Ep 70 "Hiatus is Over"

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Blak Makk:

What is up, you miscreants and scallywags? The hiatus is over. No gimmicks is back. It is I, Black Mac, and my cohost, the fabulous one, Frank d. Welcome back.

Frank Dee:

How are you feeling? Sir, I'm feeling great here on the high ground. How about yourself?

Blak Makk:

The high ground.

Frank Dee:

That's right. But we get high. No. I'm just

Blak Makk:

Yeah, man. We got a good show for you guys tonight. Oh, we got some shit to talk about. We've been gone for a minute. And since we've been gone, y'all decided to clown and act a fool.

Blak Makk:

Well, tonight, it's gonna be one of them shows. We gotta correct the course. But before we do that, shout out to Khan's Custom Creations. Follow her on IG at Khan's underscore custom creations. Follow us on the Patreon if you are listening to the sounds of our voices and not watching us live.

Blak Makk:

That felon podcast at patreon.com/that feeling podcast. You can tune in to us. Also, outside of this, we have our own website now, d d f p n dot com. No gimmicks has their own, site within the site. So go to d d f p n dot com slash no hyphen gimmicks, and you will find us there every time we drop a new show.

Blak Makk:

But it is a pleasure to be back, man. Who? We got some shit to talk about tonight. What is up, Mac aka your boy? We see you in the comments.

Blak Makk:

Thank you for tuning in on the Patreon. Appreciate you. Tune in because this this one may go off the rails for a minute. But but let's let's get into it. We had a new trailer drop while we were on hiatus, the acolyte.

Blak Makk:

What's your excitement level, man?

Frank Dee:

I don't have any excitement level about the acolyte. I have none. None whatsoever. You know, so this this is probably gonna go down in history of Star Wars as the most ratioed trailer of all time. It has way more dislikes than likes.

Frank Dee:

And a lot of people originally were excited for this show, excited for a show to see the other side of, you know, the the the spectrum or the the story of the Sith. You know what I'm saying? We we want to see that. But as more and more stuff started to come out as far as the showrunner, which is, Leslie Hadwin. If you all who know who she is, she is the former personal assistant to one convicted rapist, Harvey Weinstein.

Frank Dee:

So right there, there's a red flag for me. Okay? And just all her identity politics that she wanted to insert into the story instead of saying, you know something? I'm proud to be doing a Star Wars story. I'm proud of of the accomplishments of Lucasfilm.

Frank Dee:

We wanna take this to a whole new different none of that. It's all been a bunch of bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. So am I excited for it? No, sir. When the acolyte starts, that's when I will venture into watching Andor.

Frank Dee:

So that's my opinion on that at the moment. And by the way, for those people listening right now to the fabulous one, the emperor himself, They already ruined the fucking show by telling you already what it's gonna be about. And and you're probably saying to yourselves, well well, Frankie, what the hell are you talking about? Well, I'm I'm gonna tell you what I'm talking about. So on x, formerly Twitter, Disney released a trailer for the acolyte, and they already gave away the plot of the entire show.

Frank Dee:

The Amanda Steinberg, the the actress who's, the nonbinary. Well, she's playing dual roles in the show. She's playing herself, and she's playing her sister. Her sister is the one that's killing the Jedi. The big twist has been revealed.

Frank Dee:

Thank you.

Blak Makk:

No. I saw that.

Frank Dee:

Thank you for ruining. I just saw that. Ruining it already because I I didn't I didn't want it to succeed to begin with, Disney, so you just helped us out. Thank you very much.

Blak Makk:

I just saw that. That's that's ridiculous. But but spoilers aside, agenda aside, do you don't think this would be a good story?

Frank Dee:

No. It's like it's it's if you if you wanna see the matrix meets Star Wars, well, it'll probably be a good story for you. But for someone like myself, no. Not at all. But that's not telling anybody out there, hey.

Frank Dee:

Don't watch the show. Watch the show if you want. Enjoy the show if you want to. But if you're asking me, if if I'm excited for it, if I'm gonna watch it, no. I'm not.

Frank Dee:

And and I and I mean what I'm saying because how long did I hold out before I watched solo, a Star Wars story? A long time.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. But you ended up liking solo too, though.

Frank Dee:

Not gonna match the accolade.

Blak Makk:

That is that bad for you.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. It is. Wow. That's wrong. That is

Blak Makk:

strong because it's it's.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But is it really, though?

Blak Makk:

We don't know that yet. We haven't watched

Frank Dee:

that. I mean, is it really I mean, let's just be honest about this. You know? It kinda contradicts episode 1, Phantom Menace.

Blak Makk:

How so?

Frank Dee:

Didn't they say in the Phantom Menace that they're having there has been a sit around for a millennium? That's what he said. So, basically, they're already telling you, this show here, the acolyte, no one survives because they didn't see any Sith until they saw Maul. So, you know, Yoda has to be somewhere on this show. I hope they don't mess around with him too much.

Frank Dee:

So that means that Yoda would have to have kept this a secret and not said a damn thing about anything. Kept it to himself.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. If Mau was around, then some activity was happening.

Frank Dee:

But Mau wouldn't be around at this time frame.

Blak Makk:

How far is this set before episode 1?

Frank Dee:

I think they said it's about,

Blak Makk:

I can give it to that. Yeah. Who would have been did that have been around

Frank Dee:

at that time? Yeah.

Blak Makk:

Who would have been around?

Frank Dee:

So in this around this time frame is Dar Tenebrous who's around. Okay. So

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Yeah. So like I said before, if people out there are excited to see the show, more power to you. It's just it's just not for me. Just like I like certain episodes of Ahsoka, but a lot of people didn't like Ahsoka. I like certain episodes of Obi wan, but a lot of people did not like Obi wan.

Frank Dee:

That's just how it goes, man. It's not everybody's cup of tea.

Blak Makk:

It's it's it's but that's the thing. Star Wars as a whole lately has been hit or miss. More missed than you

Frank Dee:

is that?

Blak Makk:

And it doesn't you could blame you could blame that on agenda, but I just don't think the stories have been that great.

Frank Dee:

Well, that's what I go back to. They okay. So if you go back to, let's say, Obi wan. Okay? Very excited about Obi wan because it was the return of Ewan McGregor as Obi wan Kenobi and Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader.

Frank Dee:

So Yeah. This is where the story was gonna go. And, unfortunately, you inserted a third character in here, Reva, the inquisitor, who had an agenda. She was trying to get to Vader because of Vader killing the younglings during order 66. So you took the focus off of Obi wan and invader.

Frank Dee:

And then the first two episodes were slow because you showed Obi wan working or going back to his cave, working, going back to the cave. You're putting the focus on the inquisitor. There is no Vader yet. Obi wan is is running around with with Leia when he should be on Tatooine with Luke. It's just a lot of shit didn't make any sense for the show.

Frank Dee:

The only time it picked up is when you had Vader. Now if they had it done just simply a show with Vader and the inquisitors, with this certain inquisitor, Reva, trying to kill Vader. That would have been different. It probably been been a bit more accepted because it's just a show about the inquisitors. And this specific inquisitor who used to be a padawan that wants to now kill Vader.

Frank Dee:

And she basically, she doesn't survive.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. But you had that same kinda issue in Ahsoka too to where the focus wasn't entirely on a SOCA. When it was, it was good.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But you but you gotta look at the SOCA too because the SOCA, essentially, it's just a it's it's an offshoot of Star Wars Rebels. So and that's where a lot of people couldn't get into Ahsoka because if you did watch Rebels, you didn't know anything about these characters. Right. The and But

Blak Makk:

but at the same

Frank Dee:

Ezra and all these different people.

Blak Makk:

Right. At the same token, though, like, the show is Ahsoka. So the focus wasn't entirely on her. Now if you wanna call it an offshoot of Rebels, if you wanna do a continuation of rebels, I think that would have been accepted too. Just like in the case of Obi Wan.

Blak Makk:

But the focus wasn't entirely on the soca during that, and that's one of the issues I had with it. I get you wanna call back to Rebels. I get that. But name the show Rebels then because the focus wasn't entirely on on on the Soka.

Frank Dee:

Well, I mean, it the it was all about a Soka finding Ezra. That was the entire point of it. And that goes back to when Ahsoka first appeared in the Mandalorian along with Morganso Elsbeth and trying to find Thrawn. So there's a lot of continuity there that they were building off of. Then you add the other characters in into the show, which was Ben, you know, Balan Skoll, and then you have, Shun Haddie as well.

