woman in the lead role.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

Right? It ruffles feathers. I get it.

Frank Dee:

No. It fucking doesn't. That's what I'm saying. No. It doesn't.

Frank Dee:

Did it oh, let me ask you a question, bro. Did it ruffle our fucking feathers? Well, we had Linda Hamilton out there and Sarah Connor. Did anybody was it ruffing anybody's favor was it really? No.

Frank Dee:

It was not. It does not ruffle our fuck me. That is not absolutely not.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

No. So

Blak Makk:

alright. So so let's take that point.

Frank Dee:

Does anybody say that about Carrie Fisher? No. What she was saying?

Blak Makk:

Let's take that point. Let's take that point, though. Carrie Fisher wasn't in a lead role.

Frank Dee:

She's in a lead role.

Blak Makk:

Was she Who's

Frank Dee:

who's the leader of the rebellion?

Blak Makk:

Yeah. She's the leader of the rebellion, but is she the lead role in that movie?

Frank Dee:

No. She's the leader. Dude, it's all about her trying to get to Obi Wan Kenobi. She's the fucking leader of the rebellion. It's about her.

Frank Dee:

Luke Skywalker is the side character. He's the fucking just a farmer boy on Tatooine who gets 2 droids. Okay. They blow up her home planet of Alderaan, the princess. That's what fucking Tarkin says.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

I'm tired of I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of messing around with you. I've grown tired of it. She's like, you know, tell us where your base is at, the rebel base. It's no.

Frank Dee:

She was the she was the lead character. Okay. So she was the lead character. Luke Skywalker was the sidekick. They didn't know shit.

Frank Dee:

And then Obi Wan Kenobi was the 3rd character.

Blak Makk:

Say about about Carrie Fisher? Was the was she the star of the movie?

Frank Dee:

No. I thought the credit said Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford. That's what the credit say.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Nice try, though.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Yeah. I remember something, bro. I watch this shit every month today.

Blak Makk:

I know you do. But what I'm saying is what I'm saying is there's outrage. There's selective outrage in this, and it's it's clear. And I'm gonna put this back on on me going into these episodes with a clear bias to look at. The outrage is selective, bro.

Frank Dee:

There is no outrage about the character being a female. There is no outrage about that. We don't care about that. That's what I'm trying to say. No one gives a shit.

Frank Dee:

The only people that have an outrage about it is some motherfuckers that's putting out the narrative about the shit, which is the goddamn cast. No one cares about it. You know why people had a problem with fucking Riva? I'm a tell you what the problem was with Riva. Because we had a show about Obi Wan Kenobi versus Vader, and it wasn't that.

Frank Dee:

The original plan was altered because it was supposed to be a movie. But when Solo crashed at the box office after the failure of The Last Jedi, they don't they they did not go through with the plan or what they were gonna do. Reva was supposed to be killed by Vader. That was gonna be end the end of it. She's gonna be killed by Vader.

Frank Dee:

But they kept pushing the story. She was originally supposed to be killed in the original scripts because it was a movie. So they took the script for the movie and turned it into the shit we got, which was the Obi Wan Kenobi show. The main selling point of this show, and I remember the trailer like it was yesterday, the main selling point was the return of Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader and Nick Skywalker, Ewan McGregor coming back as Obi wan Kenobi. And then in the trailer of the movie or the show, they played dual face, which you did not hear any of that fucking John Williams music in any of the show until the last episode when you heard the force team and your the empire, the imperial march.

Frank Dee:

So, basically, it was a bait and switch. Nobody cared about Reva because it was a poorly written character. No one cared about. That's the only reason why. It wasn't about that she was a black female or female.

Frank Dee:

I'm telling you this as a black man. It wasn't about that. It's because we wanted Vader versus Obi Wan.

Blak Makk:

Because that's what we're talking about. What I'm saying either. That's not what I'm saying either. I'm not saying I'm not saying that they don't like it because of that. I'm saying I'm saying it can ruffle feathers, but on the flip side of of the bad writing and shit, the the representation was important.

Blak Makk:

That's what I'm saying. Which representation? The fact that you do have a black woman on in in a lead role or in a role because I'm I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say she was a lead character because the show was Obi Wan, but you had her as an important figure in that show. We're not used to seeing that in the Star Wars universe.

Frank Dee:

Call it what you want. I mean, I don't I don't remember any act of backlash with Natalie Portman when she was Padme.

Blak Makk:

I that's what I'm I'm not I'm not arguing that.

Frank Dee:

But that's representation. Right?

Blak Makk:

That I'm not arguing that at all.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But I was just saying that's representation. Right?

Blak Makk:

Yeah. That's representation. But what I'm saying is you do have them in these roles. They're important people. If the writing is bad, address the writing.

Blak Makk:

You can't. Address it. It's already But It's

Frank Dee:

already done.

Blak Makk:

But what I'm hearing what I'm hearing as a casual fan, if I go into it knowing that I have to be on the lookout for stuff that possibly alters the series, like, it's gonna take me out. Like, it really will, man. Like, I wanna be able to enjoy it. But if I'm hearing all the talk about what's potentially worse and bad about the series and I'm going into a series like that, I'm already I'm already on the defensive of what I need to look for and how bad is it. And as a as a casual fan, that sucks.

Blak Makk:

So if the writing's bad, talk about the writing, hold the studios accountable. But for what I heard from this episode going into it, I didn't hear I didn't hear the writing was bad until after the episode had dropped. Before the episode, I I heard, well, this thing's gonna change the whole Star Wars universe. This thing is is gonna take all the the Star Wars fans out of the out of the the series as a whole, out of the side. It's gonna take you out of out of Star Wars.

Blak Makk:

You won't be a Star Wars fan. That's all I heard. So if I'm going into the episode like that as a casual fan, I'm already knowing, like, there's an agenda behind this whole episode. What do I need to look out for? Like, I don't as a casual fan, I don't wanna be going into those episodes like that.

Frank Dee:

They need to sell the Internet.

Blak Makk:

I mean, I I would agree with that. I would agree with that. Yeah. But I

Frank Dee:

as a

Blak Makk:

as a casual fan, that I'm just saying, like, yes. I get it. I get I get you guys want Star Wars a certain way. You wanna present it to you in a certain way. If if you don't get it, then hold the studios accountable.

