Ep 71 "Roll Out the Red Carpet For Him!"

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Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. What is up, everybody?


Welcome back to the no gimmicks podcast here on the DFBN. It is I, Black Mac the Jedi, with the Sith Lord himself, Frank d. What is up, buddy? Welcome back to the show.

Frank Dee:

Well, first of all, sir, it's, dark Lord of the Sith. But What a damn I I I'm doing well, sir. Another great day here with the empire.


Nice to have you back. Nice to be back. We got a good show tonight. We have some things to discuss. 1st and foremost, before we get into the show, I wanna shout out the queens of nerdom and Mac aka your boy.

Frank Dee:

Oh, I'm glad you brought him up.


We'll go

Frank Dee:

to Go ahead, sir. Yeah.


Go ahead, sir. Yes, sir. They, they have the the the honor of going to, Phoenix fan fusion, out in Phoenix, Arizona. They already have some interviews up, so please go to Queens of Nerdem, the Facebook fan page, and the group. They've been posting the interviews that they did from that, from that convention.


Very good time. Very dope work that they did. Please go, check them out. They were there from Friday to Sunday, so a lot of good content came out of it. And, now here's what we're gonna talk about in regards to that.


Frank d saw this, and he has some things that he wants to get off his chest. Frank d, the floor is yours.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. So I'm just, you know, chilling. I'm I'm going through my timeline, and I see, pictures of of this said, you know, convention. And I I saw a sight I never thought I would see. I saw Mac, aka your boy, dressed as a Jedi.

Frank Dee:

And I'm like, what is this? Dressed as a Jedi with his his purple Mace Windu inspired lightsaber. And I said to myself, you know something? When I see you back, it's on. I will show you I will show you the true nature of the dark side of the force.


Now now to to bring this into perspective, you mentioned that he had the mace window look. How many bald Sith were there?

Frank Dee:

Well, there was Darth Bane who started the rule of 2. Okay? So and then I believe, what, Darth Malgus was bald, I believe. So there's 2 right there.


So you think Mac could have pulled off one of those two looks?

Frank Dee:

I think Mac showed his true nature I'm trying to love no I'm trying to force. No. There's no need to help me out. There's no need to help me out. He's the one that's going to need the help.

Frank Dee:

Because as soon as I see him as soon as I see him, that's all it is gonna take, buddy.


Okay. Alright.

Frank Dee:

I will show him the true nature of the force. But, no, real talk. True story. It was great to see him and embrace the the cosplay. So that was cool to see.

Frank Dee:

Even if I believe he chose the wrong side. It it's it's it was cool to see that.


Is there is there really a wrong side of the force?

Frank Dee:

Yeah. The light side.


No. There's no real wrong side.

Frank Dee:

Whatever you say, buddy.


It's just like wrestling, man. I think the story whoever whoever story that you

Frank Dee:

Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Now wait a minute.

Frank Dee:

Now watch what you say there because there are certain people out there that believe it doesn't matter about the story. It's just what happens in the ring. So you just remember that. You don't have to have a story that for it to be entertaining. Remember I get that.

Frank Dee:

Even though that's flawed as fuck. It is. But, you know, but whatever. But We're we're just, Mark Podcasters. What do we know?


Yeah. This is this is true. Is whatever side you're looking at it from, like, the bad guy has a reasoning for being bad. For them, they're the good guys because they believe what they're doing is right. The other side is the bad guy.

Frank Dee:

And that's what then and and that is if you wanna put this into perspective about what we were originally talking about, which is Star Wars, that is the reason why the Jedi collapsed. Because they thought they were doing the right thing and thought they were doing good, and they were no longer doing that. That's why so many of them got disillusioned with the Jedi Council and everything they were doing. That's why Dooku fell to the dark side. It it all makes sense now.

Frank Dee:

They were corrupted.


You could say that. But, again, they really believe what they were doing was the right thing to do.

Frank Dee:

And I believe that what I'm doing is the right thing to do.


And what is that?

Frank Dee:

Well, I am on this podcast tonight, and, we are going to talk about AEW Professional Wrestling. K. We're gonna talk about where I think the storyline could go. Okay. But but just just to put into perspective here, you know, Mac, I'm just gonna say, I'm happy to to see you embracing the cosplay.

Frank Dee:

I I thought you were you were you were cool as Nick Fury as well. Yep. I mean, I I'm just I'm happy you're doing it. I just felt that you


you you you

Frank Dee:

you took the wrong


You told you showed the wrong side.

Frank Dee:

You took the wrong side. You you would be much better suited you would be much better suited as a Sith. But don't worry, Mac. One of these days, I'm going to corrupt you to the dark side of the force.


Oh, lord. Lord. Not looking forward to that. Anyway, before we get into the wrestling talk, I did wanna bring up something. I was looking at my memories, and I saw something that you actually put up a year ago.

Frank Dee:

Was. What's that?


And I wanna talk about it because I saw something else that reminded me, of this. And it was like, let's talk about this on the show. So

Frank Dee:



A year ago, you put up a post, about return of the Jedi and how that was the movie that Anakin pretty much balances the force. And then I saw another another, post that was saying something to the effect of that, and how everybody believes that it's Luke that is supposed to balance force, but it's actually Anakin that does it. Can't let's explain. Let's dive into that. What is your true theory on return of the Jedi and the the moment that Anakin actually balances the force?

Frank Dee:

Well, the moment that Anakin balances a force is when he basically saves his son from Palpatine and throws Palpatine down that chute. That's balancing the force. The reason why everything happened the way he did in episode 3 was simply the Jedi outnumbered the Sith. They're the rule of 2. There was only 2 Sith.

Frank Dee:

So it started with it started with Sidious and Maul, and then it went to Sidious and Tyranus, and then it went to


to to

Frank Dee:

Sidious and, Skywalker.



Frank Dee:

But Anakin, even as Vader, Anakin was always still the chosen one. He was always meant to do what he did because he always wanted to be away from poverty. There was always a thing there of of him being replaced. That was always there. So that what you bring up here as far as returning to Jedi goes is when he basically saves his son to bring him back to the light side.

Frank Dee:

That's when he bought balanced force because there was there was nothing there but just the light side. That was it. There was no more nothing. They still have remnants of the of the empire, of course. That's why when people that's that's why we had the discussion on USDN, which you can check on the archives.

Frank Dee:

I I don't consider the, you know, the remnants here, the real empire. The the real empire to me is always gonna be Palpatine leading it. So it's not, you know, Thrawn or anybody like that. It's always to me, it's always Palpatine. That's why that's why in even though I hate the I hate the movie, that's why they pivoted back.