Frank Dee:

And then you bring in Anakin Skywalker, which is one of Ahsoka's big things was Skywalker because, you know, she carried that around with her. You know? Because she have stopped him from going to the dark side. You know

Blak Makk:

what I mean?

Frank Dee:

He's explored that in shadow warrior. Right. So there was a lot there's a there to me, there's honestly a lot more to love about Ahsoka and Obi Wan than there is the acolyte. And I'm pretty sure when the acolyte drops and people will see what it is, okay, then you'll you'll determine it then. But right now, the problem why everything that they put out for Star Wars is not successful unless it's from the original 6 that George created is because the brand is so tarnished at this point.

Frank Dee:

They put out so many bad shows, so many bad movies. You may have completely obliterated the fan base to the point now where every time they put something out, people are going to automatically dislike it. They're gonna automatically say this sucks. They're gonna and and the actors don't make it any better. When the actors are saying stupid shit instead of going out there putting over your show, putting over and saying, you know, I'm proud to be doing a Star Wars show.

Frank Dee:

You have real genuine love for the brand. You're not showing that. You're just saying, oh, well, I'm happy that someone with my skin color can be in Star Wars, by the way. Bunch of stupid bullshit that no one cares about. So they wonder, why are we failing?

Frank Dee:

How come we're not making any money? Why did we buy this intellectual property from George Lucas for $4,200,000,000? Now he made back 1,200,000,000. I have never drawn up any money from this. It's because of your dumb bullshit.

Frank Dee:

And once they get their head out of their asses and get back on track, which is what the plan is to get back on track. They got some things planned here. We'll see what happens. But they gotta get faith back in the consumer, faith back into the fan base in order to support these projects. May 4th.

Frank Dee:

K? I went to a a an event here in, San Antonio. It was at, Heroes and Fantasies. Mhmm. I surpassed Darth Vader for that event.

Frank Dee:

I had fun. It was a blast to go out there and and everybody was excited for it. It was it was great, but we were all talking about the the the the old shit. Okay? But you had people there as Ahsoka.

Frank Dee:

You had people dress up there as Ray. Okay? They exist. People like that shit, but they resisted small doses because the brands have been just you've you've completely just messed up the fan base. You've you've

Blak Makk:

Is that not is that not nostalgia nostalgia? Sorry. Is that is that is that not nostalgia, or is that for it's for a lack of refreshing new content?

Frank Dee:

What it comes down to is you look at what sells. What sells is Luke Skywalker sells. C 3PO sells. R2d2 sells. Darth Vader always sells.

Frank Dee:

Anakin Skywalker sells. Leia sells. Han Solo, Chewbacca. Everything from the original. The size or not, everything that's old is once again new.

Frank Dee:

We saw that recently with the blue milk, and now that's in the source. We're seeing that now that's gonna be coming with the the the Star Wars Oreos that are about to be dropped, which is one the the blue for the for this, the blue for the light side, red for the Sith. Who's on that? Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader. They're putting Mark Campbell's back As Luke Skywalker, about to be affiliated here.

Frank Dee:

George Lucas is back, affiliated with Star Wars.

Blak Makk:

Yep. That was gonna be my lead in. So Lucas is he back? Because that was that was the big rumor.

Frank Dee:

Lucas is back. So I I told you okay. Now everybody's catching on here. The mainstream is is starting to catch on here to what's going on, and I told you in a private message about 2 weeks ago, 2 or 3 weeks ago, I said George was back. Yep.

Frank Dee:

I said George is back. I said George has been at the San Francisco offices of Lucasfilm working on something. Nobody knows what he's working on, but he is there. And rumor has it that he could have something to do here with the grow, Mandalorian Grogu film. We also know that Mark Hamill is back as Luke Skywalker.

Frank Dee:

Luke Skywalker is going to have a major role in the films moving forward. They are pushing the nostalgia train, if you wanna call it that. They are pushing that now. Okay? They released a video.

Frank Dee:

Disney did release a video celebrating May 4th. And you know what was missing from that video on May 4th? Anything from the sequel trilogy was not in that video. That video consisted of the prequels. It consisted of the original trilogy.

Frank Dee:

It consisted of shots of the acolyte. It consisted of the animation from over the years, the Clone Wars, Rebels, and it consisted of the Mandalorian, bow the book of Boba Fett, all of that stuff. Nothing for the sequel trilogy. No Rey, no Kylo Ren, no Finn, no Poe. None of these characters.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Because people

Blak Makk:

shot on it. But people shot on the original the the prequels. People shot on them too. It took people years to accept

Frank Dee:

bullshit, bro. Absolutely. But there's no way in hell they're going to accept these movies. These movies are not going to age well as the prequels did or the original trilogy. And it shows that because at the movie theater, the Phantom Menace made almost $30,000,000 at the theater when it was rereleased.

Frank Dee:

Right. Now how does a movie that came out 25 years ago make $30,000,000? Meanwhile, Disney has put all these releases from Disney plus in the theaters, and they have not drawn anything. Why is that? And the Phantom Menace wasn't even that good of a film.

Frank Dee:

Yep. The Phantom Menace has its parts, but it, I mean, but it it it's rude because people now are gonna be on their Star Wars journey, and they wanna start up so far. Yeah. They wanna keep going. But the mere fact of they went to the theater and saw it, and and Disney saw this.

Frank Dee:

Like, oh, shit. They they these people like, you know, this original content. They don't like what we're doing. Just like next year, they're gonna rerelease revenge of the 6th, which is gonna be big.

Blak Makk:

Mhmm. No. I I agree with that. But that's what I'm saying. Like, though those first though those first prequel movies, bro, when they came out, people shot on them heavy.

Blak Makk:

Heavy. Right. Especially episode 1. So it's kinda surprising now that it it is getting a lot of love. It really is surprising

Frank Dee:

because Yeah.

Blak Makk:

One of the biggest one of the biggest gripes was episode 1, and it almost killed the the the prequels because people hated that movie so much. But and it's kinda like it's kinda like if you go back to what episode 9 was. Yeah. Episode 9. Like, people shot on episode 9, and it it probably it probably hurt them.

Blak Makk:

But I'm wondering how far if we go into the future if that will ever be accepted because I didn't think episodes 1 through 3 would ever get accepted. And I thought I thought attack of the clones and revenge of the Sith were were 2 great movies that didn't get a lot of love because of the first one.

Frank Dee:

So, you know, what it comes down to is you look at the prepos and and you look at episode 1, and you'll if you say, well, what's the cool thing about episode 1? Well, the cool thing about episode 1 was Darth Maul seeing Maul. Mhmm. Seeing seeing young Anakin Skywalker. That was that was a big draw there.

Frank Dee:

And just knowing the backstory of this little kid would then one day grow up to be, you know, the baddest dude in the universe. That that there. You know? And so and I watch a lot of people's, reactions on YouTube when they're watching these films. And they consist of okay.

Frank Dee:

I like episode 1, and it picked up in episode 2. I really don't know. I I think that that that Palpatine guy I I don't know. It's just something about him that I I I don't trust. Mhmm.

Frank Dee:

I I I mean, I think he's that guy. That's what I get a lot of it. And then when they see episode 3 and when it all comes together, that story that they've been building comes together, you're like, shit. That's the reaction you want. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

You didn't get that. You don't get that when you're watching the sequel trilogy. I went and saw those 2 movies. I saw the force of weakness in the theater, the last Jedi in the theater. The last Jedi is where it fell off because JJ Abrams moved out, Rian Johnson moved in, Changed everything.

Frank Dee:

Messed everything up. He basically said he wanted to make a divisive movie. He wanted to make a divisive movie. And right there, you've split the fan base because no one liked it. They did not like the the butchering and the damage that was done to Luke Skywalker.

Frank Dee:

Didn't like it. They they never they left and didn't come back. And you know it didn't come back because it's been revealed recently that they made no money on those movies. That was a big thing during the proxy battle, you know, a few months ago. It was Disney was saying how much they made on Star Wars and blah blah blah, and it comes out.