Blak Makk:

If you want the writing in a certain way, hold the studios accountable. But there are people out there. That are they're having selective outrage about that shit.

Frank Dee:

Well, they are holding studios accountable by not buying our product. That's how you hold studios accountable. That's that's that's the whole point of that that and you just answered the the form right there. Accountability. They have been holding they've been holding Lucasfilm accountable for many, many, many, many years.

Frank Dee:

That's the reason why they have never been able to turn a profit with this $4,200,000,000 intellectual property they purchased. They've been holding them accountable because this is not George's vision of Star Wars. The the the outrage that was gonna be for episode 3, which is so outraged for a lot of the of the hardcore Star Wars fans, is because of their interpretation of the force. If you did not know this was a Star Wars show watching this shit, you you you look at him like, what the hell is this?

Blak Makk:

Right. You

Frank Dee:

know, it doesn't even it doesn't even feel like Star Wars, man.

Blak Makk:

I've I've seen a lot of I've seen a lot of Star Wars fans hate this episode or hate the show, period. I've seen it. I saw it.

Frank Dee:

I really like the whole thing with the witches in there, and and they're up to the ascent the the the Ascension ceremony was one of the worst things I've ever seen in Star Wars. It was just it was bad. Just all I just I I was like, you know, I actually played this earlier. I'm like, this reminds me of the prince bat dance video. That and and and I'm like, that's what it looked like to me.

Frank Dee:

It's it was bad. You know what I mean? And I'm like, and they're saying that this is gonna connect to Ahsoka season 2, and we'll see how that comes out because, you know, Ahsoka season 2 is rumored to have Abilac to debut Mhmm. As as, you know, as the mother. Because they're going, I guess, they're going to the Mortise God's story arc for Ahsoka.

Frank Dee:

So I I don't know. I just representation is important. Absolutely. But when you have the cast doing stupid interviews saying stupid shit, kinda turns people off.

Blak Makk:

I get that too. I get that too. It's like, just give me the show. If the show's good, then let me judge it on the strength of of the performance, not not the shit that I know going into it. You know what I'm saying?

Blak Makk:

Like, keep that shit to a minimum because because, yeah, I I wanna be I wanna be engaged, and I wanna be enjoying the show. If the show isn't good, then I wanna come on here and be like, that shit was terrible. And with it wasn't it wasn't bad, but it wasn't it wasn't good either.

Frank Dee:

Like, there are certain people out there that don't like Asoca. Okay? I like you too. Certain and and I and there are certain things that I'm like, okay. I I, as a fan, I don't understand a lot of the backlash with Ahsoka because I like to the only part of Asoka I didn't like was I didn't like Sabine, and I didn't like this because it's a complete diversion for what I saw in rebels.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

So I

Frank Dee:

don't think they were presented correctly.

Blak Makk:

And that's

Frank Dee:

where it showed me that Filoni doesn't know what the hell he's doing because you're you're you're good. Filoni is good at at animation somewhat except the failure of Tales of the Empire. He's he's good at animation, but he's not good at live action shows.

Blak Makk:

Do you

Frank Dee:

do you still got to That's Mac. What up, Mac? That episode also had me looking at the Jedi sideways. Like, how did he draw up to an independent colony and said he had the right to test their kids. See, that's the thing about it too, Mac.

Frank Dee:

The Jedi don't do that. Okay? This is and that's not a problem with the show. They're trying to turn the twisted Jedi into being something that they're something that they're not. They're trying to turn the the Jedi into basically the heels of the show.

Frank Dee:

They're trying to make them the bad guys and have the the Sith and the evil be the good guys. That's Leslie had on the set that she wants to do that. And you you can't do that because that's not

Blak Makk:

the way

Frank Dee:

it works.

Blak Makk:

This last week. I said this last week. It's all in your point of view. Like, the Sith could really be thinking, like, they're doing the right fucking thing, and that they may think that the Jedi are fucking terrible.

Frank Dee:

Because, I mean, you said that. You you mean,

Blak Makk:

you said it. The the Jedi the Jedi have a tendency to take kids. You said this before.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But this but but I'm I'm saying that, but I'm doing a shtick when I'm doing that. Because the bottom line of it is this. The Jedi only go after force sensitives at a certain age, and they don't take them. They give them a choice to come and join the Jedi order is what happens.

Blak Makk:

These girls the end of the show, though.

Frank Dee:

These 2 girls here but but this is where this is wrong. These 2 girls here are too old to be training at the Jedi Council to begin with. Why are they after these 2 girls? No different than Anakin. Why they did not want to train Anakin?

Frank Dee:

He was too old. He had attachments. These girls have fucking attachments. They're attached to a whole colony here. 2 mothers.

Frank Dee:

They would never have been trying to train them at the Jedi Council. Never. They're too old for the training. That's why they did the same shit with Anakin Skywalker. Remember in in episode 1 when they said, we don't want to train him.

Frank Dee:

He's too old. Then Obi wan says, I, quite honest, dying wish was train the boy. He will bring him balance. And Yoda was like, hell no. We're not doing it.

Frank Dee:

Whoop whoop and all that. Not gonna happen. And then Obi Wan says, I'll I'll I'll leave the order. I'm gonna do what Quyen gonna ask me to do. And he says, oh my god.

Frank Dee:

You sound just like him. He says, but the council This

Blak Makk:

is kinda repeating that same pattern, though. So it gets some new shit.

Frank Dee:

Because you're you're trading off of the fan of minutes. But you're trying to do your own story, but you're trading off of the fan of minutes. You're doing shit that's already been done before. The whole creation, we we created life. K?

Frank Dee:

That's what Plagueis, the wise day with anecdote. Episode 1. Who was the father? There was no father. I I carried him.

Frank Dee:

I gave birth to him, but I don't know what happened. The force. But they use what they call the thread to create life.

Blak Makk:

Right. Which we we went over this earlier.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. We did.

Blak Makk:

But but that's what I'm saying. Like, as as somebody that's trying to understand it, even the fact that this shit ain't even canon, it's just like again, for me, I'm just like, alright.

Frank Dee:

It's Disney, Star Wars, Ken.

Blak Makk:

Just just make it just make it a good story. But if it if you said it for me, if you set this a 100 years before the the Skywalker saga, if this is indeed before before that, I am willing I am willing as a casual fan. I am willing to give it a chance and see the story play out. We're only 3 episodes into it. Right?