Frank Dee:

I mean, it could be a lazy writing, but they pivot back to Palpatine and rise of of Skywalker because there is no empire without Palpatine. He is the end all be all Sith.



Frank Dee:

So that's how, in my opinion, going back to it right quick, that's how and it can broad balance to the force. He was it was always meant to be that way. Because if you remember at the end of revenge of the Sith, it was balanced. It was 2 and 2. Remember, there were 2 Sith, and there was 2 Jedi.

Frank Dee:

The only 2 Jedi left were Yoda and Obi Wan, and then it was Palpatine and Vader. So there was balance there. It's 22. No more Jedi outnumbering the Sith because Sidious was the only Sith that was left. Dooku wasn't there.

Frank Dee:

Dooku wasn't really a Sith. He was


Jedi either.

Frank Dee:

Right. He was a separate well, yeah, he had a Jedi both on time, but he was a separatist. But, you know, he wasn't but but Dooku was never really a Sith. The city is was a Sith. You know, there was no redeeming there was no redeeming qualities about Sidious at all.

Frank Dee:

Nothing. And if you know Sidious' backstory, there ain't no redeeming at all.


Right. Right. All he wanted was power.

Frank Dee:

Well, he killed his master in his sleep. Right. Yeah.


But that was a power move for him.

Frank Dee:

Right. It goes back to the rule of 2.


Right. And thinking about that, going back going back and and revisiting a lot of this, it's like Vader even even as Vader, Anakin Skywalker, he it was it was Anakin on rage. Anakin really didn't value the power. He had it, but he didn't really he didn't really like Sidious. Sidious was all about power.


Anakin really wasn't. He was just operating on rage, and I think a lot of that rage was from losing Padmeade.

Frank Dee:

No. Anakin wanted the power. In revenge of the Sith, you see, it started off with him wanting to save her. But then at the end of the movie, he says, I can overthrow the chancellor. I'm more powerful than he is.

Frank Dee:

I can overthrow him, and together, we can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be. That's no longer about love. That's about power and ruling. That's what he wanted.


When he had when he had still had Padme. Right?

Frank Dee:

Well, I mean, he always wanted to be on the Jedi Council. That was his whole point. So when you get on the Jedi Council, that is that is a form of power. Of that's power. He's trying to attain power.

Frank Dee:

He that's the only reason why he did not he didn't like the Jedi. He felt he owed the Jedi because they saved him from being a slave on Tatooine. He felt he old, and that's the reason why he never left the Jedi Council. Or he would've left just, you know, the same time Asoka left. That would've been, you know, he would've done it that way.

Frank Dee:

But with Pat May, it's all about his visions. It's all about his premonition of what he thought was gonna happen. In reality, it was savior. That was that was gonna cause this. Now what you don't know about that movie is the original script, and they cut this part out of it.

Frank Dee:

The original script called for Palpatine to spread around that that there was an affair happening between Obi Wan and Padme, which is why Anakin was acting like he was in the movie when he was like, Obi Wan was here. And while he says at the end, he says or she's he's trying to convert her, and she says, you're going down a path I cannot follow, and he says, because of Obi Wan. They left all that out, but that was the original that's the original reason he did it because Palpatine put it in his head that there was something going on between Padme and Obi Wan. He couldn't trust her. So that's where that comes in.

Frank Dee:

That's why he Interesting. Has so much hatred for for Kenobi.


Oh, but

Frank Dee:

and and because of what he did for Momus Attar. But Woah. That's that's yeah. Of course. That was what it is.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

So that's but yeah. So that's that's how he brought that that's how he brought balance to force. It was to basically, you know, it it was gonna be at the end of the day, there was no more Sith. It was just 1 Jedi, and that was Luke. That was it.

Frank Dee:



Until there was another.

Frank Dee:

Until there was another, which wanna be his grandson, which was Right. Kyle Ren.


Right. Okay. I'll fucks with it. I'll fucks with it now.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Then then then he had another brother, you know, Annie can solo, but you know?


Anakin Solo.

Frank Dee:

You don't know about him?


No. No.

Frank Dee:

That's Well that's that's legit.


That's a real thing?

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Anna Consolo.


What the fuck?

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Yeah. They had Ben, and they had they had yeah. He had they had Ben, and he had a brother named Anakin Anakin Solo, but he he died.


He was the first born.

Frank Dee:

I'm not sure if he was the first or the second. He might have been. I'm not sure. But, yeah, she that's why that's why Leah named him Anakin because of her father.


Okay. Okay. I think I do remember this, actually, Thankfully. Was this in what movie was this in?

Frank Dee:

Or was it It's not a movie. It's in the comics. Okay. Yeah.


Awesome. Theory 2. And I actually just, I actually just in in the chat earlier. Mhmm. And the reason I asked is was something I wanted to cover tonight too.


Who actually ruined Tatooine?

Frank Dee:

Because there


was a theory that I read about.

Frank Dee:

It was a Hut plan.


That's what people say. There's a theory out there that says that there were secret bases on on tattooing.

Frank Dee:

Well, there could be. There you listen. This is the thing about okay. So that's another thing when it comes back to the the Sith. You know, there are people out here listening right now.

Frank Dee:

This is the variety you get on. Don't give me. We talk Star Wars. We talk Horde. We talk wrestling.

Frank Dee:

So we're gonna get to the wrestling in a minute. But here's the thing. So when it comes down to the Sith, the reason why the Sith were able to basically attack when they did is because the Sith always, you know, they always hid in the shadows. They always they say that out of the way, but they slowly, you know, did things. That's why Palpatine was able to start up as a senator on Naboo, and he was able to go further into and put his plan into place.

Frank Dee:

Right. That's why, you know, this acolyte show that I have a big problem with is because they said in the fan of menace, we haven't seen a sith in the millennium. We haven't seen any. Yes. Right.

Frank Dee:

You haven't seen any because the first Sith that they saw was mall. Right. So that's how they survived was they kept the numbers low because at the end of the day, it's always the rule of 2. There's only 2. It's a master and apprentice.

Frank Dee:

Darth Bane started the rule of 2. That's how it goes. Because, you know, Bane basically wiped out all the Sith in his own. But, anyways so, it it was all these these Sith that coulda had basis just like their Jedi temples all over the place.