Frank Dee:

They were full of shit because they did not. Yeah. That's funny. Those those UK tax filings is a bitch, because it tells you everything you need to know about the movies.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Solo was 90 Solo was $90,000,000 negative.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. But solo a lot of people crapped and this is what I'm saying. Before those movies came out, before solo came out, especially, people crapped on solo. But solo is actually one of the better movies.

Frank Dee:

People crapped on a role failure. Solo was a failure because of the last so no. So I'm telling you why it was a failure. Solo was a failure because of the failure of The Last Jedi. After that, they did not fuck with it anymore.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That's true. The the only two films that they've done at Disney that I will say were good films, watchable, was the force awakens and rogue 1, and that was pre last Jedi. So anything after last Jedi suffered because of the last Jedi. So solo came out after last Jedi.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. It did.

Frank Dee:

That that was it. That's why. So if and and I watched the movie, and I liked the movie, but that movie got buried because of the failures of the last Jedi and just the failures that keep coming with with the rise of of Palpatine pretty much after that. So this is kinda where we're at right now, which is why there has not been a Star Wars film since, what, 2019 or some shit? And we haven't had one.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. But there hasn't been a demand for a Star Wars film either, especially because you had the TV shows too. But but if if we're being fair if we're being fair, a lot of people wanted, Obi wan to be a movie and not a television show.

Frank Dee:

Obi wan was originally supposed to be a movie.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

And then they turned it into a TV show, and that's another problem they have. So the moment that things don't start going right for Obi Wan, Disney starts this bullshit campaign of the here comes a racist. Here comes a racial shit.

Blak Makk:

What was racist about Obi Wan?

Frank Dee:

Oh, I'll tell you. Because they wanted to paint it as because people were shitting on the show because of Mo Moses Ingram. That's not why people were shitting on the show. They were shitting on the show because of the character of her placement on the show, not the woman. So when you tell the fan base, Ewan McGregor, that they're not real fans.

Frank Dee:

Okay. So why are you coming back now trying to get people to support you for season 2 of Obi Wan?

Blak Makk:

You turn on fans. Some of that was gray with with with Moises Ingram. Some of that was gray. Not all of that was placement.

Frank Dee:

They told her they told her that they expect something like that to happen because we can plan these things to happen. They have bots that could push it out there.

Blak Makk:

That's true too, but there there could be some real people behind that shit too.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Well, let me tell you something. If I'm a if I'm a if I'm a guy telling you in the color of my skin, and I'm telling you that all these people right now fighting for DEI bullshit, they don't look like you or me. So thank you for fighting for me. Thank you for fighting for me so badly that you had them change in Jeremiah syrup to Pearl whatever the fuck it is that they they change it to.

Frank Dee:

Thank you.

Blak Makk:

Who fucking cares? It's syrup. It comes out that that shit don't even come out of a tree.

Frank Dee:

Doesn't matter. I grew up on.

Blak Makk:

Don't matter. It's syrup. And and that's that's that's part of the shit, though. Like Mhmm.

Frank Dee:

No part of the shit. You're you're fighting for the wrong shit that has nothing to do with you.

Blak Makk:

But but

Frank Dee:

that's what I'm saying. What what person do you know complaining about fucking ain't Jemima? What black person must complain about it? Nobody. Who changed it?

Frank Dee:

Why they changed it?

Blak Makk:

I don't know. But what I'm saying is what I'm saying is if it's not if it's not one agenda, it's the other. So why can't it just be give us a good show? Why can't

Frank Dee:

it just be give me my fucking syrup?

Blak Makk:

No. Fuck that syrup.

Frank Dee:

We told you, people. There's only one of those shows.

Blak Makk:

But but that's what I'm saying. Like, if if this shit good, then fuck what the name is. Is it good?

Frank Dee:

Yes. I will fuck with missus Buttersworth from now on.

Blak Makk:

And even missus Buttersworth, they reduced the ass on her. So you know what I'm saying?

Frank Dee:

Like That's what I'm talking

Blak Makk:

about. More slender. So That's what I'm talking about. Who fucking cares?

Frank Dee:

I care.

Blak Makk:

Yeah, honey. Goddamn it.

Frank Dee:

No. You want that, you know, you want that big Buddhist syrup bottle?

Blak Makk:

I mean, I ain't complaining about it, but but that's what I'm saying. Like, is it good? Then fuck it.

Frank Dee:

I don't know. I don't know.

Blak Makk:

Oh, man. But, yeah, man. As a whole as a whole, I just want Star Wars to be good. That's it. I don't know the I'll I'll yeah.

Frank Dee:

As a whole. I just I'm with you, sir. I would just like people to stop with your agendas. Just make entertainment. I don't need to know about any of this other bullshit that I don't care about.

Frank Dee:

I don't give a shit. That's just what it is. I don't care. Not my business. Not my business.

Frank Dee:

That's what I'm saying. It's not it's not my business. Just make a fucking story. This is this is the reason why the future is people like myself that create content, that's independent, that create content ourselves because we can then tell the stories that we want to tell. There's a Vader movie or a Vader fan from right now on YouTube that's damn near at 400,000 views that's blowing up, and it's because it's it's staying to the story that's making it correct.

Frank Dee:

And you're twisting the story and you're doing it your way, but you're telling a good story.

Blak Makk:

How many of you there?

Frank Dee:

Damn near 400,000.

Blak Makk:

What's the name of it?

Frank Dee:

You put me on the spot here. See. And it's called Vader pull to the light, a Star Wars fan film. It has 338,000 views. It was released 2 weeks ago.

Blak Makk:

Okay. I'll watch it.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. I thought it was pretty good.

Blak Makk:

I'll give it a look. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, man. I just I just give me a good story.

Blak Makk:

I can give a fuck about agenda and and all that shit. Make the story good, man.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Make the story good. Give me back inch of mind on a fucking syrup bottom. We're all good.

Blak Makk:

My god. Alright, man. Let's move on. So do that. Let's let's let's go into what happened to the WWE, specifically after The Rock left.

Frank Dee:

Because What happened?

Blak Makk:

It was so much buzz in the air. There was so much excitement. WrestleMania 40 came and went. Rock left, and I'll be honest, man. It hasn't been as good.

Blak Makk:

It has not

Frank Dee:

been as good. Very, very simple, my friend. We were on the road to WrestleMania. You had Roman there. You add The Rock there.

Frank Dee:

You add a a very compelling story. It was a story of Cody Rhodes finishing that story. The Rock is the final boss. All of that. Right?

Frank Dee:

Yep. Okay. Now when they did this and pulled the trigger, WWE had a really big problem that they didn't realize they had until the all the shit was over with. You had no opponents for Cody Rhodes. You built no one up for Cody Rhodes.

Frank Dee:

So what do you put in? Now you plug a AJ Styles in here. You're gonna plug a Logan Paul in there. Okay? Nothing against these 2.

Frank Dee:

Why don't I look at Paul? So nothing against AJ Styles, but Logan Paul is not the guy. So that's why there's no No. That's that's why there's no interest here because Cody is just it's not you you you're not you finished the story, and now you're you're you're fighting like mid carders. No disrespect to Adrian Styles, but you're fighting mid carders or upper mid carders.

Frank Dee:

That's what you're doing. There's no there's no off about it. I'm going on here.

Blak Makk:

Agree with you. I'm gonna agree with you there. But on on on the same breath, what I'm about to say is gonna sound really fucking crazy. Roman Reigns did a lot for the guy that he was facing. It it's apparent now because Cody can't do

Frank Dee:

that. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

And it didn't matter who Roman was facing. Every fucking match he had meant something. Maybe because he wasn't there all the time. I don't know that either. But the fact that every event that he was in and he put the title on the line, people like to give that a lot of bullshit, a lot a lot of flack.

Blak Makk:

Like, he didn't defend it as much, but goddamn every match he had was big. It was an event.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

And we're seeing it now with Cody, like, backlash France, fucking amazing pay per view. It it really was an amazing pay per view. But it kinda felt like once that pay per view was over, that's where that's where the fund stopped. Because now you had him versus AJ, not really not really built up or anything. Right?

Blak Makk:

It's just I'm fighting AJ right after WrestleMania. That's my first title defense. Great match, but it's now now we're at a point. It's like, damn what? What are we doing

Frank Dee:

next? So

Blak Makk:

With Roman, it's like with Roman, it's like they have somebody in the chamber for him. And I don't know I don't know if he did that himself or he was just that good at building people up. But with him, it's like, this guy's next. This guy's next. This guy's next.