Blak Makk:

So let me see what else they got. Even though I am not a fan, I'm not a fan of flashback episodes. I hate that shit. I really do. And this episode is a really big a really big reason why because very minimal of this shit impacts the show.

Blak Makk:

If you're gonna give me a backstory, give me a quick backstory, but get back to the fucking story. Alright. Let me know let me know why there's conflict. Let me know and I wouldn't even have the mothers on there. Let me know why there's conflict between the twins, and then move on from that.

Blak Makk:

Because you're gonna lose me in the grand scheme of, oh, well, we have to do this ascension, and shit goes awry. Jedi fuck up something. Or did they? We don't know that. So now I'm leaving this episode with more questions than answers.

Blak Makk:

And then and then we gotta go then we gotta go back to the to the current time and then figure out what the fuck is happening here when you just wasted a whole episode on a backstory.

Frank Dee:

They should have done the backstory in the first episode.

Blak Makk:

They should have.

Frank Dee:

To to give the to give the story structure. That's what you should have done. Okay? Now when you mentioned flashback episodes, no doubt, the best flashback I saw Ahsoka episode 5, Shout Out War.

Blak Makk:

You you can't you can't do you can't do this show like that.

Frank Dee:

That's the difference. Care about those characters. Right. That's the difference. We don't care about who these people are.

Frank Dee:

Don't care about them.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

That's what it is. You're not and and that's the thing. That's remember I said earlier, first impressions. First impressions means a lot when you're dealing with with episodic television.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Exactly.

Frank Dee:

You can lose the audience just like that, and you lost a lot of the audience. Just just No doubt. You know you you know what's gonna kill you know what's gonna kill this show? Really? What's gonna kill this show?

Frank Dee:

It's another show that's about to to to, to come back. House of the Dragon. It's gonna be a little bit more.

Blak Makk:

I'm waiting on that shit. I'm waiting on that.

Frank Dee:

Oh, oh, see, here's the thing. So she's even put that put that back up there real quick. So she's talking to see. Mackie boy says, I just want some old republic shit about in them. Okay.

Frank Dee:

She's even said, the last we had in here, the showrunner for this shit show, has said that she would love to do a show off the Old Republic. No. Do not touch the Old Republic. Leave it alone Because you're you're already investing in this high republic shit that no one cares about. No one reads the fucking books.

Frank Dee:

No one give a shit about it. It's like I don't know. It it's like Lucasfilm. It's just destined for failure. They just love to fail.

Frank Dee:

I don't understand it. I I just I don't But

Blak Makk:

they to to to this to this studio's point, like and I'm I'm gonna keep going back to it. People thought the first three episodes were were bullshit, bro. It took them years to acknowledge that this shit was good. And I was one of the few who was like, I like this shit. I don't know.

Frank Dee:

It's about the prequels.

Blak Makk:

I'm not immersed I'm not immersed into it like that.

Frank Dee:

Are you talking about the prequels? Yeah. Okay. But I'm not but but okay. So this is once again.

Frank Dee:

We're we we're not counting that anymore because we're counting Lucasfilm under Disney. That's why that's what I'm saying. Disney Disney Star Wars.

Blak Makk:

That's what

Frank Dee:

I'm saying. Star Wars.

Blak Makk:

To to this to this period's point, people didn't like those until you Even they were like

Frank Dee:

yeah. Pea but people liked revenge of the Sith.

Blak Makk:

Right. That was the only one.

Frank Dee:

They didn't like they didn't like the Phantom Menace. Right. Or so they say. It made a lot of money. But people will say, well, the force awakens made a lot of money too, but people didn't like, right.

Frank Dee:

Force of me, I I went to there and saw that. What what people liked about it was it was the first Star Wars movie since 2,005. So it was something to go watch, and it's it was new.

Blak Makk:

It was new.

Frank Dee:

That's what it kinda was. You know? But it's saying on this show here, it's like, it's it's it's not gonna age well. It's not gonna age well because the number 1, the fan base is so the anyways, you're you're going to a segment of the audience that is not even supporting your fucking brand. That's the problem.

Frank Dee:

They're not supporting it. They're a very small minority of fans. No different than AEW. What they're small minority of fans. Correctly.

Frank Dee:

Y'all correct. That's what you're doing here. You're you're going after people that are not supporting your fucking brand. They're not buying shit. Whole episode was destroyed.

Frank Dee:

We didn't need a whole episode about the kids on break. That was to establish the characters here, to make you care about it. I mean, we didn't care. We did not give a shit when we saw all the witches laid out dead. It didn't have the same feeling when in revenge just said, all the younglings are down on the ground, and they're and they're dead.

Frank Dee:

Who who could have done this? It's a lightsaber. Who could have done this? You had emotion about it. You cared about that.

Frank Dee:

Like, what the hell? These are younglings. Who would do this? Now I think that's what they were going for here, and no one gave a shit. It didn't have the same feeling, the same meaning at

Blak Makk:

all. Right. But yeah. Again, me, I am willing to let it play out. I on on the strength of the first two episodes weren't that bad.

Blak Makk:

This one this one was was not good. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good. So steer this shit in the right in the right way. Come back to the current time. Now that now that we've experienced the the the saga of the past.

Blak Makk:

Come back to the current time and give me something great out of it. Otherwise, you're gonna lose me.

Frank Dee:

And and to go and to go back real quick with your your, representation here of of Yeah. Females. Okay? We have been seeing that with Star Wars. Like I said, the force is female.

Frank Dee:

This is a continued thing way past the Nike shit you were talking about because we saw that with the book of Boba Fett, where Boba Fett basically was side a side character to his own fucking show. Phoenix Chan was the the main character in that show. Okay? Yeah. You go look at the Mandalorian season 3.

Frank Dee:

Horrible fucking season. The worst season of the whole damn show. Who was the main character in that one? Bo Katan. Yep.

Frank Dee:

It's not so much that people people are just, oh, up in arms because of no. Give me a well written female character, and I will be there to watch it. Why was there the the what Did anybody have really a big problem? I I didn't see this major outrage for Jane Urso in Rogue 1. I didn't see that for Carrie Fisher.

Frank Dee:

I didn't see that for that report when they when she played Pat Amidala. Didn't see any of that. So it's not a female that's a problem. It's give us a well written female character and a well written story, and we're there for it. We don't give a shit who who it is.