Frank Dee:

You know? That that that was the the test of time. So that that could be very well that's very possible. There there could have been. But remember, it's only 2, master and apprentice, and


it never shows up. The theory that I read, one of the one of the that were there was Plagueis. And Plagueis actual yeah. Plagueis. He actually, funded the, podracing on Tatooine.

Frank Dee:

So That could be the case. I I mean, I'll have to come back and look at the timeline because Palpatine killed him at a young age. Like Yep. He couldn't they were get they were drinking 1 night celebrating something. And Plegas had went to sleep, and pop up in his sleep.

Frank Dee:

And after that, he became, you know, the the master. He was starting to look for an apprentice. So but I know that the corruption really started there with it it was with the HUD plan. I mean, that's jobless territory.



Frank Dee:

That was pretty much job as territory. So it was I mean, you know, you know, is just a shit place, man.


That gave us

Frank Dee:

Much like much like Los Angeles.


That you know what? That I that actually tracks. Yes. That that actually tracks. It it actually tracks.


Oh, man. But let's get let's get into this wrestling shit, man. 1 of the one of the, one of the biggest things happened this past weekend was AEW Double or Nothing. Overall, the the comments coming in on it was a great show, although it was long. And one of the things of the weekend was the fact that AW and Warner Brothers Discovery have not come to a deal yet.


Right. Tony Khan, it was it was rumored that Tony Khan was disappointed in the deal, hasn't committed to a deal yet. The window for negotiations closes in July. At what point, he's free to negotiate with other networks. Now what I think he's looking for is a streaming deal, And I don't think he's going to get that with Warner Brothers Discovery.


Although they have the space for it, I don't think they are willing to offer the streaming with the money for the TV rights deal. I don't think they're I don't think he's gonna get that.

Frank Dee:

So that could be the case, but I did read that they were interested in streaming the pay per views on the max. Right. So what I think it comes down to is I think Tony Khan honestly expected a bigger fee with the the TV rights. I think that's what it is. And


Right. You

Frank Dee:

I I I've read that, essentially, the deal they offered him was the same deal they had already been on. So that's why he's disappointed with the deal. I don't know if it has anything to do with streaming, on the Max. I don't I don't think it has anything to do with that at all. I think it's more financial terms because he's looking at the the money that WWE has gotten from Netflix and how much they're getting from USA Network.

Frank Dee:

And I'm looking like, okay. Well, AEW is garnering all these viewers for the Turner Networks with their content, So they should be, you know, paid. I I can understand that.


I can understand that too.

Frank Dee:

They I mean, especially now when you look at how TNT has lost the NBA. So then you come in with AEW and we're you know what? We're providing you live entertainment every single week, and, you know, there are no breaks, no time offs. We are providing this entertainment, so we should be getting paid accordingly. So I understand him doing that.

Frank Dee:

But at the same time, Warner Brothers Discovery is not exactly profitable at the moment. So Right. They're essentially trying to offer them the same deal, and I can understand some resistance there from Tony Khan and AEW on that signing that deal. I think they're ultimately going to shop the show around to other networks, but I don't think they're gonna go anywhere. I think they're gonna remain on the Turner networks.

Frank Dee:

I think it's better to be on the Turner networks than to be off the Turner networks. But at the same time, you just mentioned here, we had AW Double or Nothing from Las Vegas at the MJ at Grand, which hosted many wrestling events, most notably Halloween Havoc for WCW, episodes of WCW Monday Nitro. It's gonna be the site next year for, I believe, the Raw SmackDown and Hall of Fame for, WWE. So it's it's a it's a venue that's just rich in in wrestling history. And you mentioned the, pay per view.

Frank Dee:

And, what I wanna talk about right quick is the fact that there is no buzz coming off that show. The buzz has completely dissipated. I mean, I remember the other night, it was like, oh, shit. MJF's back. Okay?

Frank Dee:

I would think that there would have been a lot more buzz coming off that pay per view, and I am not hearing anything. It's been


There's buzz, but it's it's it's not, like, massive. You know what I mean?

Frank Dee:

Like very interesting to me because when you look at AEW with double or nothing, that is kinda that's I mean, I know they're considered maybe all in, all out, or whatever, or or, what's the other one, revolution. But Yeah. To me, double or nothing, that was AEW's inaugural pay per view. Yep. So you will look at I look at this pay per view for them kinda like their WrestleMania, their Starrcade.

Frank Dee:

That's our not, you know, their their yeah. Their WrestleMania's Starrcade, you know, their Halloween Havoc. Yeah. That's how I look at that. And the fact that there's not really that big of a buzz coming off the show is is concerning to me because of of of them bringing back MJF and him laying out Adam Cole.

Frank Dee:

You have Mercedes winning the TBS championship. Chris Atranger turning on 9. I mean, you had a lot of of stuff happening here.


There was a lot there was a lot coming out of that. But the biggest the biggest issue that everyone so there's there's an issue on the pay per view.

Frank Dee:



That is being taught. The the, talk of it was, you know, it's 4 hours. It's a 4 hour pay per view. You had a 3 hour pay per view the night before, and it could have been a little bit of burnout. So and that's understandable too.


You have 2 pay per views. That's 7 hours of content in 2 days. And with them going to past midnight EST, like, that that was an issue. But the fact that they didn't have a lot like, they had a lot happen, but not a lot of it is being talked about the the in the following. Tonight was a from what I saw, I probably have to catch the last 20 minutes of the show.


But from what I saw tonight, they they tonight was a good show. They followed up on a lot of stuff, and they addressed a lot tonight. And the only thing I'm looking forward to looking back at it is, the because they had a casino Battle Royale, and that was at the end of the show, which I ended up

Frank Dee:

So yeah. So, if if that's what you're talking about, then, was it to to, determine the challenger for the AW championship at Forbidden Door? Okay. So that match is actually gonna be, Will Osprey versus, Swerve for the championship


at Forbidden Door. Door? Yeah.

Frank Dee:

Oh. They're doing that Forbidden Door. They're not doing it at all in.


Okay. That might be a fucking banger.

Frank Dee:

They're chain they're changing this they're they're they're changing the script.


I like that, actually, because the the presumption was swerve, Osprey, Wembley. We still might get that shit. But You're gonna get somebody

Frank Dee:

else in Wembley. I think what you're gonna end up getting in Wembley is you're gonna get, probably, Osprey probably facing a an MJF.


I like that too. I I

Frank Dee:

don't I don't know, man. I I kinda and this is this is no no knock towards swerve, but so far, he's just been flat as a world champion, and it's not his fault.