Blak Makk:

And it didn't fucking matter who it was because the shit made sense. Nothing makes sense for Cody right now.

Frank Dee:

No. Nothing You

Blak Makk:

kinda need somebody to breathe down his neck, but who is that guy?

Frank Dee:

So where they messed up with this situation to me is the person that should have stepped up immediately and said, I want to fight this guy. It should have been Solo because of the fact of what happened at WrestleMania. Right. But they took Solo into a whole another direction. Now we're seeing, as I like to call it from what I'm looking at here, the death row mafiaso bloodline that that we that we're seeing here.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

We'll get to that in a minute.

Frank Dee:

This is what we're getting at here. Yeah. But when you look at backlabs in France, the crowd

Blak Makk:

made that show. God.

Frank Dee:

No. Was a crowd. That's what made that show. If that if that show was held here in the United States with the WWE crowds we have now, we got to pipe in every damn thing. That thunder dome shit.

Frank Dee:

It would not have been the same. The crowd

Blak Makk:

I'm gonna agree with you. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

That show. The crowd made that show. I agree. Uso's entrance Jey Uso's entrance, Cody's entrance,

Blak Makk:

Randy Orton's entrance. Yes.

Frank Dee:

Those are some of the best things I have ever seen in the history of the pro wrestling business. I'm gonna agree

Blak Makk:

with you there. I'm gonna agree with you.

Frank Dee:

Especially Jay.

Blak Makk:

Jay Uso. I was like, oh, fuck. He's a star. He's a star. When he walked out I was like, oh my god.

Blak Makk:

This guy is he's he's a massive star right now.

Frank Dee:

Well, he's a star, but he's the star that can never win the big one. The the And that's a problem.

Blak Makk:

That's a different you

Frank Dee:

know what this reminds me of? This reminds me to bada bang DDP and WCW.

Blak Makk:

The people's

Frank Dee:

champion? When he was when he would wrestle, like, the main guys, Hogan, Goldberg Mhmm. Couldn't get it done.

Blak Makk:

You're right.

Frank Dee:

That's what it reminds me of.

Blak Makk:

You're right.

Frank Dee:

So You are right. That's what I see. You can't call a cat. Main event Jey Uso, and he don't win. My sister I sent a video to my sister.

Frank Dee:

I say, hey. Check out Jay Uso's entrance. And she says, hey. Yeah. That entrance was fire.

Frank Dee:

Did he win the match? No. Oh, he didn't win again? Nope. She's a casual.

Frank Dee:

She says, oh, he didn't win again? Never wins.

Blak Makk:

Not a

Frank Dee:

bad match. How much how much time how many more times do they being WWE expect that you can continuously job Jey Usopp before the fans stop giving a shit about Jey Usopp, and it's gonna happen. Here here's where

Blak Makk:

I'm at.

Frank Dee:

He's not like Colin Nash.

Blak Makk:

No. He's not.

Frank Dee:

He's not like Colin Nash where he could take a loss, and it doesn't hurt him.

Blak Makk:

Strong still. Yeah. No. Correct. The I'm gonna tell you where where my okay.

Blak Makk:

This is it. And it was it was this past Monday or last night. And this was for the king of the ring. I'm like and I I hated the matchup. And I said, bro, why is he facing Gunther?

Blak Makk:

Because he's not gonna be Gunther. Gunther is gonna be the man. Like, if you wanted that, put put that shit in the finals. That's supposed to be a match in the finals. I don't know why they made that match, and I felt like that match hurt him because he's riding he's riding the stardom right now.

Blak Makk:

He is a star. But losing the Gunther Gunther is going to be the man, and you know that. So if Gunther is gonna be the man, then what are you gonna be, Jay Uso?

Frank Dee:

You can't be main event Jay Uso, and you lose all the time. Right. You can't be main event Jay Uso, and you're not always in the main event. Defeats the purpose.

Blak Makk:

And it's just it's stuff like that, and it's like, bro, what are y'all what are y'all doing? 1st and foremost, I'm at a point now I'm like, why they dropped the intercontinental title from Gunther? Why they made him give it up? He hasn't really been in the main event scene other than last night. So you coulda kept the title on him.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. I get you want you want you wanna have a fresh look, but you coulda built so many more stories around going through because he's a fucking workhorse.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. And, see, that's originally what I was afraid was gonna happen is that Gunther was gonna get a loss kinda in the shuffle. I'm not saying that he's lost the shuffle, but he was gonna lose some of his momentum. He coulda went on. I I've always said that the person that Gunther should have been going for, imagine him having a program with Cody where he can he came in and says, okay.

Frank Dee:

I'm the Intercontinental champion. I won the double. Champion. I I want I want to be a dual champion. Yep.

Frank Dee:

So I'm gonna wrestle you. Perfect. Gone gone down that route, but they didn't do that. Yep. You know what I mean?

Frank Dee:

And then whatever plans they could have had for Jay, that's kinda on a back burner right now because Jimmy got hurt. Yep. Which is obviously you the only thing you can do at this point with Jimmy is you have to put him back with Jay. They're gonna finally do the GOD versus the USOs. You know it's coming.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. You know that's coming. You know when Sowell says that he talked to the tribal chief, and he says, I'm in charge. You know he's not talking to Roman Reigns. The other person he's talking about here, obviously, it's gonna be The Rock when The Rock comes back into this play.

Frank Dee:

The Rock is the one calling the shots here. And I'm a tell you how I know it's The Rock that's calling shots here. Look at the way the bloodline dresses. Remember what I said a while ago when Iraq was there in the bloodline?

Blak Makk:

How They're not bummy.

Frank Dee:

How he how he dressed how he dressed and look at the bloodline, how they dress. Yep. Look at Solo now. Solo wearing basically business casual. Look at Tom ta Tangleoa, business casual.

Frank Dee:

Tomatonga, business casual. Yep. They kinda look like kinda remind you of, like, the corporation a little bit. Yep. Who is that?

Frank Dee:

That's The Rock. This is The Rock calling the shots here over Roman. He gave Roman every opportunity. He sacked the dick in Roman's favor, and Roman should not get the job done. And that's the story that they're gonna tell moving forward here.

Frank Dee:

Because some Paul Heyman just asked, Sobo on Friday. He says, have you talked to him today? And Sobo says, oh, yeah. I talk to him all the time. They didn't mention who him is.

Frank Dee:

Yep. Yeah. It was obvious. Now speaking of the bloodline real quick, I must tell you I am highly disappointed with Tomatanga's current theme song.

Blak Makk:

As a whole, as a character, I'm disappointed with what they're doing with Tomatanga.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That, I don't know what that they have the Gucci shit he was doing the other day. I don't know what the fuck that was about. But yeah. Stop that shit immediately.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Stop doing the, you know, the bird hauls or where the Don't do that shit. Yeah. Don't do that.

Blak Makk:

The man has swagger.

Frank Dee:

Says or some shit?

Blak Makk:

Yep. He has swagger. G o d, Tomatonga. G o I here's the thing. You have g o d.

Blak Makk:

In WWE right now, Let these guys run rough shot because they can. I don't like this shit. Like, I like the bloodline. I like them in the bloodline, but I don't like how they're being cast right now. They're badasses, bro.

Blak Makk:

You gotta let them be badasses.

Frank Dee:

Well, first of all, I go with you, agree with you on presentation. Only thing I saw with Tama and Tama Tonga just he just exudes fucking charisma. He just has he just he looks like a star when he comes out there. Me him. I have the eyebrow razor when he comes out there and shit.

Frank Dee:

Yep. The way he walks he gets on the stairs and gets the ring. That's all bullet club time and time. Yeah. Where's all the shit he's remember when he would come out to ring?

Frank Dee:

When he was coming out, he would you know, too sweet doing that shit he was doing? We need to see more of that. We don't I wanna hear gorilla tactics. You know? Or ain't nobody real than gorilla.

Frank Dee:

You know what I mean? I wanna hear that's deaf rebel, you fucking suck. Oh my god. What in the blue balls fuckery? Kind of music.

Frank Dee:

Did Brian Breaker come out to you on Raw?

Blak Makk:

Bro, they need to hire somebody.

Frank Dee:

What in what no. What was that? My god.

Blak Makk:

This shit is this shit the music the music ain't it. It ain't it. Especially Tomatonga's music. It's like the come on, man.