Frank Dee:

We don't give a shit about your sexuality. We don't give a shit about your race. Just give us a fucking entertaining story. But the rest of the bullshit decided we don't care about. When you people watch these shows, you watch them to escape the real world is what you watch them for.

Frank Dee:

And so give me 45 minutes of whatever entertainment to get out of the real world. That's why people watch wrestling. Wrestling is not fucking real, but you watch it to escape reality for that 2 hours or 3 hours the way it is. So I don't need this real life bullshit in the show.

Blak Makk:

No. I get that. I get that. But that was that's part of my anger with this with this particular episode too because I did come into it with a lot of outside talk. Now I had to watch the show with the outside talk attached to it.

Blak Makk:

With if if I really liked it, then I needed it to be I don't I don't wanna ever be in a position where I feel like I have to like something because a whole bunch of people don't. You know what I mean? I don't wanna be in that position. I wanna like that shit because I wanna like that shit because I I watched it, and the story gripped me. I came into this episode in which I was kinda angry about the shit afterwards.

Blak Makk:

I was like, I came into this episode expecting some some fucked up shit. I didn't really get that, but, again, that had an impact on the way I watched the show. And I haven't watched it again to, like, cleanse the palette and see, like, what exactly I didn't like about the show itself. I do know that I didn't like the writing of the show. And I do know I didn't like the flow of the show being that it was a backstory that I'm probably not gonna care about at the end of this season.

Blak Makk:

I'm I'm probably gonna get to the end of this season and be like, that episode had no fucking bearing on what the rest of the show had to do, which in turn makes it up a bad episode. It doesn't have

Frank Dee:

it doesn't have to me, and this is just me saying this, it doesn't have any bearing on me, period, anyway, because I don't acknowledge it as Star Wars, period. Right. It's not

Blak Makk:

Star Wars. I hear people say that too. And, like, that's that's good, but for me and then and now I'm this episode kinda put me on, like, the AEW, WWE shit. And the divisive divisiveness is like, okay. If I'm trying to be a casual fan and and watch and enjoy, then the outside talk, I can't pay attention to it because I'm gonna come into the episode expecting some whole other shit.

Blak Makk:

You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna watch this thing, and I have to be on some some sort of side. And I don't wanna do that. I don't ever wanna do that with with with the entertainment. Right.

Blak Makk:

But I get it. I get I get I get people want what they want too. So but yeah.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Absolutely.

Blak Makk:

We spent the hour on this shit. So it's

Frank Dee:

gonna be a big win.

Blak Makk:

Oh, shit. Well, we spent an

Frank Dee:

hour on it. We spent an hour on it because, honestly, there's not a lot happening right now in wrestling. But if you wanna delve into, we can I guess we can delve real quick into the the depth of w w, our initial reactions to it?

Blak Makk:

Yep. We could do that. We could do that. So I I haven't finished the second episode, but I do have a I do have a Uh-uh.

Frank Dee:

Well, what what what are you doing? One one second. So I guess, tonight, I'm reading this real quick as we're doing the show. As we're doing as we're doing the show tonight with dynamite, and it says, do you have challenged 5 of AEW's best to blood and guts?

Blak Makk:

They did that at the beginning of the show. Actually, I because they Why

Frank Dee:

the fuck do you you just had a gimmick match.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. I I didn't have enough time to really react, but I know they went out to swerve. They

Frank Dee:

went out to swerve. And I and I can see Jack Perry, he he still has no burns. Whatever. Let's talk about a real organization that once existed, WCW.

Blak Makk:

Alright. So before we before we really dive into the the two episodes that they dropped

Frank Dee:

I haven't watched the second episode.

Blak Makk:

I I haven't finished it. So I I do know that it's on, like, the the Medusa run. It starts with the Medusa run and how the title and the trash can shit, affected them. I haven't finished it, though. So Yeah.

Blak Makk:

That's my that's my task afterwards. But

Frank Dee:

these just want to talk about the first episode then.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. The the first episode gives you plenty. It gives you plenty. To the point where, this morning, Ric Flair sent out an apology, a public apology to Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo, and who else?

Frank Dee:

Jim Hurd.

Blak Makk:

Jim Hurd. He sent out a public apology to them, which is big, man, because he he blamed those three people for for the death of WCW. And he sent out an apology saying that he wasn't aware of the corporate workings and everything going on behind the scenes after watching these 2, these 2 episodes, but that that's actually huge.

Frank Dee:

But it made it tell me that Bischoff was telling

Blak Makk:

the truth all along. Go figure. Go figure. But, somebody that we had on no gimmicks, Neil Pruitt, was a contributor to this episode. A book that you actually recommended to me by, Guy Evans.

Blak Makk:

Guy Evans worked on on the show. So there's a lot there's a lot of things coming together, and it's told in a way. It's not told in a WWE way to where, like, we went to war and they lost, and they go into the weeds with this shit, man, and why WCW failed, the acquisitions that were trying to be made that ultimately fell apart, the the the purchase of it. It it's really well done. The first two episodes are really, really well done, based off what I'm seeing so far in the second episode.

Blak Makk:

But the first episode was they just they went into the weeds with a a whole bunch of shit, man.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And that's the thing about it. So I I did see that that, that tweet from Ric Flair, that public apology to to Russo and Bischoff and Jim Hurd. And and just say him to apologize to fucking Jim Hurd was crazy to me. Right?

Frank Dee:

Right. But, he he did that. And I guess tomorrow, he's gonna be on Eric's podcast, and they're gonna talk you know? And and they're gonna debate the money they're gonna debate the death of the, but Rick wants to kinda have a clean. So he said, we'll see how long it'll last.

Frank Dee:

But he wants to have a clean a a a clean insight with people because Bischoff has been and it's and it's completely shits on Meltzer and Alvarez's narrative. Yep. In their book of the the the death of of w c their their book, they did the the death of w w because Bischoff has been saying this all along. He said the beginning of the end. People think, oh, it was start 1997.

Frank Dee:

No. This had nothing to do with creative.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Nothing to do with nothing. This has to do with the inter the the internal structure at Time Warner, the corporate entity that owned WCW. The moment that Ted Turner sold Turner Broadcasting to Time Warner was the beginning of the end for WCW Yeah. Because Time Warner did not want wrestling. Turner Broadcasting, other than Ted, didn't want wrestling.