I yeah. I was just about to say that. I was just about to say that.

Frank Dee:

They had no plan


for him.

Frank Dee:

Just like they had no plan for Cody.


But but here's the thing, though. I don't like the presentation. I don't. And I'm comparing this to past champions. Had a main, a hangman out of page.


He had a he had a great run. Right? His opponents were strong. MJF, great run. His opponents were strong.


Jon Moxley, Kenny Omega, all these guy even Chris Jericho, all these guys had great runs, and it started as soon as they won the championship. They had people online for them. Why the fuck are we getting squirt swerve versus fucking kill switch, bro? Like, why are we getting this shit?

Frank Dee:

Because Give me they had no plan.


Give me somebody that can breathe down his fucking neck, bro. Like, what the fuck? They had

Frank Dee:

that's what I'm saying. They had no plan.


And and they decided

Frank Dee:

to put the championship on Swerve because Swerve was over. They put the title on Swerve, but they had no plan to go with it. That's what that that's what it was. Give me what I'm saying. I understand what I'm saying.

Frank Dee:

You know?


And you

Frank Dee:

know who could have been in that position that could have been a threat to him had he been properly built up? That would have been Wardle.



Frank Dee:

Had he been properly built up because that would have been like, oh, shit. This guy actually could destroy. Yes. But they have they have devalued Wardle to an appointment. He's nothing.

Frank Dee:

The other the other one, it could have been okay. It would have been Samoa Joe coming back into play, getting his rematch. Yep. You know? And then and then him decisively beating Joe, that would've put him over further, but they didn't have that.

Frank Dee:

I mean, they they literally put them out there with Christian. Nothing against Christian, but I just don't like the people that surround Christian.


That was actually a good match, but I get what you're saying. That was a good match.

Frank Dee:

I don't see anything in in I don't see anything in Nick Wayne. I don't see anything in Nick Wayne's mama. Hlujahsaurus. Yeah. I mean


And that's what I'm saying. Like, you have now the Christian story, they did do a callback. And, you know, how Swerve got to the top, he fucked up Nick Wayne. Christian didn't like it. I like I that was okay.


But so far, it's like, okay. Christian's good. Why are we doing these weekly weekly matches with you know what I'm saying? Like, these people aren't threats to Swerve. We know this shit.


We know he's gonna win. Give me somebody credible to where he comes out. He's actually going through something. Somebody's breathing down his neck. There's a threat to his title.


He has to overcome. This is what you did with every other champion. With MJF, they they made him prove himself as a champion. He did that. He's fucking over.


Why are we not doing this for Swerve?

Frank Dee:

Unfortunately, the reason why they're not doing it with Swerve and until someone can tell me otherwise, because I'm looking at it as as just a a viewer, and I've been a viewer of the show. I I'm just looking at it from the YouTube clips I see. Swerve is a transitional champion. That's all it is. It was just a champion for champion for the moment.

Frank Dee:

The the point of it is is to get the belt off a swerve and have Osborn going into Wembley with the championship. It's very obvious. It is clear as day. Yeah. That's what they're going for.


Yeah. I I don't I I don't want

Frank Dee:

I think they're going to, and I think they're going to present you with what's the match they're gonna give you at all in? What's the big match they're gonna do? I'm a tell you what they're gonna do. The match they're going to do is gonna be Will Ospreay versus Okada for the championship at Wimberley watch. And that's gonna be the elite


I can't be mad at that.

Frank Dee:

It's under the elites


Still, I don't I don't

Frank Dee:



Yeah. I can't be mad at that. I really can't. But on the flip side of that

Frank Dee:

because Okada is not the performer. Okada is not the performer he was. He's not.


He's not. He's not. But the name Okada versus Osprey in Wembley is probably gonna move some tickets. But if you really want

Frank Dee:

tickets anyway, but hold on. Let's not move tickets anyway because


it's a show overseas,

Frank Dee:

and they're going to they're the fans over there are going to go because it's overseas, and they don't really get content like this. So, of course, they're going to go. It's just like WrestleMania is going to sell even if even if it's a shit show as we saw with this year with night 1. Yep. So that's what it is.

Frank Dee:

They just had no plan in place for Swerve, and it's pretty obvious that that's what's going on here. They had no plan. And and, unfortunately unfortunately, Swerve is just not as over as he was prior to this. But that that's because of how he's being booked, man. That's right.

Frank Dee:

That's and who is the booker?


That and I don't I I am displeased at this shit. Like, when his first opponent got got got not even the first opponent. As soon as that dynamite after the pay per view that he won the shit Yeah. Which I was happy, but the the the next the next dynamite is like he comes out. He wrestles somebody.


There's no fucking pomp and circumstance for him. Like, it's just like he alright. You want it. Here you go.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And it's like and and and no. He didn't even I mean, his first promo as a champion wasn't on that collision that Saturday?


Yeah. Like like It wasn't even on dynamite.

Frank Dee:

I I mean, I understand them wanting to to to draw numbers for a collision, but, dude, this is it should have been a a celebration, not some random match for the new world champion. It's a celebration that the guy just did. He made history becoming the first black AEW world champion. That's a historic thing. There should


have been a That that sour taste. Sour taste.

Frank Dee:

Did not have it. Yep. Did not have it.


That's the sour taste.

Frank Dee:

Did it. They only did it for the moment that it was gonna have, and now was it. They had to do something because Cody had just won the WWE championship. So they were like, okay. Who's the guy that's over on our show at Swarm?

Frank Dee:

But then look at Swarm. Swarm is just not as I mean, yeah, people, they still do the nah nah dance on it, but Swarm is not over like he was. And once again, you go back to it's the booking. Of course, it's the booking, but who is the booker? That's the problem.

Frank Dee:

When there is no story to follow, then there's nothing there. They just they you don't I mean, like I said, nothing nothing against Christian. I'm no. It's not Christian. It's just for a for for this first championship coming out the gate.

Frank Dee:

This field has no no heat going to it whatsoever. It's just, okay. Christian comes out here. Oh, you got a problem because he did something to Nick Wayne, and now I'm on a oh, who gives a fuck? Right.

Frank Dee:

There's just there's no substance there. That's the whole point. There there's nothing there. You know? And that's the problem.

Frank Dee:

You don't have any credible opponents for somebody. You haven't built anybody up. Everybody pretty much is on the same level or have been devalued. And then on top of that, all your top guys are not there.



Frank Dee:

The the person that


I would've had

Frank Dee:

in wrestling


Here's the thing.