Frank Dee:

Come on. He went from a river than gorilla to this bullshit.

Blak Makk:

Like, come on, man. And he

Frank Dee:

I mean, so I mean, when he was come out with with solo at backlash, that theme fit.

Blak Makk:

You know

Frank Dee:

what I mean? You're making it work. Yep. I mean, so so has some solo has some some, some dope ass music.

Blak Makk:

I do. I like solos.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. So does Jay. But Jay's is nothing but the blueprint for that music was the CFOs

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Already. Yeah. So does Jimmy. Jimmy has a cool song. Roman has a cool song.

Frank Dee:

They have they're kinda hit and miss with with their music, but they got more misses than they got hits.

Blak Makk:

You are correct on that.

Frank Dee:

Am I the only person that is not a fan of Liv Morgan?

Blak Makk:

You know what? I'm I was gonna say no, but she kinda changed my mind. I like he'll live, Morgan. I do.

Frank Dee:

Man, I listen. There is some bad females out there on the streets that will take her last and just fling her.

Blak Makk:

I mean, you're right

Frank Dee:

on that. Not believable. That's not she's not believable. Like, you you you're not believable as, okay, now you're a heel. You're not believable that you can whoop somebody's ass.

Frank Dee:

Same thing with Becky Lynch. Ain't unbelievable. Now Shana Baszler? Oh, shit. Fuck you up.

Blak Makk:

Listen. Hearn's always start. Like, I like them as a tag team, but, again, we keep going back to this thing. Like, I like I like what you're doing, and I like who you're doing it with, but I don't like how you're presenting them. Like, there is there should be no tag team other than Jaden and and Bianca that should be able to fuck with Shana Baszler and Zoe Star.

Blak Makk:

That's point blank, period.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

There should

Frank Dee:

be a competitor.

Blak Makk:

0 team. Like, they should go in a ring, fuck these chicks up, leave. And then you build this is how you build to a a credible female tag team, women's tag team match, title match. Let these 2 girls beat the dog shit out of the rest of the division and then set up a match with Jade and Bianca and take my money.

Frank Dee:

Well, why is it? Speaking of the the the the ladies here, why is it that Nia Jax is not a part of the bloodline?

Blak Makk:

I don't well, I was hoping they did that when she went over to SmackDown. They haven't pulled the trigger yet. But They need to. They need to. I I agree with you there.

Blak Makk:

They need to.

Frank Dee:

That's one thing of of the bloodline I felt was one of the missing elements of the bloodline story is that they did not have any female representation. So You

Blak Makk:

could even you could even do you could even do Naya and Naomi as a tag team and have them in the bloodline.

Frank Dee:

But but that would make any sense now because Jimmy is not in the bloodline anymore.

Blak Makk:

Well, that's true too. Yeah. That's true.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

And may yeah. I would put Nya in there. I would put Nya in there.

Frank Dee:

Nya would definitely be in there. But there is also there's also, the, the the situation. Him coming into the block.

Blak Makk:

You don't know whose side he's gonna be on. I would I would bet I would bet he'd be on on Solo's side because he is a new guy.

Frank Dee:

Right. But the rumor has it, and this is just rumor, speculation, that the reason why they haven't brought Jacob in yet is because they're afraid that he is going to overshadow.

Blak Makk:

Oh, he definitely will. Oh, he will do this. Definitely will.

Frank Dee:

That dude was cutting a a a promo. I don't know when it was, but he was talking about the bloodline. And this is around the time when the Usos were involved, and so you know this a while ago. Mhmm. But he was one of the realest dudes I ever seen.

Frank Dee:

And he said, you know, he was in jail. He was in that thing. You know? He did his shit or whatever, and he dropped. He, you know, he said the b word.

Frank Dee:

You know? You you know you know what I mean? He's he's from the street. He said the b word. You know?

Frank Dee:

Drop the b word. Forgot for me he was, doing a wrestling promo, but you know what I'm saying? So so he was, you know, he he's real, and they feel that he's gonna come in because Jacob Fatou is a nasty motherfucker. No. Mean by that is he's he's just he he kinda harpers back to the old Samoans.

Frank Dee:

Samoans savage criminals. Samoans SWAT

Blak Makk:

team. Yeah. He's that. He's that. He's like I would say I would say he's Umaga meets Afa to me.

Blak Makk:

He's got he's got that athleticism of, but his presence is definitely Afa. He commands the spotlight. So, yeah, I I I heard that rumor too, and I kinda believe it.

Frank Dee:

I think we'll see I think we'll see Jacob probably show up. Where do we at? He'll probably show up either money in the bank or SummerSlam. But we're probably banking SummerSlam.

Blak Makk:

I would think SummerSlam.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Yep. I would I would think SummerSlam. And then, Drew McIntyre and Centimeters Punk continue to entertain. Damian Priest is starting to show why he's in the spot he's in.

Frank Dee:

Yep. Start starting to see a lot more Scott Hall swagger out of Damian Priest, which is good. I like the, Carlito in the judgment day. I like that.

Blak Makk:

Do you? Pretty cool. I'm not so

Frank Dee:

old now. I I I kinda like it because it's giving Carlito something to do.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Once again, don't like his music either. Nope.

Blak Makk:

And that's why he's I'm like, I'm not sold on him in judgment day yet. Not yet.

Frank Dee:

Well, I think I I think my thing well, I am because he's a, you know, he's a fellow of Bariqua. So

Blak Makk:

that's what

Frank Dee:

he is. Okay. So is Damian Priest. Damian Priest of Bariqua as well.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. I know. I was like, there's more Latinos in fucking judgment day right now than there is in the LWO. What the fuck?

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

But yeah, man. Alright. Last topic. Let's go to the ugly. AEW.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. So recently scored their lowest rating. That's right. Attendance is down. I do I do see that they they've, they got a residency here at the esports arena here in Arlington, and, they'll be doing that for the lead in to all in.

Blak Makk:

That made quite a few headlines. Actually, might be a good move. That arena is situated to seat 25100 people.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

So we'll see how that goes, but year on year year on year end, for double or nothing is down. The Yes. Building is set up for 75100. Last year, they did 10,000. Year before that, they've been 12,000.

Blak Makk:

So gradual decline, man. How can they fix this shit? Because we're in this we're in a situation now to where I I actually watched I haven't been watching, watched the past couple of weeks. The show isn't bad. They've they've made changes.

Blak Makk:

They've allowed things to breathe a little more. The story lines are decent, but people just aren't messing with it. What do they need to do?

Frank Dee:

I don't really think, at this point, there's anything you can do. And the reason I say that is because I can honestly say right now, and I was a big fan of this promotion, there was nothing that was gonna change the momentum for WCW either. There was nothing they could do. Because once you once you have the fan base completely lose interest in supporting your brand, There is no way to turn that around, and that's kinda what the situation that AW is in right now. You bet everything on getting rid of Centimeters Punk, who is one of your draws.

Frank Dee:

You got rid of Centimeters Punk. You put all your faith into the elite, into the young bucks, and it's backfired on you. You touted playing this video from Wembley. Why? That video served you no good things at all.

Frank Dee:

It's been a steadily it's it's you know, they were declining before this, but it's been a steady decline since they played that video. It's really turned a lot of people. They haven't been able to recover from that at all because you are presenting Jack Perry as supposed to be this big badass heel. Yep. When all I saw in that video was him getting bitch slapped by Centimeters Punk.

Frank Dee:

Now how does that equate to this guy being a badass? Why? Because you grew a beard? You're a badass now? No.

Frank Dee:

You're not. So that's what it is. And then, you know, the young bucks, they're not believable. There is no believability at all with this faction. This faction, they're you're supposed to be what?

Frank Dee:

Like the NWO? No chance in hell. Nothing. There's nothing there. Like, that the the glory days of the promotion is gone.

Frank Dee:

Now when the NBA's over, they'll probably get some fans back, but it's too late. And let's say pull MJF out of their ass, and that's not gonna really do anything. You're completely squandering Swerve in this title run.

Blak Makk:

I hate that.