Blak Makk:

He was their biggest ally.

Frank Dee:

Loyal. Correct. Right. Ted and he owned the company. So Ted was loyal to wrestling because it helped build supersession WCBS.

Frank Dee:

It was Georgia championship wrestling that helped put that on the map, so Ted was always loyal to it. And then the Crocketts had the the the financial issues, and then Turner bought that and then turned it into world championship wrestling. Okay?

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Eric said that at at their height, he could do no wrong. And it was at it was August of 1998. He went to a meeting, and and it was at the office. And he says that he goes to this meeting and a couple people there he knew, but a bunch of people he did not know. And these people were gonna tell him how to produce his show.

Frank Dee:

We're not gonna do what they're doing over at the WWF, which Eric says they had basically took his formula and took it over there. And we're he we're not gonna do that. We're going to sterilize and deuter WCW is what happened.

Blak Makk:

Right. And he said this. A lot of it a lot of it was because they did go over the, the acquisition of Hulk Hogan and how that came to be, and then the turn of Hulk Hogan, which a lot of people said, like, this thing, that one event is what really triggered the attitude error because they needed some some sort of shock value type of TV. Not only that, but the the parking lot brawl, which Neil Pruitt himself was on the show talking about it, which I feel kinda honored now because he talked about how they shot that episode, and then he talked about he he said the same exact thing on the show. How they shot it, the reactions from it, how people reacted to to Hogan turning, because they weren't sure that he was actually gonna turn.

Blak Makk:

But the fact that you had these and you built momentum off of it, and the WWE was actually trying to replicate that, you had The Rock on the show saying like, damn. How come we don't do shit like that? You know what I'm saying? Like, that's big. And for for them to acknowledge, like, this thing really kicked off really the the height of of pro wrestling.

Blak Makk:

It it really triggered this thing going to the heights it went. And for them to be like Time Warner was, like, trying to take it away, it was some hatership, bro. And it it it it it felt like sabotage.

Frank Dee:

Well, not on the show. Look at Brad Siegel on the show. Brad Siegel's just his even till this day, his disdain for professional wrestling because he never understood. You know? Even Eric, and and a good follow-up, is anybody who's listened to the show, if it is to watch, Eric Bischoff's live reactions to the death of WWE on this podcast on a 3 weeks on YouTube.

Frank Dee:

Yep. Because he goes in there, and he took some shots at brass eagle. He he took some shots kinda at Brett Hart. You know, Brett Hart on there. How how proud Brett?

Frank Dee:

Took some shots at Booker T because Booker T wanted to say some shit, and he says and what what and this is what Eric said. He says, you know, he says, I'm really disappoint because he says, you know, Booker said, you know, you know, Hulk Hogan was selfish in obviously. He's like Eric says, you know, I love Booker T to death. Respect Booker T and all his customers, but Booker T doesn't know what the hell he was talking about because Booker T wasn't in those meetings. He wasn't there.

Frank Dee:

He weren't none of their none of these people were there. He's like, what is what could Medusa possibly add to the story? You weren't in any of these meetings. You were not there. You were not in the court meetings.

Frank Dee:

You were not in the in the dressing room when they went the day of Sar 1997, and they went there to talk to Steve or Sting to go over what they were gonna do to finish and to say that his head was not in the game. It's well documented that he was going through a lot of personal issues at the time. And Hogan is about to do a big thing here like what he did to for Warrior at WrestleMania 6. Mhmm. We're about to do it again.

Frank Dee:

About to get okay. We're gonna put the strap on Sting. We've been building this story. We're gonna put the strap on Sting, and we're gonna w w is gonna come on top here. NNWO is gonna have to rebuild.

Frank Dee:

That was the story. And so they saw the mindset of when Steve walked out of there, Hogan is like, uh-uh, brother. Like Yep. He's not ready. He's not Yep.

Frank Dee:

Because hoe They they said

Blak Makk:

this on the show too.

Frank Dee:

Hogan was smart enough to know that that because they say, you know, Hogan always second guessing shit a lot. But he's was right on the money with this because it would've just killed the whole damn thing. Yeah. Why why would Hogan and this is the thing that kills me with people. Why would Hogan, knowing the contract Hulk Hogan had and and just how much money he was making off certain days, why the fuck would he wanna do something to make it fail?

Frank Dee:

That makes no sense.

Blak Makk:

No. That's killing his money.

Frank Dee:

It's killing his money, and that's what it's about, the money. Yeah. So say, woah. Woah. He's been in screen of control and what the fuck are you talking about?

Frank Dee:

Why would he why would he want to sabotage that? Right. Funny as you know, he was gonna make with Sting. They knew what they had here. Why would he go to sabotage that?

Frank Dee:

He would they said clearly, Sting was not against Sting has admitted his head wasn't there. He could hide in the raptors at that time. He didn't have to do anything. He just could be the scary guy in the raptors because he had shit going on in his personal life. He got saved.

Frank Dee:

He was born again in August 98. That's where he was born again. I know this for a fact because I met Stane when I was living in Santa Clarita, California. Canyon Country is where I lived. I met him.

Frank Dee:

Okay? And how I met him is because somebody I knew went to the same church as him. And I met him guys. This is when he was in the Wolfpack as he had just say he had just was just born again. Right.

Frank Dee:

So they're not lying here. So he's he's saying he was like he says, like, the whole thing with Bret Hart. That's been debated to death about Bret, and Eric says that when Bret came over there, Bret's head was not in the game. It was not the same Brett Hart he talked to a year before this because Brett was still pissed off about Montreal. So there was no motivation there when he got there.

Blak Makk:

Right. Right.

Frank Dee:

You can kinda tell when Brett comes out on night chart. I'm a fan. Just tell I'm just shooting this shit how it is.

Blak Makk:

It's hard, ain't it? To this.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. His he what he didn't wanna be there. If you go back to that first nitro, Brett came out there in Charlotte before Starrcade. Right? Where he said Brett was gonna be the special referee, of the of the the, the Bischoff versus the Bisco match.

Frank Dee:

The winner gets Nitro. Brett did not wanna be there. He looked miserable to be there. He did not wanna be at WCW. You can clearly see that.