Frank Dee:

Would've been I would've I would've put him in ring with Jericho at least or something.


Right. So and and that's a double or nothing. Washington double or nothing, who had the most talk coming out of double or nothing? And JF, of course. And now the champion.


Like Right. Like, this is the shit that kills me because that's the guy that that's supposed to be leading the company right now. But y'all got him, like, 3rd on the card. But what the fuck

Frank Dee:

is this? And and I'm a tell you what what I would have done. Okay? And this this is just, just going back and just kinda changing the booking. So had Adam Cole not gotten hurt, alright, I would have actually had Adam Cole as the champion.

Frank Dee:

Everything would have played out the way he did with MJF, but I would have had Adam Cole as the champion, and Adam Cole would've wrestle whoever in the main event. And at the end, that's when I would've had MJF come back out, and he would've confronted Cole. And that starts that feud for the summer, Adam Cole versus MJF, that's how you bring him back as a world champion. I just felt honestly, they they pulled the trigger on Swerve, and they may have pulled the trigger on Swerve a little too soon because they not have a plan to go with it. They just heard the buzz about, okay, they should do this and just that.

Frank Dee:

This situation here with Swerve, this should have been on the magnitude of when Ron Simmons won the championship in WCW, and it just wasn't that. They had the opportunity to do something very historic, and it would have meant something. And it would have been a big deal, and they just didn't do it. They didn't pull it off. The the the execution was flawed from the beginning.

Frank Dee:

And the people they have on their their their creative staff over there, they should know this. But the problem is you have people on your creative staff. One of them was a fucking fan, okay, who was writing for, I think, Fightful. Alright? I think he's actually Swerve's cousin.

Frank Dee:

Swerve's cousin.


And Really?

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That's what I heard. Will Washington. Yeah. Swerve's cousin.

Frank Dee:

And you're giving him out shit like this. That's just it's just shit content. There's not there's no compelling story here. There's nothing there. You gotta have this this badass faction this badass faction to try and do with the elite.

Frank Dee:

If you wanna put it into perspective what they should have done, who could have been breathing down Swerve's neck that would've gave him a challenge that says, I'm going to show you. We're gonna bring this championship to the elite. That should have been Okada. Okada versus Swerve. You could have booked Okada versus Swerve for, Forbidden Door, then you booked Swerve versus Osprey at all in



Frank Dee:

Wembley. That's how I would have done it.


Yeah. You coulda. You coulda. I wish I'm surprised they pulled that trigger. I am really I am really surprised.


But in the grand scheme of things, I'm probably not.

Frank Dee:

They have to pull it because you you don't have Adam Copeland anymore.


Well, yeah. True. That does change a lot. That changes a lot.

Frank Dee:

It always changes a lot. It always changes when someone gets injured. And then on top of that Yeah. Where the hell is Miro?


I was thinking this shit today. Oh my god. Miro Miro? Where is Roosh? Where where is

Frank Dee:

all these guys? Ruche. Why did you Archie.


Where's Ricky Starks? Where Yeah. Where where's Sammy Gabbard at?

Frank Dee:

Where where where the hell is Malachi Black in this situation where you could have built him up a long time ago to him to then do start playing my games with Swerve, and he's Swerve's next challenger. Yep. But you never built these people up. There's so many Wasted opportunity. Yep.



Frank Dee:

They're dropping them all out. They're called they're called wasted opportunities.


And then you get somebody and here's somebody I thought, which I'm happy for him now. Somebody I thought they should've pushed a long time ago just showed up in NXT, and that's Ethan Page. Ethan Page had it. He has it.

Frank Dee:

Know what don't know why sexy red was on the show.


Bro, I did see him. Real quick. Quick sidebar. Booker T is fucking wild.

Frank Dee:



Booker T was, like, shaking fast. I'm like, no. What are you doing, book? What are you doing? You're married.


What is wrong with you? You can't be telling her to do that.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Oh, yeah.


Call book. Chill. This for the hood right here. But yeah. Interesting.


AW AW has, like, I was just thinking earlier today of, like, some people that they should've built, and they could've been something. Because seeing Ethan Page in NXT, like, it it was an impact. Granted granted, he probably got lost in the sauce there too because there was a lot of shit going on in NXT last night. But his his debut was an impact. He he immediately went after

Frank Dee:

the champion. The fact that they were able to keep this under wraps all week.


Right. Right. Right.

Frank Dee:

He was at the performance center last week, and no one said a damn thing. Yep. Nothing. I mean, that just shows you. And then you have him there.

Frank Dee:

Who's the other one that just came back, to NAC? Tynion. Forget his name. You know what I'm talking about? You spend, AEW.

Frank Dee:

Sean Spears. Sean Spears also



Frank Dee:

Sean Spears also back in in NXT. You're about to start to see a


bunch of

Frank Dee:

a a a bunch of people that's gonna start going other side now.


You're you're gonna see a moderate

Frank Dee:

that now. We've seen that now with, Mark Henry. You know? Yep. Saying, okay.

Frank Dee:

I'm I'm I'm not resigning with the motion. It's they'll be it's Amber Arn Anderson.


His his last day is, Friday. I thought

Frank Dee:

and it's funny because I thought Anderson was gone a long time ago. Me too. His son.


Me too. I thought but, yeah, Friday is his last day. I fully expect him to go go to WWE. He's probably gonna manage Cody because Cody's been talking about the.

Frank Dee:

I I don't know, man. I mean so so, basically, now we're gonna rehash our w our AEW shit. Pretty


much. Pretty much. Yeah. And it's gonna mean more because it's on a bigger stage.

Frank Dee:

I mean, I I guess. I mean, they're I mean, the WWE ain't exactly hitting on cylinders right now.


I was gonna I was gonna ask you about that too. Speaking to them.

Frank Dee:

Not that they're not How has Cody's how


has Cody's run been?

Frank Dee:

Cody's Cody's Cody's run is is just it is it's lackluster at best because guess what? There's nothing about Cody. I mean, yeah, he'll get a he'll get a he's a he's a a merch mover, of course. He'll get a pop when he comes out that's not, you know, manipulated by the Thunderdome. But his his his whole title reign is kinda lackluster because once again, they had no plan.

Frank Dee:

Then second of all Right. Cody is stale because it's the same act. I mean, you put him in a ring. Yeah. They him in Logan Paul probably had a a a good match, whatever, but no one gives a shit about Logan Paul.