Frank Dee:

That's another thing. Is it Tony Rhodes and Swerve have the exact same thing in common. They got the belts put on them with no opponents ready for them. That's that's the issue. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

So when you look at this, when you you surmises are looking at at the bottom line, there is nothing they can do at AEW that's gonna turn their ship around. They they have got the will win the goodwill back of the fans. And they have

Blak Makk:

not do that, though? But And you can't

Frank Dee:

do it. You can't do it because because you've been exposed at this point. You've been exposed. You don't have any draws. You had something in swerve, and that's fading away because you

Blak Makk:

And I key the question that goes in my mind and I I actually thought about this last week. And I'm like, why would I want to watch a product that has so many negatives around it? Like and that's the thing with AEW. There there is there was so much negative. Even if there's a positive, it's gonna be immediately followed by a negative in some form because that's been the trend for the past couple of years, and I'm gonna I'm gonna pin this to when Cody left.

Blak Makk:

When Cody left AEW, so many negatives started coming to this promotion that is crazy. Like, they do good, something negative. They do good, something negative. Here is they they got out of the last negative, which was the the all in thing, Centimeters Punk leaving, and they shoot themselves in the foot by showing the footage. And it's like, why?

Blak Makk:

And then after that, you got Tony Khan going into the NFL draft and saying what he said. And it's like, why would I wanna watch this show if there's constantly something negative attached to it? And it at this point, I know a lot of people are comparing it to WCW 2001, and I'm like, bro, what do y'all what what do you need? Do you just need to leave America for a while? Run a run a European tour or something and then come back and just get rid of the negative taste in everybody's mouth.

Blak Makk:

But even if you do that, when you come back, there's gonna be something because I feel like Tony Khan can't help himself sometimes.

Frank Dee:

You know what?

Blak Makk:

Got to be he it's like it's like the kid. You know how, like, when a kid gets in trouble? And he's like, man, sit down and be good. Shut the fuck up. And they'd be like Yeah.

Blak Makk:

Alright. Alright. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Blak Makk:

And then when you turn your back, they'd be like, bitch. I feel like that's what Tony Khan be doing, bro. Like, it's it's like

Frank Dee:

So I think to answer the question right quick, I believe I know how to fix it. So the way to fix this situation is simply remove Tony Khan as a booker. If they put a story out there that Tony Khan is no longer the one who is the creative driving force behind AEW, I think people would probably give it a second chance. But until that happens, it's not gonna happen.

Blak Makk:

But and you'll get to this point where, like, how do you really know that? Right? But it it's gotta be booked to a sense to where you don't feel like Tony's running the show because that's the problem WWE had. But in the in the case of AEW, right, Tony ain't going no fucking where, not for the foreseeable future. So how do you

Frank Dee:

book this problems. Yeah. And how do you book this

Blak Makk:

to make it look like Tony's not in charge?

Frank Dee:

Well, you the way here's the deal. You literally have to have Tony Khan. Tony Khan has to remove himself. But, see, Tony Khan is too busy. Yeah.

Frank Dee:

So I know. Tony Khan is too busy working for the niche small audience that they have instead of trying to get the casual audience.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

And that's the problem. You're booking for the the the Mark Niche audience, the little small minority audience that you have. Meanwhile, WWE has the majority market share. And let's not be let's be honest about here. WWE is stale again.

Blak Makk:

They're I agree.

Frank Dee:

Cylinders right now. That but that's pretty sure that's about to change because I think The Rock might be getting free. Mhmm. So they got some stories to tell. They just gotta get past this, king and queen of the ring shit.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

But Right. When it comes to AW, they're gonna have to do a complete reset of the company. Tony Khan is going to have to bring in some people that can help with the booking. Because right now, people are just not fucking with it because they're abstain, honestly, of Tony Khan. And it they just choke.

Frank Dee:

It's just it's the biggest joke in wrestling. People nowadays look. If you're a professional wrestler and you get the opportunity to go to AW, you're only going to AW to get paid. That's it. But, honestly, if you're a WWE wrestler, you go to AEW, you go there for your career to die.

Frank Dee:

No different than when you were supposed to be in the WWE and go to TNA where careers died. You remember back in the day, there was a record company called Koch Records? Mhmm. Okay? So if you were a rap artist and you went to Kosh, pretty much you're on your last leg in the in the music industry.

Frank Dee:

That's kinda what it is right now with AW. AW is Scotch.

Blak Makk:

And that's wild because that that analogy actually attracts. But what I'm what I what I won't mind, and I don't mind, I don't mind you booking for the niche audience. I don't mind that. But if you're gonna do that, make the stories build. Like, build stories into it.

Blak Makk:

You can have you can have your dream matchups. That's fine. But put me a little story on there. You know what I'm saying? Like, give me give me something.

Blak Makk:

Give me a build up. Like, there's no reason. Osprey versus Danielson, which is one of the greatest matches I've ever seen. There's no reason that match should not have had a buildup. You you could have put a story together and built that shit up over the course of 3 months, and that would have been if if it would've if that story would have been attached to that match, you're looking at an all time great

Frank Dee:

pro So so you know what that reminds me of? Osprey and Danielson? Hogan and Goldberg. With correct. No build.

Frank Dee:

No build. It announced it on Thunder. The match was at Monday. No build. That's what that reminds me of.

Frank Dee:

WCW, they were so focused on the the Monday night show. They didn't realize it would make more sense to put this on pay per view. Right there, Starrcade 98. Mhmm. Hogan Hogan should have wrestled Goldberg.

Frank Dee:

Hogan should have dropped it to Goldberg, and you know how big of a star that would have made

Blak Makk:

Goldberg at Target. Talking about that moment.

Frank Dee:

That that would have been the moment, and AEW could have done the same thing. Yep. But something tells me that come all in, you're going to have Osprey versus Swerve. I would agree with that. Championship.

Frank Dee:

That's where they're going with this.

Blak Makk:

I would I would agree with that. But But let me ask you a question. Go ahead.

Frank Dee:

Let me ask you a question real quick. Go ahead. So when you look at the bloodline and you looked at the NWO, you look at the 4 horsemen. I was talking about the horsemen back in the eighties.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

You would say, damn. I wanna be a part of those groups. I'd like to be a part of the forest. Right. I'd like to be part of the NWO.

Frank Dee:

I'd like to be part of, you know, evolution or some shit. You know? I wanna be a part of these different factions, the bloodline. I wanna throw up the ones. There is nobody out there that wants to be part of this elite.

Frank Dee:

Nobody. Nobody. This shit is I do that, bro. I do. You wanted to be part of the bullet club when the bullet club was hot.

Frank Dee:

The only time when the buzz was hot. Club shirts? Correct. The only time when the young buzz were hot is when they're part of bullet club.

Blak Makk:


Frank Dee:

Alright. They exposed themselves. And that I mean yeah. It's just all a bunch it's it's all it's like, how do these guys from a story line perspective, how do these guys not get fired for a Saulte, the owner of the company? Why does Jack Perry, from a storyline perspective, still have a job?

Frank Dee:

He's not a EVP. Nope. I tell you what I'm gonna do. I am going to download their intro video, I'm gonna put the Beverly Hills 90210 themes onto it.

Blak Makk:

But that but that's what I'm saying. Like, you have instances like that.

Frank Dee:

Look at Tekesha complaining.

Blak Makk:

I exactly. I was just about to say that. That the fact that the fact that the elite story overshadowed Swerve's win is something I'm still not I'm still not good with.

Frank Dee:

That's that's what I'm saying.

Blak Makk:

It's like I'm still not good with that.

Frank Dee:

You're putting all this emphasis on on this story. This is the main program, and you Right. Listened to the video I sent you the other day with with with Coronet and Brian Lass breaking it down. The lowest segments on the show was the young bucks. They come back after

Blak Makk:

A lot of that

Frank Dee:

to be fair, I'm after they come back after the Bucks are off TV.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. I and and

Frank Dee:

that's how Jericho draws.

Blak Makk:

A a lot of that a lot of that too is probably just Young Bucks hate, but a lot of that is deserved too.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. But at the same time, if if I'm if I'm producing a TV show, okay, I'm producing a television show, and I'm trying to get viewership for this show. And I know I have the TV rights coming up, And the up fronts are happening right now, and no one's even talking about my fucking show. Why am I trying to fill out the best product possible? What what did I try to get?

Frank Dee:

I'm trying

Blak Makk:

to try to

Frank Dee:

try to garner some somebody to come watch my damn show, kinda bring people in. I mean, my god. How can I be Adam Copeland? And I used to wrestle in the WWE, the WWF, and I used to wrestle in front of 20,000 people, and now I'm fucking wrestling in front of 3,000. And they used to draw.