Frank Dee:

So Eric said his heart wasn't there. So he says he's not surprised if Brett Hart wants to talk shit on the on here because this is Brett Hart. He says Brett He say he just saw Brett a few weeks ago in in in England or whatever. And Brett was there, and he's, you know, spoke for a few minutes wherever he met Brett's wife. And he just says, man, says, you know, Brent just he's just miserable.

Frank Dee:

He was like that's what he said that's what he said. He said, Brent, he's like, yeah. He has a beautiful wife and all that. He's like, he should, like, he should be on

Blak Makk:

top of the world, man, but he's just he's miserable.

Frank Dee:

Yep. So he's not surprised that he would, you know, he would be talking shit. And they tried to get Hogan to do the to do the documentary or whatever, but he declined to do it.

Blak Makk:

He he didn't wanna do it. I I wouldn't do it if I was Hogan either. But, like, they did they did go over the Hogan creative situation and how they think that that contributed, but it the the episodes are really well done, and they stick closely to, Guy Evans' book. Correct.

Frank Dee:

Which is

Blak Makk:

This is good.

Frank Dee:

Guy went out there. Guy Evans went out there and got the key people. He interviewed key people at Turner that were involved in this. This is what I'm talking about with Alvarez and his book and and and all this. They didn't know shit about anything.

Frank Dee:

Right. Nothing about this because they weren't in the meetings at at Turner. They didn't know like, Dick Sheeter said it, man. Dick Sheeter was in charge of Turner Finance. And he was told, if you do anything that helps them, that would look as basically detrimental to your career.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

If you remotely help WCW in any way. So the net the they're going against the WWE narrative here is what's going on. That's why it's so compelling. Right.

Blak Makk:

Right. Yeah. And that's what that's what I said. They they really did a good job of keeping it keeping it a balanced story that that isn't WWE narrated. They they give you the the real shit.

Frank Dee:

And I guess, in in this I haven't watched it yet, but I'm assuming in this episode, did they did they mention Eric Bischoff's, firing at w w in this episode? They yes. They did. Okay. So my my buddy, Steve Gerrick of Gerrick dot net, who is my old podcast with, they mentioned his news, article in that show because he fucking tweeted about it.

Frank Dee:

They use his, his thing on there. But he was just the main one I was talking about. I mean, are we really asking who killed w w in 2024? And I'm like, well, Steve, did they mention your shit, buddy? So we should be happy.

Blak Makk:

Hell, yeah. Hell, yeah. But, yeah, it's like that's a it it's a piece of history, and you could see the amount of people debating that shit still. Like, it still means something because it it had a huge impact. Losing WCW still impacts the industry to the fact that you still have you still have NWO merchandise that is still at the top of the sales.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Right. It it's you can't completely get rid of the legacy of WCW as long as the NWO shit is that popular. It's gonna be around for a long time. And it's it's just that popular because it was it was that cool.

Blak Makk:

So, Yeah, man. It's a it's a it's a beautiful watch in which for anybody listening, you should watch it. Comes out on Tuesdays on Vice. But if you really wanna get into the weeds, Guy Evans' book, Nitro, it's on Audible. It is Nitro something with WCW in the title.

Frank Dee:

But, it's a night it's a guy see, what is it called? Nitro, the inedible, collapse of Terry Turner's World Championship Wrestling, I think that's what it's called.

Blak Makk:

There it is. Yep. But, yeah, it's on it's on Audible, so you can get it as an audiobook. I have it on Audible as an audiobook.

Frank Dee:

Get it for a 30 minute. You get, like it'll give you, you get a free trial of 30 days. You get one credit to get that book.

Blak Makk:

I will try to write it down. Good read.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. It is a good read. Absolutely. It's one of the best Definitely. Best books I've I've

Blak Makk:

I've listened to.

Frank Dee:

Absolutely. Yep. And and supposedly, on the show here don't I can't confirm this, but, supposedly, they're they're possibly gonna get Jamie Kelner on this Really? Doc yeah. That's that's I've I've heard that rumor that they got Kelner.

Frank Dee:

Because Kelner is the one who came in, the AOL Time Warner acquisition. He came in and says, yeah. You can have the TV time. Oh, no. You can have the range.

Frank Dee:

You got the video library, but you cannot have the TV time.

Blak Makk:

What a

Frank Dee:

I'm canceling canceling turn I'm I'm canceling w w thunder and w w nitro off the turn networks.

Blak Makk:

Yep. Without the TV time, it's worthless.

Frank Dee:

It ain't worth nothing. And what's, like so people go back to it. Well, you should have bought it, Bishop, because you coulda got the video library, and Bishop says, at that time, how how what were we gonna do with the videos? What can we do with that library? Nothing.

Frank Dee:

Nope. That's why Vince got it. Vince, he could do it. Because Vince had been they had been talking to w w prior to this in 2000 about buying, w w. They have been talking to Turner prior to this.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

They're always that people don't get it right. Oh, it's afraid of there's a figure if I could do them. It was Sark in 97. No. They had always been WCW was always going to go out of business.

Frank Dee:

It was always once you fail. That's they never wanted it to begin with. That's the problem. And, man, when you hear about all the the the crazy accounting of of how much money w w had made and how much money was allocated to WCW at that point.

Blak Makk:

That's the death penalty.

Frank Dee:

Money. Correct. That's the death penalty. Hear people talk about, oh, a w w w lost $60,000,000 in this and that, yeah, motherfucker. They lost it because the money they have was being diverted to other areas.

Frank Dee:

And if those other areas took losses, they put it down as w c w because guess what? They had 2 sets of books.

Blak Makk:

Yep. And fuck them. That that's pretty much what it was. Yeah. We got 2 different books and fuck them.

Blak Makk:

They're gonna pick 1.

Frank Dee:

Beef it up. They were trying to beef it up because they knew about the acquisition. That's why they were trying to beef these other departments that they felt we we need those those divisions within Time Warner. We don't care about this little wrestling company down here. We don't give a shit how much money it makes.

Frank Dee:

We don't give a shit how big the ratings are. We don't want wrestling. We want sophistication. We want we want our movies. We want TNT to be a movie channel.

Frank Dee:

We want them. That's what we want. There's gonna be drama. And remember, when WCW ended, it was TNT. What did they say?

Frank Dee:

TNT. We are drama. Yep. That's what they said.

Blak Makk:

They still they still do that.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But now, you know do that. It's a different hierarchy now, and, you know, wrestling is acceptable again at at at Turner.