Frank Dee:

I mean, anything the guy gets involved in, people consider it to be a joke. And that's just the way it is. He could be the Logan Paul could be the best athlete in the world, but he's never gonna be fully embraced or accepted by the rest of the fans because


I don't know, man. I think they're coming around to him. I I am not I'm being dead ass. I'm being dead ass. Man.

Frank Dee:

I'd like to see those I I'd like to see those numbers of this when he's out there in the segments. I do think that's what I go by. I do as


a person. Because I'm I'm on that I'm on that bandwagon too. Like, as a person, couldn't care less for him. But I respect his abilities in the ring. I do.


I actually do. But I think people are starting to come around to Logan Paul.

Frank Dee:

Oh, good to go. Well, good. I'm pretty that's that's excellent. And and the business is showing because no one's talking about it. So good job.


I said they're starting to come around to it, not they they love them, but it ain't it ain't it ain't all hate like it used to be. They ain't just throwing the shit out of them just to boom. You know what I mean?

Frank Dee:

Well, I I don't know, man, because you can't tell on our show. Once again, when you have the Thunderdome that's manipulating the the, the audience, you can't tell who's getting booed or cheered at all. Yeah. That's it. And once again, I'm I I'm pretty sure at this point, because everybody out there is just thirsty, but I'm pretty sure I'm in a minority here where I just don't find the market attractive at all.


I'm not gonna say she's not attractive.

Frank Dee:

I don't see what I'm saying. Know? Because people thought people thought Sunny was attractive back in the day too. So well,


now that Yeah. That too. But I'm I'm not gonna say she's not attractive. I don't get I don't get the hype on on Liv, though.

Frank Dee:

Get the appeal


of her.

Frank Dee:

I don't get the appeal, dude. Like, I I I just see some skinny blonde in there who she just couldn't last. I mean, but you know what? It's just you you know something? She just she just not my type that that can do what it is.

Frank Dee:

She's not my type.


Now they did some shit they did some shit with her and, Dom

Frank Dee:

I saw it. On Raw. On Raw. Yeah.


They're doing the Latino heat.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. I saw it. And this we're doing a Latino heat because we are fresh out of fucking ideas. So we're gonna go into that, which I understand why they're doing it because it sets up when Ria comes back to be the biggest baby face. That's what it sets up.

Frank Dee:

So I understand why they're doing it. I just think that the execution of it is too quick to have have done it.


I think they they should have not shown the kiss to me. If they if they would have not shown it but kind of alluded to something happening, I think they would've been way better off. I think they kinda still

Frank Dee:

get away with that. They couldn't get away with that because the thing is is that if people nowadays have these things called smartphones. Yeah. Smartphones with cameras in them. So somebody could record Yeah.


But that's what I'm saying. Like, don't don't pull the trigger on her kissing him. Like, don't do that.

Frank Dee:

It's it's episodic television, and you want the biggest cliffhanger you can find. So the biggest cliffhanger you got is


still wasn't even on television.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Well but the biggest cliffhanger you can find was that happening, and that's something that people are gonna talk about because they're gonna wonder what's Ria's reaction to this.


Yeah. That's true.

Frank Dee:

They even show they even show Michael Cole after the show. They showed some fan recorded this. They showed Michael Cole basically giving Dominic the riot acts, on on a rant and then Pat McAfee about. So Yeah.


I don't know.

Frank Dee:

But it's like I said


I mean, I woulda did that. I wouldn'ta did it.

Frank Dee:

I mean, it's like, at the same time too at at the same time, the person that I am I'm I'm really impressed with is, like, really coming into his own right now is Damian Priest. But I think that Damian Priest is kinda being held back by the judgment day because, once again, Damian Priest is a guy that he could be the biggest baby face I have.


Yeah. I gotta agree with that.

Frank Dee:

People like Priest. Priest just has Priest has finally found that what I said last week. He's found that Scott Hall aura about himself. He's he's found the the these oozing


added. He's just,

Frank Dee:

again, you it's like showing now. He has a new confidence now.



Frank Dee:

He's really showing He


had he had to grow into the role, but he is being held back by the judgment day.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And, unfortunately, they have a built in story between priest and, in the judgment day, which was gonna be Finn Balor turning to Damian Priest. Right. Finn Balor finally takes over the leadership role of the judgment day. That's the built in story here that they're doing that no one's paying attention to.

Frank Dee:

Because Finn Balor is the only person that I know that lost the the guy was the 1st universal champion.


It's lost through.

Frank Dee:

Got Never gotten it back. Gotten it back. Never gotten the championship match for it. So that's the story there, is that he understands you know, I mean, I was a tag team champion with this guy. Now this guy's world champion.

Frank Dee:

So I feel I'm more talented than Damien Priest. Mhmm. I'm the best wrestler to ever come out of Ireland. So why am I playing 2nd fiddle to Damian Priest? I'm the one who brought the judgment date to what it is.

Frank Dee:

I'm the one who took out Edge. It was my idea. So why am I playing second fiddle to you? So that's gonna turn JD. That'll turn, Dominic.

Frank Dee:

And and if Karvito's affiliated with the faction, I'll also turn him. Because right now, they're doing the Carvito and and and and, and Damien have the bros connection because they're both, you know, they're both Bariquas.



Frank Dee:

But, eventually okay. How about that's gonna fade out? Because, you know, you have a situation now where where Damian has to be the the baby face. He's dealing with 2 heels in in McIntyre and Gunther. So he has to be, you know, default babyface.


Right. Now So let me ask you this. Yeah. Is Damian Priest a transitional

Frank Dee:

champion? And I'm asking as far as I'm asking as far as to stay.


Because Gunther has the shot. Gunther has the shot.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And that's and that's that's hard to say. I I think that's most likely gonna end up being some kind of a smudge kind of a situation Because you can't you're not gonna beat Gunther, but you ain't gonna beat Damian Priest either. You know? They would've they're gonna take the belt off Priest to put it on on going through, then that's basically their way of saying, okay.

Frank Dee:

You know? Hey. Listen. We took the intercontinental championship above of you. We're gonna give you something bigger, which is gonna be the king of the reign, and that's gonna elevate you to the world title.

Frank Dee:

If that's the case, then that means that Damian Priest carrying that money in the bank for as long as he did was a


joke. So I wanna believe that come SummerSlam, Priest will lose that belt. And the reason I say this is because they're going to Berlin after that. And them going to Berlin, going to going back to Germany as a as a champion would be massive.