Frank Dee:

AW used to draw.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. But a lot of that too a lot of that too is Cody was there.

Frank Dee:

It should but see okay. But it's not just all Cody. If Cody was there right now, it would still be the same shit would be happening. No doubt in my mind.

Blak Makk:

I'm not

Frank Dee:

sure about that. Bookie no. It would be. Because Cody yeah. Cody could probably have a say so on what he was doing.

Frank Dee:

Right. But the buck stops with Tony Khan.

Blak Makk:

I agree with that.

Frank Dee:

So that's why I was gonna be that way.

Blak Makk:

I would venture to say that's why Cody left.

Frank Dee:

We'll never know.

Blak Makk:

We'll never know. But if you look at the product from when he was there to when he left, it's night and day, man. It's it's night and day. And it's like they it it in hindsight, I would say they butted heads on a lot of creative issues.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

That that's to me, looking at the product now, I would say Cody probably injected his voice on a ton of shit, and they they were at odds at about at a lot of shit because Cody was not cool with it.

Frank Dee:

I would I would venture to say that's probably what happened.

Blak Makk:

And it and it wasn't it what if if Cody said it wasn't about the money, I would say he's probably telling you the truth.

Frank Dee:

So what do you what what do you think here about and I'm a tell you who who was impressed and shot at me. 2 people that impressed me in the in the AEW women's division. Timeless Tony. Mhmm. Timeless Tony Soren.

Blak Makk:

Mhmm. And Willow Nightingale. I would say Willow Nightingale is probably the biggest women star in the company right now.

Frank Dee:

And that's funny because she's out there with Mercedes who still cannot cut a promo.

Blak Makk:

She did better last week, but Willow cooked her.

Frank Dee:

What's the I I okay. What what is what what's the deal here, though? I mean, Mercedes can act, obviously. We saw her demand in the morning. Yep.

Frank Dee:

But why can't she cut a promo?

Blak Makk:

I don't think I don't think she's I think that that is part of her character. It's regurgitate. Regurgitate. Regurgitate. Because last week, she flipped the switch.

Blak Makk:

And Yeah. I think I think that's what it was. Regurgitate, regurgitate, make them annoyed, and then when it's time to flip the switch, she did, and she gave it she she went in. She gave it real, but she still got cooked. Yeah.

Blak Makk:

Willow cooked her, and that speaks volumes. I was like, goddamn. Willow's a Willow's a star, bro. She is a star. I was I was I'm thoroughly impressed with Willow, and I'm gonna say something now.

Blak Makk:

I'm I think the TBS title in Willow's hands is better than it was in Jade's. I

Frank Dee:

wouldn't go that far.

Blak Makk:

I'm gonna go that far. I think she brought a level of relevance to it. I think she makes it feel important. And especially since she's going up against Mercedes, she may say, I'm thinking this this match is the one I wanna see a double or nothing.

Frank Dee:

Why is Mercedes why is she not a part of this elite faction?

Blak Makk:

I don't know.

Frank Dee:

She is the CEO. Right?

Blak Makk:

She is the CEO.

Frank Dee:

So would she be aligned with the elite?

Blak Makk:

Should be.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Oh, real quick before we wrap this up. Yeah. Yeah. Men out there shouldn't beat women and lie about it.

Frank Dee:

But I

Blak Makk:

Oh, we're going there.

Frank Dee:

I will I will no. We're we're we're we're not gonna go there. I will let you and Mac handle that on the smoke pit.

Blak Makk:

We don't we don't, we don't have Mac on the smoke pit. He's going to Phoenix. So we can we can we can hash this one if you want. Okay. Well, I'd say know we were going there, but we can go there.

Frank Dee:

Oh, I'm I'm gonna go there. So We can go there. You know, this guy here first of all, I never liked Homeboy. Alright? I I never liked him.

Frank Dee:

I was a death row supporter back in the day.

Blak Makk:

Alright? Staunch

Frank Dee:

supporter. Staunch death row. Exactly. West, you know, west side, west coast. Right.

Frank Dee:

So no had no issues with the Junior Mafia. Just never liked Diddy. Never was a fan of Diddy. And always there's something was funny about Homeboy. And what really got me is his lack of taking care of Biggie's children that got me.

Frank Dee:

That's a biggie. How he screwed all his artists. Yep. There's no success story out of Bad Boy. None.

Frank Dee:

Nope. So you've coupled that with the allegations originally made by Cassie about him, and he denied it. He said it nothing happened. And then all of a sudden, somebody leaks this video, and we see him running down the, hallway buck naked with a towel on and some flip flops with some footies. Mhmm.

Frank Dee:

And he's such a big, tough, strong man. You're gonna grab her or throw her down. You're gonna kick her like a bitch, and you're gonna stop her like a little pussy.

Blak Makk:

And she video is that video is

Frank Dee:

a star. Yeah. It's a star. Homeboy, you are your your shit is done. Your and your fake ass apology video you did, you're you're done, homeboy.

Frank Dee:

Put it like this. The feds don't come knocking at your fucking door unless they got a reason to be knocking at your door. They're looking for something. And I'm not sure what they found, but this tape here is damaging. And then the fact that old boy is quote, unquote drug mule, it's might be working with the feds.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Diddy got a lot to worry about right now. You saw the video of Diddy at this party where he's all paranoid and shit, looking around and shit? Okay? You you should never put your hands on a woman like that.

Frank Dee:

You never should know that. That

Blak Makk:

is is tough to look at. Yeah. It it's tough to look at. Yeah. But it makes it makes me feel bad for her.

Blak Makk:

Right. It makes me feel even worse that she tried to tell her truth, and the power that he had, he shut it down. Like, that makes me feel makes me feel terrible Yep. For her. So I I just hope I hope that she gets I hope that she gets the the justice that she deserves out of it.

Blak Makk:

A lot of people owe her an apology. Right. Take the

Frank Dee:

the, statute of limitations actually ran out on that.

Blak Makk:

Really? That sucks.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. That sucks. So

Blak Makk:

And then he put out that that apology, man. Like, goddamn.

Frank Dee:

Oh, everybody's making making fun of it now. Everybody always comedians come out with, you know, brand new content.

Blak Makk:

Like, bro, that's that's terrible. It's it's terrible. But Yeah. Yeah. My heart went out to Cassie, man.

Blak Makk:

And then there was a separate video of her, like, hiding under the sheet. And, you know

Frank Dee:

Yeah. Yeah. I saw that too. Like, you're just dirty motherfucking, man. Like, for real for real.

Blak Makk:

Like, no no one no woman deserves that shit. No. Like, no woman deserves that. Yeah. And I kinda I kinda he did go to jail behind that shit, bro.

Blak Makk:

Because I know I know I know he would get true they would fuck him up.

Frank Dee:

And he's that's. No. He does. He does. He he he he needs he needs somebody to put their hands on his ass like he put on her.

Blak Makk:

No. For real. Real shit. Real spill. And I I I the the thing I try not to do is put myself, like, as a dad because I would be I would blow a fucking gasket.

Blak Makk:

I would blow a fucking gasket. There the the whole town would have to burn behind some shit like that. You are never safe. Your life is never ever going to be safe. If I'm near you, I'm going to try to find you.

Blak Makk:

But, yeah, man. That it's a it's a terrible, unfortunate situation. And even in the apology, he didn't tell her like, he didn't say her name. Now I heard that's that's because he can't. I heard that too.

Blak Makk:

But regardless, man, if if your intent was to actually apologize, like, you coulda kept that shit off cam. Yeah. You know what? Because the the the the whole the whole world knows you ain't apologizing. You ain't apologizing because you're sorry.

Blak Makk:

You apologize because you got caught.

Frank Dee:

Hey. So what did you, real quick before we, before we, wrap it up here. So, in your opinion, who won the battle? The the rapper Tingrich or the pop star Tingrich?

Blak Makk:

Why are you asking me this question, man? Alright. I didn't wanna talk about this, actually. But since you asked, I am going to side with Kendrick on this one.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

I think I think he was more prepared for it. Yep. I think when and you knew when when meet the grams came out, like, he this was strategic. He he strategized for this shit. He had he had counters for everything.