Blak Makk:

But for how much longer, though? That that's their point.

Frank Dee:

They're not going anywhere. AEW's not going anywhere.

Blak Makk:

Okay. But, yeah, it's it's a good it's a good documentary to watch, man.

Frank Dee:

Absolutely. It's different from the WWE narrative. And once again Yep. The WWE narrative is always gonna be their their BS that they put out there, but it's just you know? Now if you wanna talk about creative decisions that they've messed up on, we could go about that all day.

Frank Dee:

I mean, shit. You know? Fingerpoking doom, ending Goldberg streak. Yep. Several different things.

Frank Dee:

Letting the radicals go to hit WWF. Yep. There there there's lots of of things we can we can talk about that.

Blak Makk:

There's a lot. Change change the fucking

Frank Dee:

Vero yeah. Jericho leaving. Changing the fucking logo to WCW. Yep. Changing the nitro.

Frank Dee:

It just it's a lot of shit. That's why, like, we we when they they show that logo, that that star logo, that's the we know that's the end pretty much for WCW. When they show that logo, that's just

Blak Makk:

Hell yeah.

Frank Dee:

Bad that's just bad shit.

Blak Makk:

You know who I wanna talk to now? Vince Russo. I wanna know how vindicated he feels by this documentary.

Frank Dee:

Well, Vince is on his Vince has his own, YouTube channel. So he talks about it all the time. When he talks about, you know, how he feels, I'm pretty sure he's gonna talk about this Rick Flair shit.

Blak Makk:

Oh, hell yeah.

Frank Dee:

You know? Hell yeah. And why not? You know? But it is cool

Blak Makk:

it is cool seeing seeing him getting this shit lift off lifted off of him.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. I mean, I've always said I'm a I'm a Russo supporter. I've interviewed Russo several times. I'm a Russo. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

I've interviewed Bischoff. You know? So, yeah, I've I've always, like, that whole narrative. I mean, because because because I could say a booker team says, oh, well, it had to be the person that that, you know, had to check with Gary Bischoff. Like, how do you how do you say that?

Frank Dee:

And it's like and you say this shit about Hogan. How do you say that, Booker? Because I asked Booker t when when we interviewed Booker T, I asked him about the promo he did as as, Spring Sandy 97 when he says, Hulk Hogan, we come up with you. And I asked him, I said, do you have any heat after that? And he says, no.

Frank Dee:

I actually got a push after that. I said, oh, he says, yeah. Hogan was cool with it. Hogan had no problem. So I think it's kinda where that's kinda where Eric was like, look.

Frank Dee:

What the hell?

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Yeah. And and I hate saying it like like I'm gonna say it, but it's like the guy works for the WWE now. You know what I mean? Like, I don't I don't know what the environment's like over there anymore, but this kinda this kinda talk is kinda norm for anybody that's over there.

Frank Dee:

Well, it's it's the same bullshit narrative.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

It's the same bullshit narrative because guess what? Booker t did last night that Hogan was at WCW. Booker t got the strap. Yep. Okay.

Frank Dee:

So at that point yeah. I mean, it was already damaged goods. That the the this is what people you gotta understand. The company was damaged going into 1999. It lost momentum.

Frank Dee:

It was done because Yeah. It was WCW was suffering in 98. I remember watching it. I've watched that now on the network. Just how bad the shows are Because Once you once you got freedom, it's gone.

Blak Makk:

Once you got the black and white and the wolf pack Correct. That just started going downhill.

Frank Dee:

Correct. Absolutely. And then we got another macho man versus Hogan. There's a lot of it's yes. A lot of creative shit, but kinda their hands were kinda tied there because they're basically, the network is telling you what you can and cannot do.

Blak Makk:

Right. Right. And that a lot of people don't know that, but they explained that on the show too. Right. Like, it was it looked like the shit was being sabotaged.

Blak Makk:

Like, they didn't want this shit, which is fucking terrible, bro. Because, yeah, if you don't like if you don't like wrestling, that's fine. But you also have to understand too. Like, people these these are these are real people with jobs, bro. Like, you you gonna not all of these people are gonna be able to to to go to the WWE.

Blak Makk:

Not not all of them. Well And, really, the ones the ones that you really want there, they they got they they fucked off on your money. So they ain't gotta go. They could sit home and collect paychecks.

Frank Dee:

Well, they said so it's funny you mentioned that because on the last night, they had, Shane McMahon had a had a kinda like a rah rah. I see. W w employees. He says, we have purchased WCW, he says, but and everybody in this room, if you want, will get an opportunity to come to New York, to come to the WWF is what he said. Mhmm.

Frank Dee:

And and they said the WCW, or no. The WWF lawyer was there and says, hey. We're gonna have a meeting to, this week in Atlanta, and you guys will come. And we're gonna talk about the future plans, what we're gonna do for WCW. When I got to the office at WW's offices, they were all given a box to get their shit, and it's squared out by security.

Frank Dee:

And that's the end. Crazy. And that was it. And Tony says yeah. Tony said he went to, that WBF meeting that day and realized there was nothing there.

Frank Dee:

It it was just gonna happen. He already had another job interview lined up somewhere else. Mhmm.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

he had inquired about going over there. You know? He wanted to to come and work on the network in his embassy. Mhmm. And, you know, Tony say it was a typical oil.

Frank Dee:

You know, we'll get back to you. Because Bruce Pritchard, I guess, tried to get Tony a job over there. Right. And it just it didn't work. And at the last minute, when Tony was signing with AEW, that's when they said, oh, you know, we got something for you.

Frank Dee:

Tony said, fuck you.

Blak Makk:

Too little, too late, motherfucker.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Right. And I'll tell you, Tony Savanti, I I I'm already a Tony fan, but I'm even more of a bigger fan now of Tony ever since, he dissed Drake. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

You heard about that. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

I I told you about it. Shit. Yeah. People don't know what I'm talking about. On Tony Shivani's podcast, a fan asked Tony Shivani.

Frank Dee:

He says, what did he think about the Kendrick Lamar and Drake beef? And he's like, what are they beefing about? He says, you know what? He says, I'm not you know, I I listen to some rap. I think it's cool.

Frank Dee:

He says, if I was in the Uber one day, and I was the guy was on on the radio, and he he just could not sing. And he says, and it was Drake. He says, oh, so Kyra's like, oh, so you're team Kendrick. He says, well, I haven't heard Kendrick, but Drake is terrible. So there you go.