Frank Dee:

Well, remember, McIntyre didn't leave cash clash of the castle as the universal champion. He lost to Roman. That was a nice solo debut.



Frank Dee:

So they don't really care about that.


That is true. But in this case, I I would not bet against that.

Frank Dee:

Well, we'll see.


That he did lose the intercontinental championship.

Frank Dee:

We'll see. We'll see. But who's who's necessary to say that they're gonna be heavily featured on the show to begin with? Because that could be Cody's time to be featured as well.


That's true too. That that could be Cody is not.

Frank Dee:

Co Cody is not losing championship anytime soon.


No. He's not. He's not. But, again, this goes back to this goes back to the Cody reign.

Frank Dee:



Much like Swerve, like, who's there to breathe down Cody's neck? Seriously.

Frank Dee:

The only person that's there to breathe down Cody's neck is the people that he's not working with, and that is the bloodline. Those are the ones that will breathe down his neck. But if you put into, well, who else is there that could breathe down his neck? That's a a heel Randy Orch.


Right. Who yeah. You're right.

Frank Dee:

That's a heel or a heel Kevin Owens.


But I would say Randy before before Kevin.

Frank Dee:

I don't wanna see Kevin Owens. I'm not a Kevin Owens fan. So Right. I I would be Randy Orgs.


Right. That that would be the

Frank Dee:

only thing. You you have Randy is so popular right now as a baby face. And if I'm Randy Orton, I'm like, shit. I wanna be a top merch seller too. I wanna get that merch money.

Frank Dee:

Right. Because heels don't sell T shirts.



Frank Dee:

The only heels I remember really selling T shirts like that were NWO.


Yeah. And there's a lot of stock in Randy,

Frank Dee:



know, as a baby face.

Frank Dee:



So So I agree with that. I agree with that.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Because Randy because Randy's in a hell of a few right now with the bloodline, Specifically, you know, Tomatanga. So you know? So have to use everything contained in the summer.


So realistically so looking for looking forward to SummerSlam.

Frank Dee:



We already know we're getting Gunther versus, Priest. We know that. Right. Who was who was there to face Cody? I haven't watched SmackDown in a minute, so I don't.


Other than other than probably Solo.

Frank Dee:



Would Solo be the guy to get that shot? Can they build Solo up

Frank Dee:

to be that They could do it. They could do it, and that would, ultimately, that would signal the return of Roman Reigns. That would be the perfect time to bring Roman back at SummerSlam. Right. Roman would come back at SummerSlam because Roman would be there to basically Cody and Cody and Solo can do the match, and Solo loses.

Frank Dee:

And here comes, here here comes Roman Reigns.



Frank Dee:

He reappears as a baby face to confront Solo. And Roman takes out


Fucking massive.

Frank Dee:

Oh, hell yeah. And Roman takes out this version of the bloodline. They're saying, hey. Let's wait a minute. You haven't I haven't talked to you.

Frank Dee:

We we haven't talked about anything. I'm you're not the travel chief. I'm the travel chief. You know, that would be you know, then you'll see really at this point whose side is Hayman really on, which would be the solo. He will be on solo side.

Frank Dee:

He'd be on that side of the beltline. Yep. Because Hayman's, like, a very doing the yeah. He's doing a sympathetic boss figure.



Frank Dee:

But he's the one pulling the strings because I I think it's gonna come down to look. I think The Rock's movie commitments are about finished. Yeah. So, we're gonna be seeing the final boss very shortly.


Yep. What so what's my theories?

Frank Dee:

Oh, who's oh, oh, oh, who's oh, okay. Hold up a second. Who could who's gonna face Cody at SummerSlam? The Rock.


I was thinking that. I was thinking that. Actually, that was one of my predictions for king in the ring. I actually had Tom I had Tomatonga winning it.

Frank Dee:

And that brings in, and and they say, okay. Well, who who how do you debut Jacob Fatou? You have Jacob Fatou come out there and and help The Rock become the WWE champion. That did set us up a eventual Roman versus Rock.


Is SummerSlam too soon for that, though?

Frank Dee:

For what? For The Rock? To yeah. Well, you could bring The Rock back at summertime, or or you could even have Soul versus Cody. And that way, you can you can reintroduce, you know, The Rock either at summer slam or or later on in the year.

Frank Dee:

But either way it goes, I think Jacob Fatou is either gonna debut at summer slam or he'll debut at Clash at the Castle. Wonder to do that. Yeah.


Yeah. I agree.

Frank Dee:

When he comes in, that's gonna be okay because Paul Heyman said told him, you're bringing in very dangerous individuals. I there was a reason why we never brought these people into the bloodline before. You know, we what time of all I can if you get clearance to come over here. You know? It was that's that's how serious now.

Frank Dee:

Like, Solo is bringing all these kinda, like, assassins in to into the group. It's kinda like I said before, man. It's kinda like the the death row kinda mafiasogainster style bloodline. So another one that's gonna be added here is gonna be Jacob Fatou. So you're gonna have a whole group here of just


Business will pick up.

Frank Dee:

Savage savage assassins is what you got going on here. Then you on the flip side of this, well, who do you who does Roman have? You got, you know, The Rock or no. You have Roman, The Usos, and I will actually kinda reinsert either, Sami Zayn back in this, or I will put Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes aligning with The Usos and Roman Reigns to take on this new version, this deadly version of the bloodline?

Frank Dee:

That's business. But that's Bigger business would be if they did a match at War Games and Cody turns, flips on them, and takes his rightful place as the tribal chief.


That would be big business too.

Frank Dee:

Because my thing is a big business. It's gonna be Cody as a heel. That's a big business. They have the opportunity here. Once again, if you're listening to WWE to the Mark Podcasters, if you're listening out there, okay, You have the opportunity to do something as big as Hogan turning in 96 with Cody.

Frank Dee:

It's been there.


The the opportunity has been on the table. You just have to been.

Frank Dee:

They should you just gotta pull a trigger on it. And that's I'm telling you, that's gonna be big business when they do it. Yep.


Huge business. I thought they shoulda did it at mania.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. I I thought perfect I mean, it would have made perfect sense because you have a built in story there of Cody basically betraying Seth Rollins who said, I'd be your shield, betraying him. The Rock basically betraying Roman and saying, I you know, I'm the final boss. Basically, I'm the final boss. I'm making a story that that that you know, telling the story right here, making all the changes right here.