Blak Makk:

Right? Drake, he did his normal he did his normal thing, which worked for him with McNeil. I gotta give him credit, though. I gotta give Drake a lot of credit because I like Drake.

Frank Dee:

Did a lot of shit.

Blak Makk:

I'm not even gonna go that far. I'm gonna give him credit. For for what he did, Drake did really well in this battle. Because I like both guys. They they did they both did really well.

Blak Makk:

What this was is a win for rap because now you're less inclined to get that mamba rap bullshit, and people are starting to get back to actually making music. So this did a lot for rap, but I gotta give Drake credit, man. He the push ups was was fire. It just he he was met with counters, man. The counters were the counters from Kendrick were like setups.

Blak Makk:

So, like, whatever you're gonna rap about, I'm gonna tell you I know your angle. And he started with that. Like, I know your angle. I know everything you're about to say. Go ahead.

Blak Makk:

But just know, if it gets personal, I have a nuclear weapon for you. And Drake did not heed the warning, and then it got nuclear. So regardless regardless if any of this shit is facts or not, like, the doubt was put in the mind. And then he hit him with a club banger, which nobody expected Kendrick to

Frank Dee:

do. So I think, honestly, that this was the worst thing that could happen to Drake.

Blak Makk:

Oh, no. Most definitely. And and and

Frank Dee:

if and people and I and the reason I the reason I brought this up is because I was scrolling here, and I saw, this untalented little Yachi who did the, who who did the, theme song for the reboot of Say About A Bell, which was fucking terrible. He says it says here, little Yachi little Yachi responds to Drake's beef with Kendrick Lamar. Drake dropped great records. Drake was deemed a loser in this battle before it started. People don't like him because he's won for a very long time, and he's at the top of the throne.

Frank Dee:

Mhmm. And, honestly, he's still at the top of the throne. Drake is a pop star cosplaying as a rapper. That's what it is.

Blak Makk:

Let me say this. Let me say this because I don't I don't want it to feel like I'm I'm hating. I had this battle even before meet the grams came out. Actually, I had Drake winning this winning it before meet the grams came out. Once meet the grams came out, shit was over, bro.

Blak Makk:

You Yeah. You could you had no more firepower. Like and and that's what it felt like when he dropped his next record. It was like, I'm going hard. I'm going hard.

Blak Makk:

I'm a hit you with this big one, but he was getting mashed along the way. And that's what that's what lost him in the battle. Because once Kendrick dropped his, once meet the gramps came out, you couldn't counter that shit, bro. You can't counter it. So he did the hard part 6, and it felt like a bow out because you got hit with a back to back.

Blak Makk:

So I don't I don't want that I don't want that to be mister screwed. It wasn't like he got he got washed. He lost, and the ending of it was bad, but this was a good battle. It really was a good battle.

Frank Dee:

Yeah. See, I'm I'm more inclined for myself personally. I I I go I I'm always gonna stick with with what I know, which was, you know, hit them up. No Vaseline. You know, real mother g's, ether, you know, shit like that.

Frank Dee:

But, you know, but but Kenji did the same. And anything to get anything to get, you know, you know, Audrey from the, you know, Degrassi. You know? And that's not and and and I'm not I'm not a hater at all. I don't listen to any of the shit.

Frank Dee:

I I don't listen to it. I listen to it. It's it's it's not it's not me. I I don't listen to bullshit. I just know what I see.

Frank Dee:

And what I've seen is I see I see Kendrick who's from Compton while out there doing a saying, I guess, some, maple syrup to nut. So there

Blak Makk:

you go. Wow. Oh, wow. But that's what he said. You're out of the

Frank Dee:

What did the Rock say back

Blak Makk:

in the day?

Frank Dee:

What did the Rock say back in the day? You maple syrup sucking candy asses. Yep. You mother knuckers. Mother knuckers.

Frank Dee:

Exactly. So, you know, was not gonna lose Snow Knuck. Don't matter if you it don't matter if you move to Houston or not. You ain't real.

Blak Makk:

Manoah. That's what he he he he hit him on so many layers, man.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

It it it's layered. Like, you can go listen to the Kendrick songs again. You can listen to this is like the the anthem of the summer, really. Like, you can listen to all 9 of these tracks and be like, damn. They they really did some really great music.

Blak Makk:

So and and that's what I like about it.

Frank Dee:

Absolutely. I mean, listen. Was up, and I'm pretty sure he was getting fit. Somebody was probably feeding him what Drake was about to talk about, so he had a, a comeback for it. He puts it out too quick.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. Like, 30 minutes, bro. 30 minutes. Like, you know you like, he knew it was coming out. Alright.

Blak Makk:

I'll give him 30 minutes. But that's what he alluded to. On one of the one of the songs, he's like, listen, bro. I got people working in your camp, feeding me information. Wanna know how I know?

Blak Makk:

Here you go.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

So but, again, dope battle. It was it was a dope battle. Right. I I I got a feeling we'll we'll come back to it in the summer too, and then we'll see the end of June.

Frank Dee:

We will see. Absolutely.

Blak Makk:

Alright, man. Final thoughts.

Frank Dee:

What you got? Final thoughts is let me get some good Star Wars stories and back on that syrup.

Blak Makk:

Fuck. We don't need her. Please.

Frank Dee:

Let her go.

Blak Makk:

That wasn't real her real name anyway.

Frank Dee:

That's what you would say. You didn't need it. You did not need it. I'd I'd say that.

Blak Makk:

Alright. Alright. So, following start Friday, this Friday, we do have the team going out to Phoenix, Mac, Jen from the Queens, EJ. They're gonna be meeting some people out in Phoenix. They'll be doing the Phoenix fan fusion, getting content from that.

Blak Makk:

So, we may do a solo smoke pit show Friday, looking at my availability. So

Frank Dee:

I should be available. You're a big you're a big corporate executive. Let me check my availability. You need

Blak Makk:

to look at the deal

Frank Dee:

and see what we got. Outfits. Yeah. Let me see what I have with my palm pilot.

Blak Makk:

Yeah. We'll we'll do a we'll probably do a solo episode of the smoke pit, just to keep some content rolling. Prove me wrong is coming back. The sports show, that'll be back tomorrow. What else we got?

Blak Makk:

We got this weekend, AW, double or nothing, 5 years, king, queen of the ring. We'll be we'll be looking at that, probably come back with a report from it. So we got some stuff coming down the pipeline, man. Stay tuned to the network. Again, d f p n dot com.

Blak Makk:

Make sure you guys go to the web site. Look at the content that we have. Every show on the network has their own specific page. So you can go check out our show. You can check out Smoke Pit.

Blak Makk:

You can check out Queens of Nerdom, USDN. All the shows update as soon as we drop them to the public. So please stay tuned to dfpn.com. We do have live streams. When we're not Patreon only, we do have live streaming to the network.

Blak Makk:

So make sure you go check that out when we're, outside the pay window. There is a way for you to watch us on the website. Comment on the website. Leave your thoughts. Just come hang out with us, man.

Blak Makk:

Just tune in to the website. Make sure you tap into DFPN and all the other platforms, Facebook, Twitter, IG. Like, there's so many avenues that we're coming from now. It's crazy. And, since we're a Patreon only tonight, I can't report this because, we are in the beginning stages of the DFPN app.

Blak Makk:

So, we'd I just started working on putting the app together. That way, you know, we can have the website, have our own app. You could take us on the go, have all of our podcast and shows, interact that way as well. So we're working on that as well, man, but, very busy summer, very big stuff going. Make sure you guys stay tapped into us.

Blak Makk:

So that's all I got, man.

Frank Dee:

Alright. Well, hey. You know something? Franky is gonna say this. Don't forget.

Frank Dee:

Nope. Control the pet population. Have those pets spayed or neutered. And, also, remember, it's getting hot outside. Yes.

Frank Dee:

So don't be walking your dog on the pavement because you would not want someone walking you barefoot. You feel me? Yep. And with that that other than that, remember, you give yourself to the dark side of the force.

Blak Makk:

You have options, people. Come on. You know that.

Frank Dee:

They have no options.

Blak Makk:

That's something to sip for say.

Frank Dee:


Blak Makk:

Oh, shit. But, anyway, man, thank you all for tuning in. Until next time. Y'all be easy, and enjoy what you wanna enjoy. Peace.

Ep 70 "Hiatus is Over"
Broadcast by