Frank Dee:

That's that's Tony's body.

Blak Makk:

Hey. The man's being honest.

Frank Dee:

Yes. So he got my respect. Shit.

Blak Makk:

Oh, shit, man. Final thoughts. What you got?

Frank Dee:

Final thoughts is, I guess, we were gonna see where this, you know, where this show takes us. Well, you're probably gonna see. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to watch that shit. I'll just probably look at the recaps to just to see what happens. But people need to stop freak people need to stop freaking out.

Frank Dee:

It's not the end fucking world. It's not, it's not look. I'm I am Vader, literally. Okay? That that's that's that's my Star Wars.

Frank Dee:

I'm I'm Vader. Alright? That's what I go by. It's not the end of the fucking world. This is this is a fictional situation, people.

Frank Dee:

It's not real. It is what it is. You know? You don't like it? Don't watch the fucking show.

Frank Dee:

That's all I can say about it. You don't have to watch. You know?

Blak Makk:

That's true too.

Frank Dee:

Do it. Do it. Do what I do. I just I I can watch it or I'll just stick with, you know, rebels. I'll stick with the Clone Wars.

Frank Dee:

I'll stick with the original 6 movies, or I'll start doing my own fan film shit. So I would

Blak Makk:

You know what? Why are you why are you talking about that? Not that's an idea that actually popped into my head. Like, if you if there's a lot of negative talk about it, I would love to see some fan made shit.

Frank Dee:

Well, there's plenty of it out there. There's lots of fan films out there. They have, what is it? Dark small apprentice?

Blak Makk:

That fan film? I actually watched that one on your recommendation. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

Good. They got the It's a big fan made film. Absolutely. You got the Vader fan film that I told you about. You have the Star Wars series, Vader episode 1 fan film.

Frank Dee:

There are lots of there's a Obi Wan Kenobi fan film that pretty much stole everything that that that the Obi Wan Kenobi show stole everything from this fan film. Mhmm. Excuse me. We can get more to start ourselves. It'll be badass.

Blak Makk:

And I

Frank Dee:

want to do it, and I'm I'm I'm gonna start writing a fan film. And my fan film is gonna have some very interesting shit that I'll talk to you about off the air. Alright. Because I don't want anybody jacking my shit. I got I got some ideas.

Frank Dee:

I actually talked to, you know, talked to talked to Rob about this as well a while ago, like, months ago. So, hey. I'm thinking about your writing, so she ain't doing something. So Do that shit, man. That's what that's what I'm thinking about doing.

Frank Dee:

Just to show. You know, like, just just go out there and do something. You know what I mean? Like Yeah. Do something on the scale.

Frank Dee:

And and and, you know, and and to have maybe a female lead character that is a well written female character,

Blak Makk:

how would that be? That'd be awesome. That would be awesome. Honestly.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But other than that, people, it's hot outside. It's hot as hell. So if especially if you're in Texas, watch out for the scorpions because the motherfuckers are out. Watch out for the snakes because they're out.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. We got some so we got some alligators in some of these ponds around here, especially around North Texas, so watch out for them. And, once again, people, it's hot as hell. The pavement is hot. Do not walk your dogs on the hot ass pavement.

Frank Dee:

Simple. I know the Internet. Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered. And once again, as I always say, along the way of the empire. Oh,

Blak Makk:

shit. Good show to me.

Frank Dee:

Oh, yeah. And then when you're NWO, you're NWO for life. Yeah. We're coming up on we're coming up on the anniversary of that shit. We are.

Frank Dee:

We are. July 7, 1919, 96 and and letting people out there know. So we're gonna do a a Patreon exclusive. We're gonna do a watch along. We're gonna do a watch along of the hostile takeover match from Bash at the beach 1996.

Frank Dee:

We're gonna watch that match on Patreon. We're gonna watch it. We're gonna give our commentary. We're just gonna have some fun with that. We're not gonna watch the entire event.

Frank Dee:

We're just gonna watch that match because that match featured the biggest heel turn of all time Yep. With Hulk Hogan. There ain't no heel I'm sorry. There ain't no heel turners ever gonna top that. We don't give a shit it would.

Frank Dee:

No. Hell no. Hell no. Happen. Only one that can probably come close today on on a smaller scale would probably be Cody Rhodes.

Blak Makk:

We gotta talk about

Frank Dee:

Cody said, but as as Cody. But we got we we'll talk about all that shit next week.

Blak Makk:

Yep. But, yeah, good show today, man. This was this was a this was a good talk. This was a this was a good talk. It's always what we do here on no gimmicks.

Blak Makk:

Yep. Keep in mind, we got following star Fridays. Everybody's dropping. USDN is gonna be dropping another show. Eat the cake anime has dropped the show.

Blak Makk:

Shout out to them. Make it make sense. Doing his thing. Shout out to Mac aka your boy. He's been on a roll.

Blak Makk:

Smoke pit is gonna be live on Patreon this Friday, so make sure you guys tune in. Make sure you follow us atddfpn.com as well as our, Facebook's groups and pages. Just stay in tune and follow us. If you like it, man, shout us out. Also, shout out to, River City Wrestling in San Antonio.

Blak Makk:

We're actually sponsoring one of the wrestlers, Brandon Vice, of the Flock and Brawlers. Shout out to you. Make sure y'all go check out. They have a show coming up soon. Make sure you go follow them on Facebook.

Blak Makk:

Get the info for the show. Go ahead and, and watch them. Also, this weekend, we have MPX The Purge. Maya World is gonna be going up against Athena. I'm I'm going to that shit.

Blak Makk:

That's gonna be a banger. And, we also have Mission Pro Wrestling, summer 11. We actually are sponsoring a match there too. So, make sure you guys tap in, man. So follow us, tap in.

Blak Makk:

Look at these wrestlers that we're sponsoring because they're all good. And and follow them, man. Show them some love and and, show them that you that you are supporting them. But other than that, I got nothing, bro. You got anything else?

Frank Dee:

No. That's it, bro.

Blak Makk:

Alright, man. So for us here at no gimmicks on the DFPN, thank you guys for tuning in. Tune in next week. Until then, enjoy what the fuck you wanna enjoy. Peace.

Ep 73 "Who Killed Star Wars?"
Broadcast by