Frank Dee:

You don't have any power, Roman. I gave you the opportunity to get it done. I put all the the chips in in your you know, on on your side here, and you could get the job done. So that's the story right there, Bill, and as to why all these changes are being made in the bloodline. This all is because of The Rock.

Frank Dee:

The Rock is final boss. Rock is the reason why it's all happening, and I can't wait for the reveal. That's what that's what business is gonna pick up.


Business is gonna pick up.

Frank Dee:

They're in a holding pattern right now with a lot of this shit.


Yep. Yeah. They are. But there's one key thing that made me say, okay. Cody would fit in here.


And that and that's the immediate aftermath where they both said well, Solo said, winning and losing have consequences. That's when they kicked out Jimmy.

Frank Dee:



I was like, oh, this is Cody. This is fucking Cody. Yeah. So, yeah, that would be that would be big business if they do that. So Right.

Frank Dee:

Again Because it all leads back to Cody. This is all gonna lead back to Cody Rhodes.


Yep. It does. It will. So, yeah, WWE, if you're listening to the Mark Podcasters

Frank Dee:



There you go. Make it

Frank Dee:

happen. Yeah. Yeah. The Marks.


Alright, man. Final thoughts. What you got?

Frank Dee:

Oh, final thoughts is that we have the, the acolyte coming up on, June 4th. Yep. And I know a lot of people out there are looking forward to it. I'm not. But, hey.

Frank Dee:

If you if if you wanna watch it, go right ahead. I'm not telling you not to watch it. I mean, I don't give a fuck if you do or you don't, to be honest. You know, do what you do. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

But I'm I'm I'm just gonna you know, that's what I'm probably gonna end up starting my my and or, journey. Right now, I'm back watching Rebels. So Okay. It's it's what it is, bro. But other than that, man, yeah, I I I can't wait to see reviews of the show when it when it comes out.


It's gonna be interesting.

Frank Dee:

Oh, you know, let's let's let's let's talk about something real quick. Go ahead. So George Lucas was at the tennis film festival the other day.



Frank Dee:

And, he did an interview. And, you know, he took he he talked about basically how the new corporate owners of of Lucasfilm don't understand the force, and they don't really understand the force. I've seen it. How it works. And that's taking dire that's directly taking shots at Yep.

Frank Dee:

Catherine Kennedy. That's taking shots at Dave Filoni. That's taking shots at Bob Iger and Disney. Basically, it's saying your shit sucks, And and it and I always saw that.


And I'm like, oh, that was that was

Frank Dee:

heavy. Yeah. And then he also brought the fact he also brought the fact that he talked about the criticism that his films get for basically being about all, you know, just they're all about white men. And he says, most of the people most most of the people in Star Wars were aliens is what he said. And he also brought the fact that, you know, I had Billy d Williams in, you know, Empire Strikes Back and Return Jedi.

Frank Dee:

I have Samuel L. Jackson in, the the prequels, and he wasn't just some character. He was one of the top Jedi on the Right. The Jedi Council. And then he saw he talked about the females.

Frank Dee:

He saw us about, you know, the criticism that he says, who do you think were the leaders of the rebellion? Princess Lea Argano was the leader of the rebellion. She was leading this farm boy who didn't know anything and Luke Skywalker and then this other one who didn't know nothing, and she's leading the whole rebellion much like her mother, Padme Amidala, was leading the rebellion. That's here's what he said. So, basically, all the he put it basically, he just shut down all this this woke shit that's killing the entertainment business.

Frank Dee:

And if you don't believe that it's killing the entertainment industry, look at the the box office for Memorial Day weekend. Terrible. 1 of the worst in history.


Yeah. But there's no there's no good movies out.

Frank Dee:

Oh, it doesn't matter, though, because it's it's the worst, and it's gonna continue into the summer is what they're predicting. They were they're That


was awesome.

Frank Dee:

Surprise me. Yeah. They haven't they haven't really


they haven't really been making good movies or releasing good movies. So there's no excitement to go

Frank Dee:

on there. Yeah. It's it's gonna get real bad. I mean, you got okay. You got Deadpool and Wolverine.

Frank Dee:

Okay. Good. And they were telling and I understand they told Kevin Feigen or Kevin Feigen, you told Hugh Jackman. You don't wanna do Wolverine again because it's gonna basically just shit all over what you did to Logan. So but he's back doing Wolverine.

Frank Dee:

Well, hey. Whatever. You know? We'll we'll see how this all turns out. You know?


I think that that'll be a high selling movie. That that would that

Frank Dee:

would be will be. Oh, good. At least this if it's


it's the only one.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That's all I'm saying. Have one. Yeah. Every season will have one.

Frank Dee:

So good for Dizzy. So As soon as they get their heads out of their asses and, and and stop with all this this the, woke agenda bullshit and get back to actually creating really good stories and and really good messaging like you did back in the nineties and early 2000 so you don't have any problems. Until then, Hollywood will continue to collapse, and you're gonna be on, the streets begging for money to support your Oscars. And that's probably gonna end up, you know, wiping out people's windshields and shit. You know, trying to get as much money as you can for your award show.

Frank Dee:

No one gives a fuck about.


Yeah. We'll see.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Definitely.


We will see. So interesting time, man. Interesting time.

Frank Dee:

Sure the fuck is. But other than that, help control the pet population out there. Have your pets, spayed or neutered, and don't walk your your your pets on the the ground when it's, you know, over 90 degrees. Would you wanna be walking around barefoot and getting bushes and shit? How do you think your animals feel?

Frank Dee:

So people watch that. Don't don't do that. Alright? That's just That was


upon us. The weather is bipolar.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That's just not nice.


Yes. Be nice.

Frank Dee:

Other than that other than that, I got nothing. I'm I'm gonna go back and and and and watch Rebels, you you know, and and and that's pretty much it. I I got nothing else here. So, all you people out there, thanks for listening here to No Gimix No Gimmicks podcast. And, mister Black, Matt, you can go ahead and take it out, Jedi.


Alright, sir. Don't forget June 15th, Mission Pro Wrestling presents summer 11. Tickets are still available. Make sure you go get it. We are sponsoring a match on that card, London Dior.


We'll be in action, and, we'll be sponsoring one of her matches. So make sure you guys check out that event. Get your tickets. Or if you can't, make the show, title match network.com. $9 gets you an a plethora of wrestling matches.


So, make sure you guys tap into that. But other than that, thank you guys for tuning into episode 71 of the no gimmicks podcast. Thank you, guys. Come back next week. Until then,

Ep 71 "Roll Out the Red Carpet For Him!"
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